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Thread: MPAA study shows film industry is back on course

  1. #1
    Hairbautt's Avatar *haircut
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In a recent MPAA media revenue study, the industry found an 8% increase--reaching about $42.6 billion--in 2006 compared to last year in 2005.

    The "all-media" study--a term used to describe all income made from home video, television, and theatrical entertainment--included the following movie production studios: Walt Disney Co., Paramount Pictures Corp., Sony Pictures Entertainment, 20th Century Fox Film Corp., Universal City Studios and Warner Bros. Entertainment.

    The all-media study also shows that sales grew by 10% in the U.S. and 5% in the top 25 international markets including Canada, the new so-called 'pirate haven'. Canada "showed the biggest growth in terms of dollars by adding $341 million USD" and Russia, another known pirate haven, also jumped up "to become the 13th-ranked purchaser of U.S. filmed entertainment, a 50% hike from last year."

    Last edited by Alien5; Jun 6th, 2006 at
    06:36 PM..

  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    Now we only need to link the rise in the sharing of pirated movies with their income increase.
    It's funny to think that the very thing MPAA legally hates the most is the main source of advertisement for them.


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