View Full Version : bt home hub

09-28-2006, 08:17 PM
hi anyone know how to configure bt home hub for e-mule? tried the one thats in the hub but my wee donkey has a mask on!

10-08-2006, 08:31 PM
One minute with google found http://www.jasonmhirst.co.uk/?p=198
some usfull info buried amongst all the people complaing about BT.

The web interface reportedly work in firefox but not in IE7

Aparrantly the admin name of [admin] and the password of [admin] gives full access the to advanced features of the router. This may be Admin with a capital A.
Other people say the password is blank

Port forwarding…

Enter the advanced menus through the “admin” ID,

Select “application sharing” then “Create a new game or application”.

Setup the name and ports for the P2P prog you want working (some are pre-setup but have wrong ports. you can edit these too)

Once done, go back to the “application sharing” then select “Assign a game or application to a local network device”.

Just select the profile from the list then click “apply”.

I spent ages figuring this out for emule plus. works a treat now :-)

Hope this helps Mark.