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View Full Version : Tv Shows Downloads?

03-20-2004, 07:20 PM
Hi! :D

I was wondering if anyone could tell me where is good to download tv episodes. On kazaa/lite i find it really hard and i cant get much up, is there any sites that give links to downloading like http://www.the-realworld.de/ for emule? or anyone have any clues?

Im looking to download stuff like the sopranos, south park, angel buffy just the normal stuff

let me know


MarK :lol:

03-20-2004, 08:25 PM
You have the rite name there :lol :lol:


03-20-2004, 08:38 PM
what do u mean name?

03-20-2004, 08:42 PM
those r all for emul/edonkey anyone know any for kazaa lite or sumit. emule works it just like downloads at slow speeds like once every hour cause theres so many ppl q'in

03-20-2004, 08:55 PM
nm mate.You wont find much on klite or terrible quality.Your best is emule or bittorrent

mark :)