View Full Version : i hope anyone can translate this in czone

06-26-2007, 11:25 AM

Cred ca nu am fost destul de clar:

Pentru a cere invitatie trebuie sa aveti minim:




Vrem sa facem ceva frumos pentru voi, si am inceput prin a acorda invitatii userilor fideli ai acestui tracker. Vrem sa continuam cu multe surprize pentru voi toti. Dar daca din 10 posturi 5 sunt ale unor useri care nu se incadreaza in conditiile impuse de noi ne faceti sa renuntam la surprizele noastre pentru voi. Din pacate vor toti de suferit. Si nu cred ca va convine acest lucru.

Va repet: pentru a obtine invitatie trebuie neaparat sa va incadrati in ambele conditii: sa aveti Upload minim de 1 TB SI Ratie minim 1.05

Daca indepliniti doar una din aceste conditii (sau niciuna) NU aveti voie sa postati cererea de invitatie.


Va repet..nu ne faceti sa ne oprim din surprize. Depinde doar de voi acest lucru.

Sper ca am lamurit aceasta problema si nu mai avem neplaceri de genul acesta.

Numai bine.

Something Else
06-26-2007, 11:26 AM
We had this thread already yesterday

06-26-2007, 11:32 AM
We had this thread already yesterday

yes i know but if u had it explane it

all i understood from it is that u have to upload 1 tb and the ratio at least 1.05 to get one invite is that right

06-26-2007, 11:48 AM

i hope i was very clear:

for requesting a invite you must have minimum:

1TB uploaded

and a 1.05 ratio

We wan to do something beautiful for you and we started with giving invites only to our best
users of this tracker. We wan to continue with many surprises for you all .
Because 5 posts from 10 are from users that don't satisfy our conditions , you make us drop
the surprises (don't make anymore surprises) . Sadly all will sufer , and you don't wan that.

I repet: to obtain a invite you must have uploaded minimum 1TB and a 1.05 ratio.

If you satisfy only 1 of this 2 conditions you don't have the right to request invite.
Those who still continue to post bad will suffer.

i repet.. don't make us stop the surprises. This thing depends only on you.
I hope we cleared this problem and don't have problems like this .

Only good.

ps: sorry for the bad english ! i speak better then write !

06-26-2007, 11:49 AM
We had this thread already yesterday

yes i know but if u had it explane it

all i understood from it is that u have to upload 1 tb and the ratio at least 1.05 to get one invite is that right

Not to get one. To ask for one.

06-26-2007, 11:53 AM

i hope i was very clear:

for requesting a invite you must have minimum:

1TB uploaded

and a 1.05 ratio

We wan to do something beautiful for you and we started with giving invites only to our best
users of this tracker. We wan to continue with many surprises for you all .
Because 5 posts from 10 are from users that don't satisfy our conditions , you make us drop
the surprises (don't make anymore surprises) . Sadly all will sufer , and you don't wan that.

I repet: to obtain a invite you must have uploaded minimum 1TB and a 1.05 ratio.

If you satisfy only 1 of this 2 conditions you don't have the right to request invite.
Those who still continue to post bad will suffer.

i repet.. don't make us stop the surprises. This thing depends only on you.
I hope we cleared this problem and don't have problems like this .

Only good.

ps: sorry for the bad english ! i speak better then write !

thank u very much that was very clear