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View Full Version : Songs That Download With Static

06-18-2004, 08:26 AM
Please someone help me. Almost everytime I download a song, any song, it will start out fine and then in the first minute or so I hear some sort of bleeps or static kind of like when you call a wrong number, the little bleeps thay come on before the message. I can't stand it and don't understand why, and now it takes me hours just to find a good copy of one song and I have a cable modem. :( Latley the static starts right when the song begins, like its getting worse. Does anyone know what my problem could be and what is a safe way to stray away from getting caught downloading, its really starting to scare me. If anyone has a solution to my problem I would be much abliged. And if noone understands what I am talking about please email me @ [email protected]. See I love Kazaa but I worried something might be wrong with it. :(

06-18-2004, 12:22 PM
I think you are downloading corrupt mp3, Kazaa is not good for music. Another reason why that happens is becuase you might be downloading poor qualtiy mp3 , that is why the static is there.

06-20-2004, 03:02 AM
What it is is that the RIAA have tried to flood the P2P networks with corrupted songs and so dissuade users from downloaing music. The trick is when you search is not to download the song with 150 users, but pick one with around 6 or something.

Hope this helps.

06-20-2004, 04:44 AM
Use souldseek for music

06-22-2004, 05:11 PM
This, again.. :angry: is called a "Fake File" for the 1000 time, use the search button, or use Google and search for whatever your question is, there are people who are getting restless with the answering of fake file posts.

Google>MP3 Shield>download bitch!!