View Full Version : Parameter Is Incorrect

05-28-2003, 07:09 AM
I downloaded a game and when i tried to install it, it tells me that there was a component transfer error:

Component: GTA Vice City

File Group: Read Me

File: E:\ReadMe\Readme_ITALIAN.txt

Error: The parameter is incorrect

Plz tell me what this means and what i can do to fix the problem. I've been waiting for this, now i got it and i can't install it.

Thx in advance 4 ne help

05-28-2003, 07:28 AM
Howdy gbfan

I've heard some people just copy there nglish or german .txt file and rename it too ITALIAN.txt.
Only diff is it will still have German as the text.

As long as you play in english it should be ok.

Hope that helps mate

05-31-2003, 05:03 AM
Problem is it won't install at all. The window that comes up only has one button the ok button, and when you click on it the install stops automatically.