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Thread: Kids gone wrong

  1. #11
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    We don't have such problems here, not that i heard of, the worst that happend was that few kids killed few cats for fun.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    We don't have such problems here, not that i heard of, the worst that happend was that few kids killed few cats for fun.


    Nothing wrong with that, then.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

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  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    I think kids at age 10 know the difference between right and wrong. They might not know the legality of it, but they probably know from a moral standpoint if what they're doing is unacceptable and if their parents found out they'd be in trouble. I don't think that peer pressure should be considered - if a normally good child kills a dog because their friends think it would be cool, they still need to learn a lesson about consequences. I don't think that the punishments should be as harsh or severe as those for an adult in most cases, but I still think they should be punished. Nothing wrong with community service, cleaning up garbage or washing windows to learn their lesson.

    The problem in our society is that the power to punish has been taken away from the parents. Even grounding a child to their room in some places is considered to be cruel and unusual. I'm not saying parents should be allowed to beat their kids up, but a smack on the ass never killed anyone, and I grew up okay. (I got spanked quite frequently, but I was a brat and I deserved it.) I've also been told that making my son work as a form of punishment is mean. Why? A couple weeks ago I caught him with alcohol in his bag. He's been grounded, and given extra chores around the house. The more he does, the shorter his grounding will be. My point is that legally, we as parents don't have the right to punish as we see fit, even though some of us will anyway. So if we can't do it, maybe the courts can straighten out the mess that the bleeding hearts have made of our kids. Maybe knowing that there are REAL consequences to their actions will make them think twice.

    The necessity for having two working parents in most households contributes to the problem as well to some extent. Kids have a bit more freedom and less supervision. It's not the parents' fault that they have to make ends meet, and kids are being left alone a bit younger these days because of that. It might only be an hour afterschool until mom or dad gets home, but in that hour that child could do literally anything. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, as I've been doing exactly that since Nate was 11 but there is little choice I have had. When you can barely pay rent and bills and groceries, how do you afford a babysitter as well, right?

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD View Post
    I think kids at age 10 know the difference between right and wrong. They might not know the legality of it, but they probably know from a moral standpoint if what they're doing is unacceptable and if their parents found out they'd be in trouble. I don't think that peer pressure should be considered - if a normally good child kills a dog because their friends think it would be cool, they still need to learn a lesson about consequences. I don't think that the punishments should be as harsh or severe as those for an adult in most cases, but I still think they should be punished. Nothing wrong with community service, cleaning up garbage or washing windows to learn their lesson.

    The problem in our society is that the power to punish has been taken away from the parents. Even grounding a child to their room in some places is considered to be cruel and unusual. I'm not saying parents should be allowed to beat their kids up, but a smack on the ass never killed anyone, and I grew up okay. (I got spanked quite frequently, but I was a brat and I deserved it.) I've also been told that making my son work as a form of punishment is mean. Why? A couple weeks ago I caught him with alcohol in his bag. He's been grounded, and given extra chores around the house. The more he does, the shorter his grounding will be. My point is that legally, we as parents don't have the right to punish as we see fit, even though some of us will anyway. So if we can't do it, maybe the courts can straighten out the mess that the bleeding hearts have made of our kids. Maybe knowing that there are REAL consequences to their actions will make them think twice.

    The necessity for having two working parents in most households contributes to the problem as well to some extent. Kids have a bit more freedom and less supervision. It's not the parents' fault that they have to make ends meet, and kids are being left alone a bit younger these days because of that. It might only be an hour afterschool until mom or dad gets home, but in that hour that child could do literally anything. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, as I've been doing exactly that since Nate was 11 but there is little choice I have had. When you can barely pay rent and bills and groceries, how do you afford a babysitter as well, right?
    And that is it, as they say, in a nutshell.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    Busyman™'s Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD View Post
    I think kids at age 10 know the difference between right and wrong. They might not know the legality of it, but they probably know from a moral standpoint if what they're doing is unacceptable and if their parents found out they'd be in trouble. I don't think that peer pressure should be considered - if a normally good child kills a dog because their friends think it would be cool, they still need to learn a lesson about consequences. I don't think that the punishments should be as harsh or severe as those for an adult in most cases, but I still think they should be punished. Nothing wrong with community service, cleaning up garbage or washing windows to learn their lesson.

    The problem in our society is that the power to punish has been taken away from the parents. Even grounding a child to their room in some places is considered to be cruel and unusual. I'm not saying parents should be allowed to beat their kids up, but a smack on the ass never killed anyone, and I grew up okay. (I got spanked quite frequently, but I was a brat and I deserved it.) I've also been told that making my son work as a form of punishment is mean. Why? A couple weeks ago I caught him with alcohol in his bag. He's been grounded, and given extra chores around the house. The more he does, the shorter his grounding will be. My point is that legally, we as parents don't have the right to punish as we see fit, even though some of us will anyway. So if we can't do it, maybe the courts can straighten out the mess that the bleeding hearts have made of our kids. Maybe knowing that there are REAL consequences to their actions will make them think twice.

    The necessity for having two working parents in most households contributes to the problem as well to some extent. Kids have a bit more freedom and less supervision. It's not the parents' fault that they have to make ends meet, and kids are being left alone a bit younger these days because of that. It might only be an hour afterschool until mom or dad gets home, but in that hour that child could do literally anything. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, as I've been doing exactly that since Nate was 11 but there is little choice I have had. When you can barely pay rent and bills and groceries, how do you afford a babysitter as well, right?
    Good post but to your statement in bold....Where?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    We don't have such problems here, not that i heard of, the worst that happend was that few kids killed few cats for fun.


