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Thread: Want to start with Linux...

  1. #1
    absonic's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    I'm using Windows for 4 years now. It suites my needs, but stories of almost all people who use Linux that it is way better poked my curiosity, and i just want to try it...

    So my questin is - what distribution is most user friendly for a n00b, a beginner, is it harder to use than MS WINDOWS, uhm, what are the advantages and what are the bad sides? Some special HIGH hardwares requirements or?...

    Tnx for the replies in advance

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    fstokebanget's Avatar j-e-ib BT Rep: +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60
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    planet torrent
    I suggest you start with Ubuntu

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Giveaway's Avatar Senior Member BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    Quote Originally Posted by fstokebanget View Post
    I suggest you start with Ubuntu
    good advice.
    ubuntu is really simple and good
    go for it
    just do giveaways and help who deserves

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    PCLinuxOS ftw! See my sig.

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    elektROnik's Avatar retired BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    DKre8ive1's Avatar L0st N S0und BT Rep: +2
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    Another for ubuntu and since it has the synaptic application manger installing things becomes a lot easier if you are used to the add and remove programs in windows.

    They also have a live cd version so you can try it without having to install it on your harddrive.

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Artemis's Avatar ¿ןɐɯɹou ǝq ʎɥʍ BT Rep: +3
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    most modern distro's now come with a LiveCD capability so that you can insert the disc then boot the O/S directly into the computers memory without installation. As zap said for new users PCLOS is one of the simplest to set up, but out of them all ubuntu combines ease of use and alot of support forums, the one thing that maybe tough about ubuntu is the desktop environment Gnome is unusual if you come from a Windows background but then there is Kubuntu with the KDE desktop manager . To get a better idea have a look at they list and rate all the latest Linux distributions.


  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    The PCLOS user forum is vastly more Linux n00b friendly than the billionaires' distro.

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    cow_dung's Avatar 2010 Killua
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    get ubuntu 7.10, very easy to use, use about 10gb for it

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    If you're using linux for the first time I suggest you go through some tutorial / read some website where they explain the structure of unix and the file structure of linux and how things work in linux (like how devices are treated as files and other stuff). Also learn the useful commands and keyboard shortcuts and check whether any hardware component you have is incompatible/has some issues before going ahead with the install. This will save you from a lot of frustration.

    As per which distro to get, I tried several (incl. PCLinuxOS 2007) and I'm now very happy with ubuntu 7.10. Also, if you run into any kind of problem or need to know how to install a specific software, it's very likely that you'll find the solution by searching google/ubuntu forums or asking in the #ubuntu IRC chat room on (when it isnt too hectic)
    Last edited by Morer; 02-18-2008 at 03:59 AM.

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