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Thread: Who Has The Most Songs?

  1. #11
    I now have about 900+ mp3's. But that number is constantly on the rise

  2. Music   -   #12
    Originally posted by marine_aart@23 April 2003 - 11:32
    I have got 1500 files on my harddisk right now, I am ripping a few cool CD's and I got a lot of CD's I am not gonna rip because they aren't that populair (dutch, or gospel ) but my music collection is still growing

    ow and BTW my soulseek is broken, and when I tried 2 download it again a few days ago, the site was down, so if somebody can give me a good link (or send it trough MSN) it would be really helpfull
    the server was down. the site is now back up and running you should be able to d/l it now.

  3. Music   -   #13
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
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    North East England, UK
    I only have a small HDD, so don't have too many, though I've burnt a few MP3 CDs. The best way to get a bigger collection is


    I have 2500 shared atm, and that is not a lot at all, compared to some of these me, join us, and now.......

    what are you waiting for?? Come and join us
    <insert signature here>

  4. Music   -   #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
    I&#39;m now at about 15,000. I had to move about half of them onto CD, in order to make more room on my HDD.

    My Beatles collection is now at just over 80 albums. Bob Dylan is about 30 albums. Jimi Hendrix is at over 30 albums. Pink Floyd is over 20 albums , and Radiohead is at just over 20 albums.

    Are you jealous? Are you curious? Do you want your collection to grow?

    Then wake up and stop with your excuses and get your butt over to SoulSeek&#33;

  5. Music   -   #15
    TheDave's Avatar n00b
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    yorkshire, england
    i got 403.

    do you even listen to all yours

    10,000 mp3s is about 660 hours

    thats 27 and a half days to listen to 10,000 mp3s back to back

  6. Music   -   #16
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Jan 2003
    I doubt that people with collections of 10000 songs actually play them all. In fact, I would consider this a great start on a collection, but hardly a realistic representation of what you listen to.
    Proud member of MDS

  7. Music   -   #17
    i got 200 lol by the way i own a blind skateboard at the moment there allright but not as good a zero

  8. Music   -   #18
    Originally posted by Twister@24 April 2003 - 02:09
    i got 200 lol by the way i own a blind skateboard at the moment there allright but not as good a zero
    Yeah man i got a blind deck, monster trucks, spitfire wheels at the moment. most people buy Blind decks only for the pictures.

    skate to live, live to skate or is it the other way around oh well

  9. Music   -   #19
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
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    North East England, UK
    Originally posted by Jibbler@23 April 2003 - 23:31
    I doubt that people with collections of 10000 songs actually play them all. In fact, I would consider this a great start on a collection, but hardly a realistic representation of what you listen to.
    i have a couple a thousand, and i reckoned it up to about 120 hours not so long ago, so im lookin at around maybe 150 hours worth now, and i play them all. I listen to them all.

    I have an amazing program, PUYJ, and i randomise the whole lot when im working, it&#39;s great, cos this way I get all the music i like, but i get different tracks at different times, I don&#39;t always like to listen to one album over and over, I like a good selection
    <insert signature here>

  10. Music   -   #20
    summerlinda's Avatar Pyretta¤Blaze
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    Dec 2002
    The Netherlands
    Viv, adjust your sig, its version 146c now

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