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Thread: Trading invites....Please read

  1. #81
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    If u sign up n agree to rules.? u should follow them, i think that is the point. Respect n trust.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #82
    grimms's Avatar Excuse Me? BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Yup agree 100% with pone on this one. Just respect the rules, enjoy the content, and have safe fun. But instead we have account traders running rampant everywhere making it hard for good legit members.

    Excuse Me?
    Didn't Think So!

  3. BitTorrent   -   #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitmar View Post
    It amazes me how this debate typically progresses. It usually starts out reasonably enough, with those who deplore the practice of trading stating the facts that originally led them to that conclusion. By that, I mean facts such as: it's against tracker rules, it puts trackers at risk, it jeopardizes entire invite trees, etc.

    I would expect the other side to respond with their own facts extolling the virtues of invite or account trading, e.g. it provides liquidity in the tracker "commodity market", it provides access to people who don't have the communication skills or integrity to seem trustworthy enough to be given a free invite, etc. (I am admittedly reaching, because I don't agree with trading in principle.) Pro-traders could undoubtedly come up with better arguments.

    But they don't...

    The least pugnacious retort is something like: "I'll trade all I want, and I don't care what anyone else thinks." Well, at least it's honest. I'm glad, though, this doesn't represent the vast majority of bit torrent community members, because there would be very little file sharing taking place. For that matter, there wouldn't have been many collaborating coders and web designers to have started the trackers in the first place with attitudes like that.

    The pro-trading tactics I find most objectionable are those that personally attack members who state opposing views. Comments about someone not acting their age or speculations about a member's sexual preference tend to degrade their side's credibility and draw attention to the vacuous nature of their arguments. Attempts to brand vocal opponents as hypocrites does not serve the pro-trading cause very well either, except perhaps as only a distraction from an apparently unsupportable position. I find it laughable that Polarbear was singled out here in that way. I can't think of anyone in this forum with more integrity than he has, and I though his arguments and his analogy were right on target. I was surprised that links were chosen that actually proved that Polarbear showed due diligence in selecting invitees to Waffles and Libble. The poster had to go all the way back to his first two giveaways as a newcomer to the invites section to find what might remotely be seen as casual giveaways to lessor known trackers. And the one asking advice on how to start a poll? The only reason I can think of for adding that one is to look like one more example of hypocrisy to those readers who didn't check the links and assumed they all had some sort of validity. They didn't.

    If I may be so presumptuous as to offer some advice to my pro-trading friends, I would simply recommend that when participating in threads like this, just state your case. Many people have open minds here and you just might win people over, recruiting more traders, producing access to more trackers, thus improving you own chances to obtain more trophies, and achieve higher status! Attacking anti trading members tends to create sympathy for them, and ultimately hurts your argument. It might also create some hard feelings that can come back to haunt you.
    i wasnt trying to single out polarbear,i dont even know him, its just the way he would react to situations,and his talks...i was just asking him not to pick on some one in particular because this was not the first thread he(ideal,anti-trader) picked on supper (trader) about how supper speaks his english,the way he speaks everything is perfect about polarbear....when his old giveaway posts are brought to light he should have just accepted the fact that yes,he had flawed in his past just like everyone else ,instead he defends himself by making fun of supper saying sumthing like "
    Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by supper View Post
    there is more
    mmmh, baby. i turns me on when you browse through my post history. please give me more you sexy little boy.
    ....before all this happened he said something like "now everyone (including the good members who kept their cards) is pretty pissed at those who traded them away to strangers, because they are the ones who betrayed the club and ruined all the fun." about how traders make the rest of the community members pissed and how traders betray the community...may be you should read his whole thread again it meant a lot more then when some one makes such a statement he better believe in it, if u argue that those giveaways posts are very old""rSR giveaway" "IT giveaway",polarbear is now a changed man and he will never break the rules...what about traders."once a trader is always a trader"
    when i said i wont trade this is what he had to say
    Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear
    the point is, that you seem to be one of those opportunists who trade when they have the chance and claim to never trade again the next day.

    i respect people who stand for what they are. may it be a trader or not.

    if a non-trader offers you an invite, you will be the first to say: i quit trading, i will never trade again."

    this annoys me. and not the fact that you are a trader.

    honestly i don't care at all wether you trade, get scammed or anything.

    i just don't like hypocrisy.
    and you accuse me of manipulating the readers..its either you cant see or u chose not to see ...who is manipulating who..

    well i believe giveaways is as bad as trading.....just that when you trade you r asking for something in return.....i did what i tot was necessary then...when anti traders make a giveaway its something divine,when traders trade they dont have a life,they r a bunch of losers.....i requested(begged) for my invites too just like every one else,guess what my requests(begging) doesnt work...i have to earn what i want myself and dont advice me to make friends i already have enough of them i dont need one should accuse nobody of anything unless they cheat or try and sell their invites or scam someone ....that should be the only rule...anyways forget it.,i have lately lost interest in bittorrenting...soo no one will be hearing from me in the invites section,since fsc has closed down invites...i wont be trading after all...are you trying to suggest lessor known trackers = their rules dont matter,anyone can do what they want with it...people always see what they want to see,it works both ways...

