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09-09-2003, 05:27 AM
i want a simple and functional ac3 directshow decoder, the one that takes less cpu resources and is simply works well.

which one do you recommend:

- ac3 filter 0.70
- intervideo ac3 decoder (bundled with windvd5)
- cyberlink ac3 decoder (bundled with powerdvd 5)
- moonlight odio dekoda 1.23

09-09-2003, 06:20 AM
i use AC3Filter. haven't tried the others, but that one has given me no problems or noticeable CPU burden.

09-09-2003, 06:36 AM
I use the ac3 decoder from power dvd, same thing as above no probs at all.

PS. using not subject line makes it hard to click on the topic. have to hit the "_"

09-09-2003, 07:04 AM
i just hit 3 times 'Alt 0160' to see what would happen... sorry!

09-09-2003, 07:27 AM
just finished cracking moonlight odio dekoda 1.23, now it won't decode mp3 files anymore - that's fraunhofer job. it decodes ac3 movies only.

if anyone wants it, please reply asking for it and i'll post a link to download it.

ps: i have a patched divx 3.11 decoder that will overpass divx 5.x, so it will decode your 3.11 movies instead of the 5.x - i can post it if anyone wants it too.

09-09-2003, 10:37 AM
plz post it, if not for me someone else might want it, btw what would the advantage be of having divx3.11 decoding div5 instead of div5?

09-09-2003, 04:14 PM
divx5 is NOT COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE with divx3.11 -- as you can see in the DivX Networks site (http://www.divx.com/divx/versions/), the new release of the DivX5 codec has improved DivX 3 compatibility, what means they admit that it is not 100% divx 3.11 compatible.

and if you have an older computer, if you decode divx3.11 movies with the divx3.11 decoder you can enable more post processing features because it takes less cpu resources than divx5.

btw, click here (http://www.ehnoismemu.kit.net/divx311a_priority_patched.zip) to download the divx3.11 priority patched codec and the instructions to install it.

and click here (http://www.ehnoismemu.kit.net/odiodec1.23_patched.zip) to download the moonlight odio dekoda v1.23 patched codec - this one decodes only ac3 sound, leaving mp3 sound to fraunhofer or any other mp3 decoder you have installed.