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07-06-2005, 02:04 PM

as far as i know it's a sitcom about gamers.

i just watched episode 7 and it made me giggle. kinda reminds me of me :lookaroun

started getting eps 1-6 now :thumbsup:

Fake Shemp
07-06-2005, 02:12 PM
This got posted a few months back in the lounge. It is pretty funny.:lol:

07-06-2005, 02:13 PM
i heard about this. gonna check it out

07-06-2005, 04:47 PM
So liek this is my show n stuf rite

lol i ent 2 gud at riting big msgs liek this n stuf rite so im jus gona tell u wasup str8 up rite

i pwn noobs liek hard rite n my roomate has dis camera rite so hes all liek 'we can make a show lol' n im liek dats teh pwnage n stuf n hes liek i no lol so im liek ok film me noob n hes liek ok so we did lololol

thne we lukd at it rite n were liek 'omfg stfu dats pure pwnage lol' so we made dis site n stuf rite n now were gonna b famose!!!!
teh site is kinda noob rite lol but dats only cuz i pwn 2 much 2 waste tiem noobin html roflolol
neway dis is alreddy 2 long n most noobs prolly wont reed it cuz its so long its liek a book rite lol so l8r noobs rofl


07-06-2005, 05:33 PM
watching episode 5 now. :lol: this just gets better and better

07-06-2005, 05:35 PM
So liek this is my show n stuf rite

lol i ent 2 gud at riting big msgs liek this n stuf rite so im jus gona tell u wasup str8 up rite

i pwn noobs liek hard rite n my roomate has dis camera rite so hes all liek 'we can make a show lol' n im liek dats teh pwnage n stuf n hes liek i no lol so im liek ok film me noob n hes liek ok so we did lololol

thne we lukd at it rite n were liek 'omfg stfu dats pure pwnage lol' so we made dis site n stuf rite n now were gonna b famose!!!!
teh site is kinda noob rite lol but dats only cuz i pwn 2 much 2 waste tiem noobin html roflolol
neway dis is alreddy 2 long n most noobs prolly wont reed it cuz its so long its liek a book rite lol so l8r noobs rofl


yep. i was laughing so hard at this one. :lol: :schnauz: :happy: :happy:

07-06-2005, 06:06 PM

yep. i was laughing so hard at this one. :lol: :schnauz: :happy: :happy:

Im reading up the forumes there, and some other stuff...
Here's a snippet from eMails, probably "fanmail", the response made me drop:

I wactehed eevry eopisode of Pure Pwnage, it is aewsome. Eipsode 2 were gud, them girls dint undestand micro!11 OMGZ!11 lolol thy hate pwnerz because the n00blets. ROFL, LOLLERBLADESR. Cynt wait 2 for to CEE epsiddode 3. See j00 later pwner, PS. KYLe is noobeh, but hes still c00l

Blan J

dood liek lern 2 spell lol noob rofl



07-06-2005, 06:13 PM
i'm worried because fps doug reminds me too much of me

07-06-2005, 10:08 PM
yep. i was laughing so hard at this one. :lol: :schnauz: :happy: :happy:

Im reading up the forumes there, and some other stuff...
Here's a snippet from eMails, probably "fanmail", the response made me drop:

I wactehed eevry eopisode of Pure Pwnage, it is aewsome. Eipsode 2 were gud, them girls dint undestand micro!11 OMGZ!11 lolol thy hate pwnerz because the n00blets. ROFL, LOLLERBLADESR. Cynt wait 2 for to CEE epsiddode 3. See j00 later pwner, PS. KYLe is noobeh, but hes still c00l

Blan J

dood liek lern 2 spell lol noob rofl



LMFAO :lol: downloading all teh eps0deds lolol n00bs (wheres LP when you need him)

07-06-2005, 10:40 PM
I am curious as to why they use the pirate bays tracker for these? Their trackers seem overloaded sometimes, and its not like these are copywrited. I just wonder why they dont launch their own tracker. I am waiting for one to download so I can check them out :)

07-07-2005, 01:47 AM
TPB is the fastest torrent site for me for some reason, i always have 100kb/s + Most of the time it goes 180kb/s.

