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View Full Version : Peer Guardian Xml For Zone Alarm

07-02-2003, 09:17 PM
I am currently using Zone Alarm 4.0 and saw that Peer Guardian has an xml list for Zone Alarm HERE (http://www.simply-click.org/uploadertest/pg2.asp), though after looking through Zone Alarm I cannot figure out how to import the xml.


07-03-2003, 12:13 AM
check next thread- got it to work

07-03-2003, 05:04 PM
finalized zapro 4 xml instructions:

keep in mind that you'll want to keep a back up xml of your firewall settings (i.e don't overwrite it or delete it) before the pg ips are added- in my case i need to coz i do a lot of web browsing for work and some of the ranges are too broad...

if you don't have xmlspy dl http://www.xmlspy.com/download_spy_home.html

you're going to want to click settings> folder options> view and uncheck hide file extensions for known file types- the reason is that you'll be changing xml files to text and vice versa (easy- just rename with .txt instead of .xml etc)

1. First you need to backup your current zone alarm settings, which will create a file in the xml format.
To do this, go to: Overview=> Preferences=> and click the backup button. Call the file backup.
the file will now be saved as ‘backup.xml’ in the location where you saved it, by default it saves in my documents.

2. Copy the zone alarm pro xml dump from this site. Here is the link: http://methlab.tech.nu/pg2zap.asp (it is up to date and includes the thumbs up ranges)

3. Then copy the list from the above link and then go to this site: http://www.bluetack.co.uk/ and click on Security Blocklist Converter (edit- the newest Security Blocklist Converter v2.18 reduces the amount of editing). select convert from: zone alarm to zone alarm. It will organize the information in a such a way that its easier to see where to remove the unwanted stuff, but that comes later on.

4. Then open your backup.xml in notepad. Browse the file and you should come to point where it looks like this:

<file extension="MHT" active="true" description="Web Archive File"/>
<outboundMail ompEnabled="true" mailEnabled="true" maxMailSent="5" recipientEnabled="true" maxRecipients="50" interval="2" senderEnabled="false" authorizedSenders="******@***.com"/>
<groups> </groups> <rules>
<execute action="drop"/>


<trusted clearOldEntries="true" defaultNetworkStatus="ask" defaultAdapterMode="off">
<restricted clearOldEntries="true" defaultNetworkStatus="ask" defaultAdapterMode="off"> &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;PASTE THE FILE FROM BLUETACK HERE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; (please note you may already have ips listed here so just paste the data after the last ip entry

5. Then paste the zone alarm pro dump from the bluetack.co.uk site after its been converted (important note- only copy and paste the ip data and NOT the following: before: <zones><restricted clearOldEntries="false" defaultNetworkStatus="ask" defaultAdapterMode="off"> and after: </restricted></zones>
and paste it under the highlighted area.

6. Now save it and close it. And open it in XMLSPY. (there&#39;s no need to grant internet access to this program for this)

7. Xmlspy will now tell you that the file is not well formed. the cursor will be in front of the first character that needs to be deleted, first off is C&D and you just delete the & and click recheck...and then you come to Audifon Chat & Play- here you need to hit backspace twice- erasing the & and one space...now it says ok you you need to save- pick a name that you&#39;ll know it&#39;s for the final restore- like finalxmlready

8. Everything should be good now. (To be on the safe side turn off your modem when you&#39;re changing your firewall settings) just save it and go to: overview=>preferences=>and click the restore button in the zone alarm firewall. Load the file finalxmlready.xml and it should open a box saying loading, once its complete It should say that there were no problems. Now you need to check if that’s true, by going to the firewall=>zone section where all the rules (ip ranges) should appear.

credits to dr pepper from meth&#39;s pg site, thunderrooster from pctechtalk.com, and me (ddd) (finishing touches on it to be question proof lol)

http://www.fasttrackmovies.com/forum/topic...?TOPIC_ID=29887 (http://www.fasttrackmovies.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=29887)
(fasttrack forum requires registration)

07-06-2003, 10:13 PM
Thought it would be easier, but it wasn&#39;t that bad. I almost got lost, but this was idoiot pr :blink: :blink: f as you said.

First I am wondering to see if ZA will now pop up when it blocks something, which PG never does. This will make changing bad ranges much simpler. It will also allow you to see when a bad range occurs while just surfing.

Also wondering if XMLSPY will expire in 30 days, PM if you have any details.

Thanks For All The Help.

07-07-2003, 04:51 PM
no problem i finally got someone to tell me the exact place to past the ips so it made it a lot easier...

07-14-2003, 01:28 AM
instructions updated coz newer bluetack conversion takes out all the < symbols so those don&#39;t have to be edited anymore with xml spy (now just the & symbols)

07-21-2003, 07:41 PM

im confused on #4, where it says paste the file from bluetrack here, what file?

Also i am recieving an error when i convert zone alarm to zone alarm from bluetrack

07-21-2003, 08:25 PM
Never Mind I got it, thanks for the guide.

07-21-2003, 08:29 PM
Now, How do i update the list??

07-23-2003, 05:21 AM
xml spy has encountered more problems that what you have posted, its more than likely my error, but im getting errors with the tags, i removed them like you mentioned in your post....

nevermind trial and error...good guide..to update i guess we follow the exact same routine

07-30-2003, 10:23 AM
Go to http://www.bluetack.co.uk, they have a great convertor for various firewalls.

07-30-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Amarjit@30 July 2003 - 06:23
Go to http://www.bluetack.co.uk, they have a great convertor for various firewalls.
yep the bluetack site is what is used in the process outlined

also there&#39;s a guide at the peerguardian forum put together by dr pepper that gets updated as things change
zapro4 importing: http://mercuria.no-ip.org/pg/index.php?showtopic=13

07-31-2003, 02:46 PM
Need a quick bit of help - after importing the blocked IPs into ZA, I now can&#39;t connect to the C&C Generals servers with Gamespy now seemingly on the restricted list according to the logs. I don&#39;t really want to have to enable/disable the firewall everytime so I was wondering if anyone has a tip to fix it easily?