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View Full Version : Ironi...anything

11-21-2003, 08:49 PM
Well---I´ve always thought that the most ironic thing in the world is superman now sitting in a wheelchair.. I fell sad for mr. reeve but I find it some sarcastic and bitter ironic that "superman"...once flying and rescue everbody...now being a veggie....
the 2.nd thing...is John Denver making a piece of music many years ago called "leaving on a jetplane"...and what happens...the man crashes his aeroplane and get the lights turned off!...... It seems that your earlier actions come bite you in the ass, later on ;)

any one else experience the same? :rolleyes:

11-22-2003, 10:18 PM
I think it's quite ironic that Alanis Morrisettes "Ironic" doesn't really mention anything ironic.
"a black fly in your chardonnay"
"rain on your wedding day"
"10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife"

None of these things are "Ironic". Unlucky, possibly but ironic.......:blink: