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View Full Version : what's new or different in SCN & RTS ?

05-15-2007, 12:29 PM
can anyone tell me what is special in scn & rts from different trackers ?

05-15-2007, 12:37 PM
one difference:never open for signups

i have both,i like them very much,especially SCN(because RTS han't enough leechers)....the speeds are GREAT!!!perfect designs of both

and if u want reviews SCN (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-invites-worth-with-reviews-and-ratings-post1949970/postcount3141) RTS (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-what-invites-worth-with-reviews-and-ratings-post1930084/postcount2903)

05-15-2007, 12:40 PM
SCN is really fast... I was downloading a torrent from them at 6MBps last time.

SCN also have movie packs you can't find somewhere else.

05-15-2007, 04:10 PM
RTS is going to fold. If a person only had RTS and SCN for downloading they would use SCN because of the freeleech and quadruple upload. This allows SCN users to create huge buffers. This means that even when freeleech etc is over they will continue to use SCN because they have to worry less about their ratios. Plus the gangster theme and families idea is great in SCN. Makes things more fun.

05-15-2007, 04:23 PM
Yeah ...SCN r great tracker >> My Best One <<

05-15-2007, 04:40 PM
i think rts won't resist a lot :(
i hope they will have more leechers

scn is great
great speeds, great idea about family (i'm searching for one :))

05-15-2007, 04:43 PM
Its really not much difference between the those and other trackers.
They are harder to get into, but thats just about it.
SCN have a gangster theme, and the mob family thing. witch brought something new to the table.
But as for the torrents, they are the almost the same were ever you go.

05-15-2007, 04:45 PM
SCN has a good community and the concept makes it stand out. Selection and custom packs get better every week.

RTS is ok, but lack of seeders and speeds seem to keep me from really doing much there. Their boards seem to be busy and active though. They just need something to make them stand out as a special tracker.

05-15-2007, 04:50 PM
rts appears to be almost dead..

05-15-2007, 09:14 PM
well i have not been to scn but i have had a peak around rts. But i would say scn will be alot better. Rts i beleave wont make it based on how they started the site. I mean they did just about everything you can do wrong when starting out. They have tried to fixs this but i think the way there staff is and how they are on fst, like being huge account traders and then turning on there main peers of fst saying trading rts is wrong and will get you banned might have really screwed them.

I would stay far far away from RTS.


05-15-2007, 09:25 PM
i have both accounts... both are shit...

maybe after an year we can discuss this again !

05-15-2007, 09:25 PM
I don't see anything so special/different about them, except SCN's theme

05-15-2007, 09:46 PM
rts ? come on, it's a dead site . what is different on it? two things :
1) about 200 torrents, about 50% of them have the following stats : 1 seeder, 0 leechers, 0 snatches, the uploader is not connectable
2)you can't change the email , so you can't trade this worthless account w/o giving your email account, but i'm sure some of the mods there are waiting for the right moment to change their email and to trade it .

05-15-2007, 10:14 PM
I heard ScN is a great site that is supposed to be as good as FTN in the future so you should get invited as soon as possible :)

05-15-2007, 11:48 PM
I have tried RTS and it looks really dead..
I would kill for an SCN invite so I can compare :(

05-15-2007, 11:58 PM
rts - well the amount of problems they been havin and failed to sort and lack of leechers just makes it impossible for that place to grow into somthing good as for SCN the place is well worked out and has decent speeds, i like it alot.

rts vs SCN - No comparison :)

05-16-2007, 12:02 AM
rumplestiltski , yep, i recall one of rts problems was a ddos attack, which eventually was a waste of time, as those attackers could spend their effort on more established site than a dead one lol

05-16-2007, 11:11 AM
well as a member of both i got to site that currenly i like scn better...

freeleech and uploadX4 for more than a month now if not mistaken now that's a way to start a tracker.. RTS doesn't have any leechers although the design is awesome but it's too risky for me to try to download something cuz there is no one i could seed it too...

i expect a goof future for SCN and if it's gonna be the next FTN i am lucky to be a member there :D