    Nothing wrong with that, then.
    Some eat cats. Might be that in USA they want you to belive that you have to pay money when you kick a dog because its a bad thing to do. Money talks. If the dog doesn't have a owner, he quickly falls asleep. You can't blame the kids for such things unless its against the law. Good that i don't live in USA or Canada. No wonder you got soo much crime and problems when you are limited like that. I have never experienced that any law helped me when it should or protect me or anything like that. Do you really think laws are for the good and safety of people and kids ?

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    I think anyone who says "A child doesn't know between right and wrong" or "they had nothing better to do" should try and put themselves in the position of the victim. Be it shopkeeper who has candy stolen or parent of murdered child, then see if your opinion is the same.
    IMO a child of 6 knows not to kill animal or human, they also know not to steal.
    If the child steals something and runs from the store then they know it's wrong otherwise they wouldn't run no?
    It's true a child has less inhibitians at a young age but that doesn't mean they don't know right from wrong.

    Jon Venables and Robert Thompson had been stealing things all day at the shopping center -- candy, a troll doll, some batteries, a can of blue paint, and other incidentals. Why did they decide to steal a baby? Was it a plot or a sudden, overwhelming compulsion? Once they had him, they didn’t know what to do with him. They could have easily discarded James, leaving him alone on the sidewalk, by a shop, where someone would discover the crying baby. But Jon and Robert, like children who would rather destroy their own possessions than give them to another, murdered the little boy. James’s parents would never see their baby alive again
    Clipping from a story about the above mentioned Jamie Bulger.
    Local Boy In A Photograph.

    I myself have witnessed kids as young as 10 out on a friday night drinking and smashing stuff up, the police drive past at which point the kids hand their beer to someone over 18 or they hide it and then swear at the cops.
    If I were to do that and hurl obsceneties at a copper I would be arrested so please tell me the difference?
    Having once spoken to an officer about this his reply was "There's no point in arresting them because we can't press charges and they walk away leaving us with mountains of paperwork"

    If I had a son or daughter who at the age of 9 or 10 was caught vadelising something or involved in beating another child with a gang I would come down on them like a ton of shit.
    Part of the problem is some parents not caring what their kids are doing like some of Nate's friends, to qoute one of the parents of a 13 y/o girl he knows
    "I let her do pretty much as she pleases because I don't want her to grow up with a sense of being trapped and held back from doing what she wants to do in life"
    Sorry but to me that is retarded, fortunately this particular girl actually does have her head screwed on for the most part except she treats her mother like shit.
    The other problem is as Nik said, the power of punishment has been taken away, from parents and schools alike, upto the age of about 10 I feared the slipper from Mr.Green the deputy headmaster, after he left and corperal punishment was banned we ran riot because the worst we would get was maybe an hour detention, it's not so much the punishment but the threat of the punishment which keeps kids in order.
    I realise some poeple out there will say "beating kids is wrong" yes to a degree it is, but a smack across the back of the legs or a ruler accross the hand will heal in a matter of hours. To ban it was wrong, those who will beat the shit out of kids STILL beat the shit out of kids but those who enforced rule with the threat of a spanking now have very little control.
    How many here have grown up disturbed by getting a reasonable amount of punishment? not many I wager.

    Another example, my 12 y/o nephew recently got in trouble at school, 2 of his mates were fighting with this other kid and kicking him etc, my nephew thought they were messing around so went over and jumped on the boy, having then realised they wern't kidding he walked away. What he should have done was got a teacher but he just walked away. His punishment? 1 week suspension from school and very nearly prosecuted by the childs parents.
    The boy who was kicking repeatedly broke down in tears in the office and simply got 1 weeks suspension.
    My nephew was punished to a stronger degree for being honest and taking it like a grown up, the other boy who done more wrong got off lighter because...."He cried"

    The civilised world has gone soft and has bread a generation of fearless uncontrolable kids.
    Punishment is good and very much needed, provided it's with just cause and obviously not over the top.

    As I said, the phrase "But their just kids" only applies until YOU are the victim.


  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    How can a adult be a victim of 9 year old child ? This is just really, really funny. Are those kind of parents such big cowards or whats wrong with them.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post


    Nothing wrong with that, then.
    Some eat cats. Might be that in USA they want you to belive that you have to pay money when you kick a dog because its a bad thing to do. Money talks. If the dog doesn't have a owner, he quickly falls asleep. You can't blame the kids for such things unless its against the law. Good that i don't live in USA or Canada. No wonder you got soo much crime and problems when you are limited like that. I have never experienced that any law helped me when it should or protect me or anything like that. Do you really think laws are for the good and safety of people and kids ?
    The less laws the less crime? Must use that the next time I try for erection election. Dont give Government ideas.
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    How can a adult be a victim of 9 year old child ? This is just really, really funny. Are those kind of parents such big cowards or whats wrong with them.
    Tell that to Mr. and Mrs Bulger.
    Tell that to anyone who's ever had their car tires slash by a kid and couldn't do a thing about it.
    What would you do if a 9 y/o put a brick through your window or killed your dog or stole you tv and the police can't press charges or the kid gets off with a slap on the wrist, what would you do?


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