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04-15-2004, 02:03 AM
been playing why too much mmorpgs and diced to take a litel single player break lol
anywhys as i can see now kazaa is worth shit for finding good new games i found a topic wich say that bittorrent is the best why to get games i downloaded it and well ... now i need likes i guess or whatever it is to download the actule game any help(maby anyone knows where can get max payne 2 hmm??)
and btw how does bittorrent is it like a download mager??
sorry for the newb questions

04-15-2004, 03:05 AM
You'll prob have better luck in the bittorrent forum..but, yeah, bittorrent is p2p software. I'll leave it up to more experienced BT'ers to explain in detail. ;)

1st-(IF you have the bittorrent client-I use shadow experimental) go to http://www.suprnova.tk/.

2nd-At the top left of the page, you'll see "GAMES". CLick it.

3rd-You'll see the page that breaks down the platforms-console, pc, etc. Choose your flavor.

4th-The list of games comes up. First of all RIGHT click the file name, 'save target as', and save to disk so you can resume it if needed. It'll take a few seconds, the file is only a few ks. Then just click the file again, either the one on suprnova or the saved one. Your bittorrent client should popup and start connecting.

The colored circle at the top right tells you your status. Just click on it for an explanation of the codes. If it's green, for example, it's all good.

Just try to pick the one with the most 'seeds', this is how many peeps have the file. The more seeds, the faster you get yours. Remember, the longer your downloading, the faster it'll get and leave it up over night so others can get a shot. 'Sides, some of these games are in excess of 1 gb, so it'll take all night anyway :blink:

IF it gives a 'not able to connect' error in red, it's prob an old file that's not being used anymore. Try again.

I hope this helps. Good luck and happy hunting!! :01:

04-15-2004, 03:35 AM
Some good sites for bt files are:

04-15-2004, 05:55 AM
thenx i looked at the site Torrentz.com altho i still cant register somthing wrong"Temp Offline"

i did notci tons of great game are they all really work and not borken well i guess i need to find out , and if they do work il have games to play till christams

04-15-2004, 01:33 PM
Ive gotten about 30+ using those sites. i need antoher hdd now.

04-15-2004, 02:53 PM
only about 1% Of files of the Bittorent network is a fake or wrongly named. Its the best.

here's a site that searches LOADS of other torrent sites:

ISOHUNT (http://isohunt.com)


04-23-2004, 02:40 AM
Thanks, peerzyboy, I couldn't remember isohunt.....been bangin' my head against the desk for a while now................... :frusty:

Thanks also to singaboiy for the extras........that's what 'filesharing' is all about. B)