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View Full Version : The Importance of Time

11-29-2009, 01:37 AM
Hello FST readers. Ages ago I used to be a member under this name at this fine forum. I just registered today to make one small post before inevitably getting banned. Hopefully I will enlighten some people. My story is pretty simple.

A few years ago I was playing Counter Strike Source when my friend invited me to a magical musical land called oink. It used something called bittorrent. At the time this bewildered me. Anyhow, as the days went on, I figured it out and thought I was hot stuff. Problem was that I couldn't maintain this thing called a ratio so I was consequently banned.

As a result, I went on FST from a google query to beg for an invite again. Oddly enough, I started posting a lot and trying to become a part of the "community". This was in part due to me discovering even more of these special private trackers that I so desperately wanted an invite to. I became a rather prolific poster competing against a guy named squirrel. In my time I received countless warning for spam and other shenanigans. I suddenly became a cynic of the uber secret trackers and the ranking system.

At this point I slowly made my entry into the private tracker world. I had oink, TL, SCC and some other basic trackers. One fateful day some guy randomly gave me an invite to a certain high level tracker that is one of the few left standing as I type. I also started using a seedbox at this point so my e-peen was growing exponentially during these times.

Before I was removed from here, I had about 15 private trackers and a cumulative of about 20TB upped on these. I was also on many "best ratio" (including SCT) lists as I did it once again for the e-peen. After my leave at FST, I quit caring about these uber private trackers and oddly enough that's when I was invited to FTWR and uk-t. Once again, I went seedbox crazy on many of these trackers to keep my accounts in good standing. I ended up uploading countless TBs. I thought I was hot stuff. Fast forward about a year and I stand here. Reminiscing over all the stupid stuff that I have done here and for some of the trackers. I don't have my "trophy" SCT, uk-t, FTWR accounts any more, but the funny thing is I don't care too much. I can't imagine myself saying that a few years ago.

I just realize there are many more important things in life. I mean, as far as "stuff" goes, you can go on TL or hell, even isohunt for that and grab it. Maybe get music from waffles/what and that's about it. "community" is the people that live near you. They are the people in your work/school. Go out and volunteer. Hang out with friends outside... or make some friends.

I'm posting this at an interesting time. The torrent world has had earth shattering echoes sent across from shutdowns spanning TPB and Mininova to uk-t and ftwr. Not that I regret the time that I spent on the internet, but as I am older and (slightly) less stupid, I see that I could have put my time to better uses. I suppose people will perpetually search for these rare trackers, but in the end you should think to yourself, is it really worth it? It comes and goes just like AIG. All that's left if the REAL community outside of your house/apmt.

*thanks to the mod that approved this thread.

11-29-2009, 01:40 AM
hey, i remember helping you up to setup a seedbox.

11-29-2009, 01:41 AM
Paragraphs. Use them.

EDIT: thank you

11-29-2009, 01:48 AM
Uploading countless TB's was kind of obsessive compulsive. Glad you came to your senses man, nice to see you around.

11-29-2009, 01:58 AM
Excellent post... and very true as well :)

11-29-2009, 05:49 AM
This post... I like it.

11-29-2009, 06:14 AM
What a revelation!!..indeed kinda refreshing, can relate to the obsession of "chasing" all those High End Trackers, BUT I cannot relate to the obsessive complulsive of the Uploading with the Seedboxes.
But, yeah.thanks for posting your story.

11-29-2009, 06:27 AM
I remember you. I'm back too. Thanks for posting. I totally understand where you're coming from. Welcome back.

11-29-2009, 06:32 AM
Sup zaa.

I agree with you. also sup puckface.

11-29-2009, 06:56 AM
prolific? more like an annoying shitbag!

you know exactly why too

11-29-2009, 07:42 AM
Use topsite guy, this is the way now..

11-29-2009, 02:23 PM
That was a good post. Time is precious but it can not be stored. The only thing you can do is to spend it wisely. The art of Time Management is the difference between success and failure. The best position in this regard is to avoid extremes. A balance is required regarding the time you gave to your work, studies, social activities, leisure and hobbies. But that balance is just too difficult to maintain though not impossible.

11-29-2009, 03:13 PM
the OP don't give a f not only about the buffers now, but about people at trackers too... he vouched for the guy who got then invited to what.cd, banned there causing troubles for his invitee. well done, "m8".

11-29-2009, 07:02 PM
The guy there that was invited is a friend that lives next door and I talk to daily.

11-29-2009, 07:45 PM
Hello FST readers. Ages ago I used to be a member under this name at this fine forum. I just registered today to make one small post before inevitably getting banned. Hopefully I will enlighten some people. My story is pretty simple.

A few years ago I was playing Counter Strike Source when my friend invited me to a magical musical land called oink. It used something called bittorrent. At the time this bewildered me. Anyhow, as the days went on, I figured it out and thought I was hot stuff. Problem was that I couldn't maintain this thing called a ratio so I was consequently banned.

As a result, I went on FST from a google query to beg for an invite again. Oddly enough, I started posting a lot and trying to become a part of the "community". This was in part due to me discovering even more of these special private trackers that I so desperately wanted an invite to. I became a rather prolific poster competing against a guy named squirrel. In my time I received countless warning for spam and other shenanigans. I suddenly became a cynic of the uber secret trackers and the ranking system.

