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Thread: Trading and/or trading???

  1. #11
    DefX's Avatar Macula.Lutea. BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Very astute observation. I'm moving this thread to the Main BT section as I'd hate for it to get lost among the sea of invite threads in the invite section.

    "However awkwardly they might navigate the outside world, over the board they were killers." - NYT

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    sear's Avatar Feeling Clamy BT Rep: +3
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    @TheFoX: you make a good point there has been talk of this for some time on FST but never spelled out in such a clear way. These wheeler dealers [or as I think of them trading addicts] are the main reason people like to talk shit about the BT section.

    As previously said there are all types of people that hang around the bt and bt/invites sections and it makes an interesting mix. since I've been on FST I've met some realy generous people so we shouldn't generalise too much. Even the addicts have their place and they contribute by making the board a more lively and interesting place to visit.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ceasar View Post
    Dividing world on just two parts: black and white is instantly wrong. Though I agree with two categories that you mentioned: one-off trader and wheeler dealer, but to lock the options on these two only will be a lie. Why do this, go ahead and write a review on other 8-10 categories. By eliminating the others you can just create the situation we against them. I agree with the thoughts about these two groups and main idea is good, but requires further development. Also it's posted in wrong section I guess, recommend 1 up
    Your right in your observation, of course. Think of the two categories as either ends of a scale, and that trading can fit anywhere between those two end points, and you have your various degrees of wheeler dealership.

    Your other point about being posted in the wrong section has been handled by a staff member, but I suppose the reason for posting in the Invite area was because it was something I wanted to air in relation to that very section. Having the thread in this section will certainly allow it to be read by a wider audience, some of which will not have access to the Invite section, and who probably are unaware of the shenanigans currently going on in that section at the moment.

    It's good to see such a positive response. I was concerned that there would be numerous txt tlk posts of a negative nature. Just goes to show that the majority of people here do think before responding, and that it is a small minority who engage their fingers before their brains.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultramorpg View Post
    You forgot type 3: This type of guy has a massive amount of spare time and only tends to write gigantic threads to talk about ethics in an un-ethical activity forum

    j/k the truth is that I have to agree with you, it's true that there are people that just turn trading into some kind of sick hobby, and that doesn't benefit the bittorrent private community at all
    I almost fit into type 3. I do write gigantic posts, but don't have all the time in the world.

    Those here who know me, also know that my own time is limited, what with the various projects I am currently working on (coding), but I always make time to read the forums where I am subscribed to, and respond when I feel the need.

    You wouldn't believe how many staff jobs I've turned down. Burning the candle at boths ends catches up with you, but trying to burn the candle in the middle as well is down right suicidal, if you ask me.

    Still, I enjoy a good debate, and if it helps improve a place, then it hasn't been in vain.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    SpiderPig's Avatar The Clams BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFoX View Post
    When reading threads here, you get to know who the contributors are (fstrulz, skizo, JA, saulin, frize etc. etc. etc.)
    You have GOT to be joking! No bigger traders than ftnrulz and Alba back in the early months of this year. They were the REAL or, shall I say, the patriarchs, of perpetual "wheeler dealer" trading.


    • Traders suck donkey
    • After some deliberation, buffered accounts should not be given away, invites are the way to go.
    • You forgot the Types who do fake giveaways
    • You also forgot the Types who do giveaways just for the meaningless "rep" points
    • Oh, and then scam other members when trading because they have a "high rep point."
    Last edited by SpiderPig; 07-26-2007 at 02:45 AM.
    No Whining

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    I don't say this lightly. When reading threads here, you get to know who the contributors are (fstrulz, skizo, JA, saulin, frize etc. etc. etc.). Even if you have never seen a name before, you can still see their stats, such as join date and how many posts they have made. Strange then that a lot of giveaway winners are n00bs who have joined within the last few days of the giveaway.
    I don't understand this paragraph at all.

    You don't take what lightly?

    The prior paragraph gives no hint to its meaning and it doesn't lead in to the following sentences.

    "contributors" to what? Giveaways, trading, etc.....


  6. BitTorrent   -   #16
    JA's Avatar //Me<3You!? BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Im a Wheel Dealer. Woohooo. =] Im also good at what i do. Only been banned by a few Sysop, thats coz i pissed em off a lil =]

  7. BitTorrent   -   #17
    Member BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    I just gave away a bunch of accounts. Accounts that I don't use. I will offer them to people that might use them under the condition that they will not use them for trading purposes.

    I do believe that account trading is simply wrong. Invites are given to users so they can invite good users that will contribute to the tracker. Invites are not meant to be traded. Account trading is wrong because you either want something for an account you don't use or need or simply you got the account by trading to get more accounts. People that usually trade accounts imo are those that just like to leech and want some buffer to do just that or want to get invites quick to trade them for other invites or accounts. This just goes against what bitorrent is about.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #18
    KSA's Avatar Pro Skater BT Rep: +5
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    Those kind of traders are a big shame for the whole BT communities, i mean those who just get invites for trading purpose, in fact they ruin it on other good members those really need these invites for their personal use.

    Is there any way to control these quibble people?
    FLiP all the way!

  9. BitTorrent   -   #19
    iNSOMNiA's Avatar 1/G BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Actually I don't think you get the whole picture yet and like Skiz i'm not sure to totally understand what you meant to say in that paragraph.

    You raised some interesting points tho. B-
    Last edited by iNSOMNiA; 07-26-2007 at 12:43 PM.

    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #20
    Beenieman's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +2
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    I hate wheeler dealers! Well ok I don't hate them but they do seem to make life hard for the honest people who just want to get a head start up the ladder. I've been here 8 weeks or more and I've enjoyed the experiance, if anything its entertaining watching these "fake" givaways and you learn who to trust and not trust real fast.

    Trading is something that won't go away, I sometimes think it hurts the noobs but then maybe it dont.. because theres always someone who will genuinly give something away and it makes things balanced. I'm one of the lucky ones, I was given what I wanted by just being myself.
    Rent this space

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