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Thread: Kazaa Lite Resurrection connecting problem

  1. #1
    ok Kazaa Lite Resurrection logs to the network ok, but after awhile it drops its connection and i cant do a search. Lucky it still keeps downloading but i need to shut it down to get it to reconnect, anyone else having this problem or just me. If you know how to solve the problem it would help.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Yep - I have the same problem...but it can take me 10-15 minutes to get connected initially now. Used to be almost instant connection up to about a month ago. BUT - about that time, when KLR tried to load, I'd get a pop-up (Poker ad) and KLR wouldn't load until the pop-up was loaded. And sometimes when I deleted the pop-up, KLR froze.

    I ran MP3Shied on My Shared Folder, and it picked up 9 corrupt files. I deleted them, closed KLR, reopened it ....and NO more Pop-up...!!!???

    Don't know if this is coincidence or not - but I've noticed if I minimise KLR while downloading - it drops out - then if I just keep clicking on the Search More button, it doesn't take long to re-connect again. I've got into the habit of leaving it on the DL page so I can access the SM button.

    Then, other times I just leave it do it's own thing - and it drops out and in at it's own leisure.

    That's probably got nothing to do with anything - but it's just a thought.


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