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Thread: Freedom

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    I have never seen so many people that are enjoying The freedom that the blood and money of the USA has paid for be so ungrateful.
    Is it that they are so jelous of the USA or is it because there countries pale in comparison.
    Who are these countries that they come from.
    They always seem to leave that out.
    The fact of the matter is if they come from eurpoe they should be down on their knees kissing the feet of Uncle Sam.
    Shame on YOU EUROPE.
    The USA should pull out of Europe and let them defend themseleves.
    They would'nt stand up to evil(except britain and poland)in the 1930's and they won't today.
    Just take a look at Milosovitch,Sebia and Bosnia for a recent example
    We had to take care of that problem and it was in their own backyard.
    We should pull out and be done with them.
    France is their leader now anyway.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@16 May 2003 - 05:54
    The USA should pull out of Europe and let them defend themseleves.
    About time!! I'll get the suitcases, you start packing...

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    1/ There were a lot more Europeans died in WWII than Americans, and those still fighting on mainland Europe were shot if caught not sent to a POW camp.

    2/ The USA only declared war on Germany in exchange for UK (and the rest of the British Empire) declaring war on Japan. This ensured that Australia, India and a lot of other countries in the Far East were sudden allies and could releave the strain on an unprepared USA in the Pacific.

    Now, why should we kiss your feet again? Because in both wars you profiteered to BOTH sides prior to joining in and were too far away to get hurt and have to rebuild....ensuring you were the richest country in the world following the wars?

    Then profiteered again by lending the money to rebuild at extortionate interst rates to keep you the richest country?

    In one word................No

    There are things to be thankful to the USA for, but there are also things to dislike.

    In this you are the same as any other country.

    Live with it.

    Edited to add last three lines.....sounded a bit 'anti-american' without them

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@16 May 2003 - 00:54
    I have never seen so many people that are enjoying The freedom that the blood and money of the USA has paid for be so ungrateful.
    Is it that they are so jelous of the USA or is it because there countries pale in comparison.
    Who are these countries that they come from.
    They always seem to leave that out.
    The fact of the matter is if they come from eurpoe they should be down on their knees kissing the feet of Uncle Sam.
    Shame on YOU EUROPE.
    The USA should pull out of Europe and let them defend themseleves.
    They would'nt stand up to evil(except britain and poland)in the 1930's and they won't today.
    Just take a look at Milosovitch,Sebia and Bosnia for a recent example
    We had to take care of that problem and it was in their own backyard.
    We should pull out and be done with them.
    France is their leader now anyway.

    It is an unavoidable point of the history we all rely on that political expedience has played a huge part in the timeliness of action or lack of same regarding U.S. foreign policy. While the U.S. arguably has the advantage of at least appearing to work for the betterment of it's spheres of involvement, we cannot uniformly claim, in every case, to have acted altruisticly.

    The U.S. has, at times, acted with supreme arrogance (the appearance of which, at least, is largely unavoidable), self-interest, and regrettably, at times, with astounding ignorance.

    Our saving grace, as I see it (shields up and activated ), is that our might allows us to act to render decisive aid, be it monetary or military, in the name of what we think is a just cause.

    No more or less than that. Some agree, some don't, but there it is.

    By the way-I am possibly the most active defender of the U.S. on this forum; I try to be more 'perfect' in my defense of my country than she is in her actions.

    P.S.-The people who count DO appreciate the sacrifices; don't doubt that.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Join Date
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    Southern California USA
    Blah blah blah
    Your proving my point.
    I know more Europians died in WW2 but thats not the USA's fault.
    Rosevelt wanted to get in the war before we did but the american people wanted no part of it.
    The delay in the US entering WW2 allowed Hitler to slaughter millions of Jews but still thats not our fault.
    J2k4 I am glad to hear these things from you but I think there is such an anti American spirit in the Europe today that you are in the minority.
    More and more americans are feeling the way I do.
    I am 40 years old and I never in my wildest dreams did I think that Americans would be so dispised in Europe in my lifetime.
    Throughout my life I have seen that France is not that fond of us and hates the proliferation of American culture in their society.
    I am of European desent,Scotch,French and a wee bit of Irish.
    Americans are shocked by all this anti American ferver in Europe.
    There is a hidden agenda at work here!
    Some of my anger written bombast throughout this section was a little uncalled for.
    I am glad such people like you still exist and I apoligize To you.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    In many instances you mistake a dislike for US foreign policy (which i have) as anti-american (which im not).

    I also dislike a lot of my own governments policies......that doesnt make me a traitor.

    I wrote in another thread that I dont think its possible to be 'anti-american', as it is a collection of 50 different cultures in a Federation with only 2 things in common: Federal Taxes and Foreign Policy.

    I dont give a shit about Federal Taxes, but its Foreign Policy affects me; as the USA has 1/2 of the worlds GDP.

    Didnt you lot get independance on the "No Taxation without Representation" banner? The US Foreign policy deeply affects EVERYTHING from taxation on down through the world.

    The US colonies went to war over this, we're just criticising........

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    i have to agree with most of what ShockAndAwe said.

    i don't understand the point that more europeans died than americans in europe. if the battles had mostly taken place in the U.S., than more americans would die... duh..

    i was going to say other things, but i suddenly drew a blank..i'll get back with u guys later.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@16 May 2003 - 15:38

    I am 40 years old and I never in my wildest dreams did I think that Americans would be so dispised in Europe in my lifetime.
    Throughout my life I have seen that France is not that fond of us and hates the proliferation of American culture in their society.

    Please, S&A, calm down!

    I have to wonder where you get your information. TV?

    One of my neighbors is a stewardess ( oops..I meant flight attendent) and flies to Europe/Russia several times a month. The main complaint she hears about Americans is that since 9/11 fewer of us travel overseas. They miss our money!
    Just like here, the lumpenproletariat of Europe is far more interested in the events in their neighborhood than the world stage. Just trying to get through the day and feed the kids, pretty much like people the world over. They don't have the time, energy or political will to actively hate anybody.
    I have certainly done my fair share of sniping at the French, but it basically stops here in the forum.
    Damned if I'm giving up Perrier Jouet and Roquefort...

    p.s. I believe that attendance at EuroDisney continues to grow. If the French can get over it, so can you.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    70% of americans support our foreign plolicy including myself

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