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View Full Version : Should I B Upset..

07-28-2003, 02:39 PM
Ok today has bin a bit weird a good friend of mine died in a car crash, He was a good person and would have done anything for a any1 but,

the reason i ask should i b upset becasue he was, drunk and high on drugs while driving, so i kind of feel well it's your own fault, i know that sounds nasty but it's the way i fell... but he shouldn't have been driving while high and drunk, he could have killed other folk 2...

plz tell me it's ok 2 think that...

07-28-2003, 02:44 PM
IMO no-one here has got the grounds to even suggest how you should feel.

This was your friend, but it was out of it at the time. You have to decide whether to mourn or curse by yourself - No-one else can give you defining advice.

07-28-2003, 02:45 PM
Thanks Illuminati but it's weird how the mind works at times like this....

07-28-2003, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by MetroStars@28 July 2003 - 15:45
Thanks Illuminati but it's weird how the mind works at times like this....
I will say this though - The more you think about it, the more harder such a decision will be.

It could be a while until you could come to a cool-headed decision about it - It could take a few hours, it could take a few years. Just lay off the situation and pay your respects to your friend in whatever way you want to.

After a while, you'll reach that decision naturally, and you won't even know it :)

That is the only piece of advice I can give, but like I said above - No-one can give you defining advice.

07-28-2003, 02:59 PM
Every one handles truama in their own way, when I was told my nan died I laughed, not because I thought it was funny but because it was an involutary action, I have never forgotten nor fogave myself for that.

At the end of the day, it does'nt matter how or why they died, if you feel how you say you feel, then that is your way of handling it.

If someone says anything.......they have no right to.

You will deal with it how you will deal with it!

Hope that helps and I'm very sorry about your friend.

Jonno B)

07-28-2003, 03:00 PM
You can be upset on both accounts.

1. That your friend has died.
2. That he was drinking/druging while driving.

07-28-2003, 03:06 PM
thanks Jonno the way u put it makes me feel a lot better about it...

07-28-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by MetroStars@28 July 2003 - 15:06
thanks Jonno the way u put it makes me feel a lot better about it...
Glad to be of Service :)

Just don't let it eat you away.

Remember, life must go on but you must grieve otherwise it can drag you into a bottomless pit.

Take care my friend.

Jonno B)