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Thread: I'm hoping the staffs will help

  1. #1
    MrEhRz's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60
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    Oct 2006
    Dear lovely FST staffs,
    I'm so sorry for posting this problem in this section once again
    My post in this report section : haven't got reply from JessicaAlba
    Please help me, cause my friends here, emailed me asking about this Profile fraction, they ask me and some misjudge me because of this DP. I done nothing wrong, and to be honest I really disappoint why JessicaAlba didn't confirm to me first before doing the DP
    I think not few members here know me, I never behave badly here, so please help me staffs, be objective please

    Cheers and thanks so much for helping

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    znik's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50BT Rep +50
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    Do you want to irritate the staff pal, by creating such threads one after the other?

    I am sure they had their reason to disable your privileges.

    You are not the one to judge them whether they are objective or not...

    Be a little patient and I am sure you 'll get your answers in the report section...

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    MrEhRz's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60
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    No, of course I don't have the intention to irritate them, please don't get me wrong
    Yes, I can really understand that they must have their own reason, I just want to talk to them
    Thanks znik, I'm sure I'll get my answer soon

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Patriot foreve's Avatar William Wallace
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Plz Don't make this kind of post in the public section,if u wanna say anything u can just come and say it in your report in the report section

    as i can see you have been disabled for apretty good reason so if u wanna say anything say it in the report section


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