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Thread: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

  1. #11
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4;
    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala;
    And yet again.. Radical Muslims with their problem-free solution to everything.. If you don't like it - bomb it.

    Hardly surprising.
    No, not surprising at all.

    How about supremely and stupifyingly dismaying?

    We look about for signs of change and see none.

    Surely you - of all of us, Rafi - should avoid such jaded thoughts.
    I'm afraid that over the years, in my experience living in a conflict area, such thoughts are the default of most people who go through a war, suicide bomber attacks, rocket attacks and whatnot. This act of stupidity, or whatever else you think it should be called, is just another wake up call for the rest of the world to the state radical Muslims are getting the world into. A constant threat on millions of peoples' lives, thinking twice before going places, talking to certain people.. It's all a new state of mind people are having to adapt to because some people in this world think that by taking a bomb, wrapping it round your body, and shoving all possible pieces of shrapnel in it, then trying to kill as many people as possible - is the right way of life.

    It's been going on for too long, and to be entirely honest I've had enough. I've had my share of this shit. Whenever I see the pictures of the WTC having a plane penetrate it's floors, I can't help but think why on earth would someone want to do such a thing? I can't help but think I'd like to meet the person who hijacked the plane, and torture him for all the death, injuries, pain and fear he implemented in to so many people's lives for nothing. For no good reason.

    I want you, j2k, to really take a moment and think if you can really see yourself going to talk eye-to-eye with Bin Laden, Khaled Masha'al, Hassan Nasrallah, etc. Can you really imagine yourself sitting down in the same room with them trying to have a polite and calm conversation about their way of life, and their solutions to the areas problems?

    I can't. Even after trying for so long. I can't.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    in your eyes have the israelis done anything at all to deserve the hatred of the palestinians and if so what?

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    We're talking about radical Muslims round the world right now ilw. We can go and talk about the "Israel or Palestine" topic later on.

    I can't help but feel you're being too easy-going with these particular things being done. You've never experienced living in an area with shit going on like it does round my hood (as far as I know.). So.. that's about it.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
    fair enough, you just really get my back up when you pretend that Israelis are the victims in the Israel/Palestine conflict.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Both sides have victims.. I never said there aren't any Palestinian victims. I was one of many who has had their house almost bombed because of Hizbollah attacks last summer.. Just to name a specific case.

    But anyhow, it's the radical Muslims in general I'm talking about.. I mean, there was something on the BBC World Service today about Malaysia prohibiting the use of the word "Allah" by any non-Muslims... I may have misheard, cos I was like WTF, who the hell are they to call the shots of what someone can and can't say? That's taking it a little too far in my mind.
    It just seems that of all religions, it's the radical Muslims that have taken everything a step and a half forward to the "over the top" stage of everything (violence, execution methods, etc..).

    But that's just me.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala View Post
    Both sides have victims.. I never said there aren't any Palestinian victims. I was one of many who has had their house almost bombed because of Hizbollah attacks last summer.. Just to name a specific case.
    wow thats really brought the reality of the situation home to me. Almost.

    But anyhow, it's the radical Muslims in general I'm talking about.. I mean, there was something on the BBC World Service today about Malaysia prohibiting the use of the word "Allah" by any non-Muslims... I may have misheard, cos I was like WTF, who the hell are they to call the shots of what someone can and can't say? That's taking it a little too far in my mind.
    Britain has (or recently had) a blasphemy law...
    and 'they' are the people making the laws in Malaysia, who the hell are you to question whether they should or should not be able to make this law?
    It just seems that of all religions, it's the radical Muslims that have taken everything a step and a half forward to the "over the top" stage of everything (violence, execution methods, etc..).

    But that's just me.
    judaism &christianity were just as retarded back in the day, its just that they have modernised...

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by ilw View Post
    judaism &christianity were just as retarded back in the day, its just that they have modernised...
    One rightfully infers, then, that you believe Judaism and Christianity to have modernized themselves so as to forestall practice of the brutish characteristics advocated by the current iteration of Islam.

    Would you, in future posting, regularly set aside a wee bit of space in order to advocate the modernization of Islam, which (one presumes) would allay our current concerns, rather than continuing to scorn Christianity and Judaism,

    Happy New Year to you all, BTW.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ilw View Post
    judaism &christianity were just as retarded back in the day, its just that they have modernised...
    One rightfully infers, then, that you believe Judaism and Christianity to have modernized themselves so as to forestall practice of the brutish characteristics advocated by the current iteration of Islam.
    'so as to' implies intent, organised religion is a very conservative establishment, hence the main bits of it nearly always needs to be dragged along kicking and screaming. The current thing about gays and women in the protestant church is a case in point.

    Would you, in future posting, regularly set aside a wee bit of space in order to advocate the modernization of Islam, which (one presumes) would allay our current concerns, rather than continuing to scorn Christianity and Judaism,
    As i'm sure you're aware i scorn all religions and their indoctrinated adherents equally. I will add something to my signature.
    Happy new year.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilw;
    judaism &christianity were just as retarded back in the day, its just that they have modernised...
    That's the key point. You seem to acknowledge the fact that quite a bunch of Muslims, and that quite a bunch of Muslim laws are fitted for the middle ages. Problem is, these laws are taken and practiced as "full country laws", unlike the somewhat weird Jewish laws, and somewhat weird Christian laws, when I can do whatever the hell I like. That's one of my main argument points. Radical Islam has to quit thinking that killing and spilling blood all over the walls is going to be the way to get what they could achieve anyways by sitting down and talking to the certain people they crave to wipe of the earth so much.

    Oh, and what were you to say if you were part of a small non-religious group living in Malaysia about such a law, and a "so-called" democratic country? Hardly a democratic law to me. I mean, even Israel, which has it's religious laws (no business can operate on the Sabbath for instance) doesn't reach such ridiculous ideas for laws.

    Then, one can come and offer the argument about the "Mohammed teddybear". I must ask you ilw: Who the hell are the people in the Sudan to demand the stoning (and as a result the killing of) that (may I say moronic) British woman? I mean.. Calling a fluffy toy Mohammed.. A reason to kill?

    If that's not extremism I'm not sure I know what is...

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    maebach's Avatar Team FST Captain
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    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala View Post
    And yet again.. Radical Muslims with their problem-free solution to everything.. If you don't like it - bomb it.

    Hardly surprising.
    word. Theres this one case near where I live, where some father strangled his daughter because she wore skirts and not a burka. Her friends told the press that her dad hated the way she dressed and threatened her. A week later, some muslim organization got together and came to a consensus that it wasnt over the burka but something else. Everyone knows that was the reason, but they deny everything.
    It was on teh front page of almost every paper

    Back on topic: I tihnk all of teh west was rooting for Bhutto to bring change and democracy to a new level. RIP

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