07-07-2005, 02:04 AM
There's even some songs (http://www.purepwnage.com/music.html) they've made.

CEE j00 l8r

07-07-2005, 02:19 AM
WHat does this have to with games?

07-07-2005, 02:40 AM
WHat does this have to with games?
have you even watched any of it?

07-07-2005, 02:43 AM
Yea i kinda get the relationship, but still this dosen't belong here. Kinda just about the torrent speeds like rigth ya know like thats what i am like saying.....

07-07-2005, 02:45 AM
EDit wrong topic

07-07-2005, 03:45 AM
EDit wrong topic

lol nub rolf

PP should not be in Games section?

We also have some "Pro" Players who pwns n00bs.

Its all about pwning in games.

07-07-2005, 03:49 AM
Lounge topic, your gonna make {I}{K}{E} mad....

07-07-2005, 04:01 AM
Lounge topic, your gonna make {I}{K}{E} mad....


Gamers should lighten' up a little, have a laugh about themselfs.
One should not take it seriously or personally.

But if you do, feel free to skip the whole thread.
I hope nobody's forcing you to DL episodes or view this thread.


For free-to-download show, this is a good one imo.


07-07-2005, 04:05 AM
No, I have no problem with it. The Show is pretty good. {I}{K}{E} just has problems with topics getting made in certain sections and the topic and talk not directly about what is abouyt the section.

07-07-2005, 04:08 AM
well i doubt none-gamers would get most of it :unsure:

07-07-2005, 04:10 AM

Anyways what up with this seris? The guy is just weird, Im a gamer, and i dont act like that..... He dosent repreasent me.

07-07-2005, 04:20 AM
yeah you do :rolleyes:

i can see a lot of that in me. it's wildly exageratd obviously but that's what pro gamers like me are like. you n00bs just wouldn't understand

07-07-2005, 04:21 AM
Lol Lol lOl yea right

07-07-2005, 04:22 AM

Anyways what up with this seris? The guy is just weird, Im a gamer, and i dont act like that..... He dosent repreasent me.

I think its sort of parody, satire about Pro Gamers.
Sort of like Spinal Tap of heavy-metal

Im no gamer by all means, I dont play online games.
I just get easily bored on them, probably because im a nub.

I wonder, is there really ppl who does play games for living?
Can they live with it?

07-07-2005, 04:29 AM
some people do survive on winning tournaments. i think there's someone who lives near me whos clan has won 1000s of pounds on unreal tournament

07-07-2005, 12:27 PM
PurePWnage is a classic, it's at home in the games section, although surely everyone has heard of it by now.

07-09-2005, 10:29 AM

Anyways what up with this seris? The guy is just weird, Im a gamer, and i dont act like that..... He dosent repreasent me.

I think its sort of parody, satire about Pro Gamers.
Sort of like Spinal Tap of heavy-metal

Im no gamer by all means, I dont play online games.
I just get easily bored on them, probably because im a nub.

I wonder, is there really ppl who does play games for living?
Can they live with it?
there are people who get paid to play games. but u gotta be godlike. :01: :01:

btw, not sure if anyone noticed, but these guys are canadians!!! :schnauz: :naughty:

notice the Bank of Montreal logo on the atm, and the bell canada phone booths.


07-09-2005, 10:53 AM
OMG UR K4N4D4 ROFL LOL L OL !!!!1111!!

Seriously, I was wondering if its possible to make a living out of playing,
tournaments and the likes but I guess there's some serious competition,
almost every kid is teh_pwnerer, maybe some elderly guys too.

07-10-2005, 08:14 PM
lol are the ppl in this series acting or are they really like that lol
imo, the show is cool and funny BOOOM HEADSHOT!!! lol
did he really go to the center for mental and addiction? weird.....
also, does anyone have a picture of Kyle..... i think he was the guy in the ninja costume aka "the masterer" lol..