At this point I slowly made my entry into the private tracker world. I had oink, TL, SCC and some other basic trackers. One fateful day some guy randomly gave me an invite to a certain high level tracker that is one of the few left standing as I type. I also started using a seedbox at this point so my e-peen was growing exponentially during these times.

Before I was removed from here, I had about 15 private trackers and a cumulative of about 20TB upped on these. I was also on many "best ratio" (including SCT) lists as I did it once again for the e-peen. After my leave at FST, I quit caring about these uber private trackers and oddly enough that's when I was invited to FTWR and uk-t. Once again, I went seedbox crazy on many of these trackers to keep my accounts in good standing. I ended up uploading countless TBs. I thought I was hot stuff. Fast forward about a year and I stand here. Reminiscing over all the stupid stuff that I have done here and for some of the trackers. I don't have my "trophy" SCT, uk-t, FTWR accounts any more, but the funny thing is I don't care too much. I can't imagine myself saying that a few years ago.

I just realize there are many more important things in life. I mean, as far as "stuff" goes, you can go on TL or hell, even isohunt for that and grab it. Maybe get music from waffles/what and that's about it. "community" is the people that live near you. They are the people in your work/school. Go out and volunteer. Hang out with friends outside... or make some friends.

I'm posting this at an interesting time. The torrent world has had earth shattering echoes sent across from shutdowns spanning TPB and Mininova to uk-t and ftwr. Not that I regret the time that I spent on the internet, but as I am older and (slightly) less stupid, I see that I could have put my time to better uses. I suppose people will perpetually search for these rare trackers, but in the end you should think to yourself, is it really worth it? It comes and goes just like AIG. All that's left if the REAL community outside of your house/apmt.

*thanks to the mod that approved this thread.

This is the best post I ever read here!

11-29-2009, 08:21 PM
This is the best post I ever read here!
because it reminds you of someone i guess :cool:

I had more than 100TB upload on a particular tracker

11-30-2009, 12:42 PM
Hello FST readers. Ages ago I used to be a member under this name at this fine forum. I just registered today to make one small post before inevitably getting banned. Hopefully I will enlighten some people. My story is pretty simple.

A few years ago I was playing Counter Strike Source when my friend invited me to a magical musical land called oink. It used something called bittorrent. At the time this bewildered me. Anyhow, as the days went on, I figured it out and thought I was hot stuff. Problem was that I couldn't maintain this thing called a ratio so I was consequently banned.

As a result, I went on FST from a google query to beg for an invite again. Oddly enough, I started posting a lot and trying to become a part of the "community". This was in part due to me discovering even more of these special private trackers that I so desperately wanted an invite to. I became a rather prolific poster competing against a guy named squirrel. In my time I received countless warning for spam and other shenanigans. I suddenly became a cynic of the uber secret trackers and the ranking system.

At this point I slowly made my entry into the private tracker world. I had oink, TL, SCC and some other basic trackers. One fateful day some guy randomly gave me an invite to a certain high level tracker that is one of the few left standing as I type. I also started using a seedbox at this point so my e-peen was growing exponentially during these times.

Before I was removed from here, I had about 15 private trackers and a cumulative of about 20TB upped on these. I was also on many "best ratio" (including SCT) lists as I did it once again for the e-peen. After my leave at FST, I quit caring about these uber private trackers and oddly enough that's when I was invited to FTWR and uk-t. Once again, I went seedbox crazy on many of these trackers to keep my accounts in good standing. I ended up uploading countless TBs. I thought I was hot stuff. Fast forward about a year and I stand here. Reminiscing over all the stupid stuff that I have done here and for some of the trackers. I don't have my "trophy" SCT, uk-t, FTWR accounts any more, but the funny thing is I don't care too much. I can't imagine myself saying that a few years ago.

I just realize there are many more important things in life. I mean, as far as "stuff" goes, you can go on TL or hell, even isohunt for that and grab it. Maybe get music from waffles/what and that's about it. "community" is the people that live near you. They are the people in your work/school. Go out and volunteer. Hang out with friends outside... or make some friends.

I'm posting this at an interesting time. The torrent world has had earth shattering echoes sent across from shutdowns spanning TPB and Mininova to uk-t and ftwr. Not that I regret the time that I spent on the internet, but as I am older and (slightly) less stupid, I see that I could have put my time to better uses. I suppose people will perpetually search for these rare trackers, but in the end you should think to yourself, is it really worth it? It comes and goes just like AIG. All that's left if the REAL community outside of your house/apmt.

*thanks to the mod that approved this thread.

you just dont understand. :(

I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To buff them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Buff my accounts to understand

The power that's inside


Gotta catch 'em all--

It's my account and me

I know it's my destiny


Ooooh, you're my best friend

In a world we must download


Gotta catch 'em all--

Our hearts so true

my courage will pull me through

You seed me and I'll leech you


Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!


Every challenge along the way

With courage I can face

I will battle everyday

To claim my rightful place

invite me the time is right

There's no better team

Arm in arm we'll win the fight

It's always been my dream


Gotta catch 'em all--

It's my account and me

I know it's my destiny


Ooooh, you're my best friend

In a world we must download


Gotta catch 'em all--

Our hearts so true

Our courage will pull us through

You seed me and I'll leech you


Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Gotta catch 'em all!