    "All that is gold does not glitter;all that is long does not last;All that is old does not wither; not all that is over is past..... "

  4. BitTorrent   -   #84
    ...nvm to long winded and wont be read. Let me sum up which will be said. is bad m'kay. Oh wait trading is the only way to get what you want mmmmmmkay. Invites are meant to be free as long as they go to me mmmmkaay. Pretend to be nice, spam other ppl threads, give the same advice that has been given a hundred times before and/or use google and you will seem wise. What other ones have I seen....? Ah yes, the traders turned anti-traders to get that elusive invite then turn supposedly neutral and spout shit (mind you same shit everytime just worded different) about the rules of a site they have broken many time before. If you want my advice, stay out of the invite section, use the bittorent section for informative post which is few and far between (My god you guys are the spamminest sons of bitches around) and stick to your favorite trackers both in forum and IRC and you will go farther.
    Last edited by chiefosceola; 01-24-2008 at 05:20 AM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #85
    grimms's Avatar Excuse Me? BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    chiefoscelo pretty valid point you got going on there. I feel the same way i am an anti trader but do feel like being your self, being trustworthy to good members whether your a non trader like myself or a trader (for that movement), being noticed in a positive light is whats going to get people to like you, wanna gravitate towards you and also offer you invites to sites you may or may not like. I pretty much got FSC, FTN, and iTS in the same week, due to helping others, making friends, being respectful, participating in discussions, and most importantly being myself. So i can see where your coming from. Best policy is to keep it real and honest. Lying and being deceitful won't get you anywhere.

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  6. BitTorrent   -   #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiefosceola View Post
    ...nvm to long winded and wont be read. Let me sum up which will be said. is bad m'kay. Oh wait trading is the only way to get what you want mmmmmmkay. Invites are meant to be free as long as they go to me mmmmkaay. Pretend to be nice, spam other ppl threads, give the same advice that has been given a hundred times before and/or use google and you will seem wise. What other ones have I seen....? Ah yes, the traders turned anti-traders to get that elusive invite then turn supposedly neutral and spout shit (mind you same shit everytime just worded different) about the rules of a site they have broken many time before. If you want my advice, stay out of the invite section, use the bittorent section for informative post which is few and far between (My god you guys are the spamminest sons of bitches around) and stick to your favorite trackers both in forum and IRC and you will go farther.
    nuthing is good or bad...its just the way you see it....i tot you said just be yourself and you will get the invites you deserve..and now you want me to pretend to be nice...your post is confusing sir..or may be i dont have the skills/iq to understand what you have said in between....and thanks for your suggestion, like i said i dont want invite to no tracker at this moment..i guess maybe the ones who need it will use your sugesstion..what do u mean by "spamming" if u call me a spammer then i guess u r new here ..u havent met the professionals
    Last edited by stitched; 01-24-2008 at 05:43 AM.

    "All that is gold does not glitter;all that is long does not last;All that is old does not wither; not all that is over is past..... "

  7. BitTorrent   -   #87
    grimms's Avatar Excuse Me? BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Stitch don't fret, just know the whole point to chiefosceola post is being yourself whether your a trader or anti-trader, good user or bad users (bad users should take heed and read up). It's harder for traders though, you may get sites faster but you got alot more to prove and i find it's harder to have to proof things, also you lose trust in good members here and on other communities(IMO) I welcome all criticism or any corrections if needed to my post.

    Excuse Me?
    Didn't Think So!

  8. BitTorrent   -   #88
    Poster BT Rep: +3
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    Trading is gay, simple.

    Summed up the whole thread and any discussion in the future.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #89
    fatcat69's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    spamming ur mom and sis.
    Quote Originally Posted by LordS View Post
    Trading is gay, simple.

    Couldnt have said it better

  10. BitTorrent   -   #90
    iNSOMNiA's Avatar 1/G BT Rep: +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16BT Rep +16
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    Maybe not as gay as your site but still..

    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

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