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View Full Version : I have looking for Bitmetv Vip with invitations

02-19-2007, 10:49 PM
PM me!

Il ya des bonne offre pour vous


02-19-2007, 11:26 PM
qu'offres tu ? ;)

02-19-2007, 11:32 PM
Offer is offer in francais? (Wow I learned something new today). Actually, I think it's offre. Shouldn't it be une bonne offre, since there's one? Unless it's des bonnes offres. /offtopic.

02-19-2007, 11:35 PM
wow, foreign people talking french isn't so common ;)
Actually it should be "il y a des bonnes offres pour vous"

...in case anyone care

02-19-2007, 11:37 PM
Offer is offer in francais? (Wow I learned something new today). Actually, I think it's offre. Shouldn't it be une bonne offre, since there's one? Unless it's des bonnes offres. /offtopic.

good point for you. It is offre in french normally.

marie81 means she's got some good offers :)

02-19-2007, 11:38 PM
Actually I'm a Chinese person living the the US taking French in school having a geek-out when I should be enjoying my winter vaca.

02-19-2007, 11:40 PM
having a geek-out... lol

02-19-2007, 11:41 PM
Est -il Ya un personne qui voudrais allez au quebec ?

02-19-2007, 11:42 PM
Haha, see? Further evidence of my break from reality.

J'ai allé au Quebec pendant les grandes vacances l'année dernière