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View Full Version : Faster Upload Speeds

09-06-2003, 12:52 PM
Hi All,

I'm new here and I have found that when someone uploads a file form me that they are having their upload aborted. I feel that the speed is too slow for them and they either get cut off or abort their upload. Can someone let me know how to make it faster for you guys to get my files? I am also ticked off with the so "Supreme Being" users stealing bandwidth while those just starting out here are Doing the right hing. I know it is petty but isn't the whole basis of this idea to share files. It makes for a better variety for all. I used to have 800 files to share but lost them in a HDD crsh and had to start all over again. This time I burn all my files to CD so I have back ups. I am up to 400 files to share and building more each day. I wil cancel uploads to those not sharing and I know it doesn't bother them but at least they won't be slowing down my downloads.

Rick :o)

3rd gen noob
09-06-2003, 02:10 PM
if you have limited upload bandwidth, you should limit the number of simultaneous uploads to a low number.
as a guide, for 56k users, 1 or 2 uploads at most
for 256k adsl/cable, 3-4 users

edit: also, how do you determine if people are sharing?
if you simply click "find more from this user" and get no results, this does not necessarily mean the person isn't sharing
there is a small privacy option which many people on this forum use.
it stops people form getting their file list, this may mean it appears they are not sharing, however, it is not necessarily the case...

09-06-2003, 05:43 PM
Sometimes, aborted downloads do not mean failures. The FastTrack protocol allows for fragmented downloads and that is what happens. A user may, for instance, download 1/10 of your copy of Donkey Kong for Atari, and then his client may decide to switch to another fragment, and another user. Of course, the final challenge is your upload speed itself. If you have 56K, you'll never be able to produce high-quality upload speeds. You should consider this though, Kazaa does not need you to give your entire connection to it. Just share, and that is enough.

09-06-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by 3rd gen noob@6 September 2003 - 09:10
if you have limited upload bandwidth, you should limit the number of simultaneous uploads to a low number.
as a guide, for 56k users, 1 or 2 uploads at most
for 256k adsl/cable, 3-4 users
Upload Bandwidth limits should be reasonable too.

For 56k, you probably have to set it to 24 kilobits/sec (3 KB/sec) or you won't be able to download/web surf yourself.
For the faster v.92 56k connecting at >46 kbps, you could probably set uploads at 32 kilobits/sec (4 KB/sec) -- at least when you're not downloading much.

For low-end broadband, even 64 kilobits/sec (8 KB/sec) is about all they can spare.

Many mid-ranged broadband connections can handle 128 kilobits/sec (16 KB/sec), but may be a bit 'laggy' if trying to download or web surf or play games online at the same time. I had to cut uploads to only about 32 kilobits/sec (4 KB/sec) while playing an online game on another computer connected through my cablemodem.

And all but the fastest broadband only has 256 kilobits/sec (32 KB/sec) THEORETICAL max upload speeds to offer to others. Just because you can DOWNLOAD at >200 KB/sec doesn't mean you can upload more than a fraction that fast... and since 95+% of everyone on Kazaa is that way, download speeds are seriously limited by everyone's pretty slow upload speeds. If you EVER get a download faster than 15 KB/sec from a single person, they either have no other uploads or they're on a very fast (and probably expensive!) connection indeed!

Setting that higher just causes trouble -- lost data packets, slowed downloads+uploads, even possibly corrupt files due to loss of information.

3rd gen noob
09-06-2003, 09:31 PM
i feel a little patronised by that reply, Switeck :(