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Thread: Trading invites....Please read

  1. #91
    fatcat69's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    spamming ur mom and sis.
    Quote Originally Posted by iNSOMNiA View Post
    Maybe not as gay as your site but still..
    Wow...I hope you didnt spend all night thinking of that funny one liner.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #92
    iNSOMNiA's Avatar 1/G BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Speaking the truth.. You should lurk moar and learn when to shut the fuck up instead of trying to look good to a random tracker staff. Fag.

    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #93
    fatcat69's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    spamming ur mom and sis.
    Quote Originally Posted by iNSOMNiA View Post
    Speaking the truth.. You should lurk moar and learn when to shut the fuck up instead of trying to look good to a random tracker staff. Fag.

    LoL look good? I dont need to look good, all the staff at sites know who I am. They will all vouch for me...will any vouch for you?

    Didnt think so junior...

    So stop being a immature little kid by pouting on an internet forum for no reason...

  4. BitTorrent   -   #94
    Zaxx's Avatar Ol' Skool P2P BT Rep: +3
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    The phrase 'open mouth, insert foot' comes to mind about now.
    "It's not what ya got, it's what you give."
    Please do not PM me for invites. Thx.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #95
    BANNED BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitmar View Post
    It amazes me how this debate typically progresses. It usually starts out reasonably enough, with those who deplore the practice of trading stating the facts that originally led them to that conclusion. By that, I mean facts such as: it's against tracker rules, it puts trackers at risk, it jeopardizes entire invite trees, etc.

    I would expect the other side to respond with their own facts extolling the virtues of invite or account trading, e.g. it provides liquidity in the tracker "commodity market", it provides access to people who don't have the communication skills or integrity to seem trustworthy enough to be given a free invite, etc. (I am admittedly reaching, because I don't agree with trading in principle.) Pro-traders could undoubtedly come up with better arguments.

    But they don't...

    The least pugnacious retort is something like: "I'll trade all I want, and I don't care what anyone else thinks." Well, at least it's honest. I'm glad, though, this doesn't represent the vast majority of bit torrent community members, because there would be very little file sharing taking place. For that matter, there wouldn't have been many collaborating coders and web designers to have started the trackers in the first place with attitudes like that.

    The pro-trading tactics I find most objectionable are those that personally attack members who state opposing views. Comments about someone not acting their age or speculations about a member's sexual preference tend to degrade their side's credibility and draw attention to the vacuous nature of their arguments. Attempts to brand vocal opponents as hypocrites does not serve the pro-trading cause very well either, except perhaps as only a distraction from an apparently unsupportable position. I find it laughable that Polarbear was singled out here in that way. I can't think of anyone in this forum with more integrity than he has, and I though his arguments and his analogy were right on target. I was surprised that links were chosen that actually proved that Polarbear showed due diligence in selecting invitees to Waffles and Libble. The poster had to go all the way back to his first two giveaways as a newcomer to the invites section to find what might remotely be seen as casual giveaways to lessor known trackers. And the one asking advice on how to start a poll? The only reason I can think of for adding that one is to look like one more example of hypocrisy to those readers who didn't check the links and assumed they all had some sort of validity. They didn't.

    If I may be so presumptuous as to offer some advice to my pro-trading friends, I would simply recommend that when participating in threads like this, just state your case. Many people have open minds here and you just might win people over, recruiting more traders, producing access to more trackers, thus improving you own chances to obtain more trophies, and achieve higher status! Attacking anti trading members tends to create sympathy for them, and ultimately hurts your argument. It might also create some hard feelings that can come back to haunt you.
    Welcome to FST.
    I know FSC starts with an 'F' too, but they're completely different

  6. BitTorrent   -   #96
    yacine911's Avatar Poster
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    i agree

  7. BitTorrent   -   #97
    Poster BT Rep: +3
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    lol. Gotta love the idiocy displayed by some members.

    I have to admit I'm starting to warm to this place, everytime u come back you suddenly feel smarter and even better about yourself seeing how retarded others are

    insomnia being a great example :p

    edit: wtf is this BT rep thing?
    Last edited by LordS; 01-24-2008 at 12:31 PM.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #98
    grimms's Avatar Excuse Me? BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Flaming others is not going to get you any respect insomnia. Tone it down a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by jonny81985 View Post
    Wow this thread really took off, Its good to see some conversation atleast but can we atleast try and be nice to eachother. There is no need to pick on anyone. we all have our beliefs and we should respect others.

    I wish it was that easy young grasshopper. j/k this always happens. Somebody starts a thread then it completely diverges into something else. Small ego's meets large ego's, which turns into some people getting emo, misconstruing the facts, and bashing one anothers opinions to get over on the other person or people, yada, yada, yada. It's verbal war son.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordS View Post
    edit: wtf is this BT rep thing?
    Too prove to others that your e-penis is 12 feet long. It's mostly to show others that you could be trusted depending on the amount that you have(basically i give you an invite you give me a rep point in exchange). I don't gauge peoples trustworthiness on rep points though. Good post history, seeing if your a trader or not, figuring out if your a potential good member is what i go by.
    Last edited by grimms; 01-24-2008 at 03:44 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

    Excuse Me?
    Didn't Think So!

  9. BitTorrent   -   #99
    jonny81985's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Quote Originally Posted by grimms View Post
    Flaming others is not going to get you any respect insomnia. Tone it down a bit.

    I wish it was that easy young grasshopper. j/k this always happens. Somebody starts a thread then it completely diverges into something else. Small ego's meets large ego's, which turns into some people getting emo, misconstruing the facts, and bashing one anothers opinions to get over on the other person or people, yada, yada, yada. It's verbal war son.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordS View Post
    edit: wtf is this BT rep thing?
    Too prove to others that your e-penis is 12 feet long. It's mostly to show others that you could be trusted depending on the amount that you have(basically i give you an invite you give me a rep point in exchange). I don't gauge peoples trustworthiness on rep points though. Good post history, seeing if your a trader or not, figuring out if your a potential good member is what i go by.

    Thats the best way to look at it, Alot of traders have a high rep count but you probably dont want them in your invite tree.

    IMO you can usually tell what kind of person someone is just by talking to them briefly. Granted there are scam artists out there so you gotta be careful, but post history is huge

  10. BitTorrent   -   #100
    grimms's Avatar Excuse Me? BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Yea man i hate scammers their worse then traders. Even though most if not all scam artists are traders. Hmm...I guess their one in the same (does that make any sense?). Yea.. all you really can do is talk with someone through pm, check their post history, just analyze the things they write and say in the forums. I usually could spot traders instantly (which then means you get no love from me, even though the'll say they don't care for emo purposes). But I like to associate myself with good trusted members.

    Excuse Me?
    Didn't Think So!

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