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Thread: Games Freezing!

  1. #21
    It's a bummer that the new RAM didn't fix the problem .. If only it was something that nice and easy (albeit not the cheapest) to fix. *sigh*

    Think you could post a list of the hardware in your machine? That might help.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #22
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    If it helps sure.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    EDIT: By the way, I disabled my Network Adapter, there isn't anything wrong with it.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #23
    uNz[i]'s Avatar Out of order
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    Hmmm... apps and games frequently locking up for no apparent reason.. restarting the comp the only way out.

    A few other people and myself have a very similar problem, KrackHead2k... details on this topic:
    Theres some links to online and software PC tests in there that you may or may not have tried yet.

    After much testing and swapping out of parts, my major suspect is the mobo.
    I'm just waiting on the delivery of a cpu to complete my upgrade package of new mobo and video card to provide a fix.

    If I update my system and it still freezes, then it could only be something to do with the display drivers. The one thing my new system will have in common with the old is the fact that It'll be using a (newer) Geforce card... but at the moment that's just a theory that I hope is wrong; I just broke the bank buying the new PC parts.

    I surfed for a month and found a patch that works on my gforce.
    Please share your patch info alan36uk.. it might save a bunch of people a lot of money and aggro!
    I've noticed that it's usually Geforce cards that are affected by the big freeze.

    I'll repost once I've upgraded my system to let you know if the freeze still happens, KrackHead2k.
    Good luck in your search for a fix.

    (Edit: Rephrasing)

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #24
    There does seem to be quite a few people with a GeForce / Athlon problem. There are threads in other forums about problems that sound similar to your own. (With similar hardware.) Some of them were solved by installing specific Detonator drivers (22.50 and 23.12 were recommended) and others by installing updated AGP drivers for 2K/XP. (The VIA 4in1's or AMD's AGP driver for the AMD chipsets).

    Not sure if these will be of any help, but they might at least supply some ideas. (Though these don't really cover the memory errors MemTest reported .. Dunno if that was an mistake by MemTest or something pooched in the board or RAM.)

    Here are the particular threads I'm referring to:

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #25
    VIA Technologies, Inc. takes no responsibility for the use of this patch.

    Hi All,

    I have an update for you. Thanks for being so patient. Here is a beta patch. I must stress very strongly the word BETA here. This patch has to go through more testing in Taiwan from several departments before it is released officially and in fact will probably end up being a silent install patch in the next version of the 4in1 drivers – that is if further rigorous testing proves that it is in fact a fix to this issue. If you choose to install this patch on your computer, you do so at your own risk and full responsibility yourself. Speaking frankly, normally new fixes, patchs, drivers and the like are never released beta to the public. We do not like to use end users as guinea pig testers so to speak. However, many people in these forums have asked for the details and you have all been very patient and helpful in giving me information so out of respect for you I am making it available as a beta fix. To install it, unzip the file and run the setup.exe Do not run the setup from the compressed folder.

    So what does it do? It closes the RX55 memory register in BIOS. The RX55 register's official name and function is Memory Write Queue (MWQ) timer. The MWQ timer is actually a timing device included in the memory host controller to prevent write data being held in the memory queue too long. After the data has been in the queue too long it times out. This timed out data is then given a higher write request priority. Now that might sound nice – a bit of extra performance BUT the procedure fails when overloaded. 3D games and Win XP put too much load on the memory queuing timer procedure. The nVidia new driver exaggerates the problem even more as the driver enables nVidia cards to use even more memory than previous driver versions.

    So in a nutshell it’s a memory timing problem that only happens when the RX55 register is opened. Some motherboard manufacturers have already released new BIOS that have the register closed. In other instances, this patch is needed.

    One thing I have noticed is that I think some people in this thread are confusing one issue with the issue that I am referring to here. Symptoms I am talking about are the infinite loop error, dropping to desktop in 3D games or spontaneous reboot in 3D games. What I strongly suggest is that you try these trouble shooting suggestions before trying the patch:

    - Load optimized defaults in your BIOS and do not modify memory settings
    - set your memory settings in the BIOS less aggressively and test
    - make sure you have an adequate power supply
    - update your BIOS and test
    - disable or enable AGP fast write and test (this has worked for some people)

    The reason that I make these suggestions is that I think some people are confusing general instability because their systems are being pushed to the max, with this error. For example, if you have a 250watt power supply, 128mb RAM and have all your memory settings at max then you may be asking for trouble – the symptoms may be similar to this issue but it’s not the same. If you still get the issue after gong through these suggestions then try the beta patch (if you want to – remember it is BETA).

    Thats the read me file included in the zip

    Try those settings first..If that dont work I will get the file to you somehow..
    Its only 548 kb zipped !!

    Cheers Alan

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #26
    uNz[i]'s Avatar Out of order
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    That's terrific.. only problem is that my current mobo is an AOpen/Intel i185EP chipset, not VIA. But it freezes just like the AMD/VIA boards that were discussed on those other forums - btw, thanks for the links pixellated, very useful info indeed. B)

    I guess it must be a dying mobo in my case...

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #27
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Los Angeles, CA
    alan36uk, think you can email me the patch? I've PMed you with the email address...

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #28
    Originally posted by KrackHead2k@21 July 2003 - 03:23
    alan36uk, think you can email me the patch? I've PMed you with the email address...
    Yes its on its way....

    Please let me know if it works for you or not..


  9. Software & Hardware   -   #29
    *double post*

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #30
    iamtheoneandonlyone's Avatar Andromeda Ascendant
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    Your graphics card is one of many possible problems. It could be your monitor freaking out on you.

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