View Full Version : Current Invite System in Bithumen?

08-29-2007, 11:34 AM
Hey fellas

Just wanted to ask how to get invites currently in Bithumen? :)

08-29-2007, 11:40 AM
There is no invites now.

08-29-2007, 12:50 PM
There used to be a relatively user-friendly invite sytem recently. But Staff just realized that after the freeleech period supply just grew enormously and has not been in balance with the demand. So they just deleted all the invites, and that is the situation now...

"4 hónapos reg után Tagoknak 90 naponta, Felhasználóknak 120 naponta (továbbra is feltöltés alapján, az új kitétel a felhasználhatóságra vonatkozik)"
which means:
Invite sytem is still upload-based, the conditions to me met (users - 90 days, and members 120 days) are regarding the usability of invites