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Thread: Anonymous protests the "Church" of Scientology 02-10-08

  1. #11
    Alien5's Avatar μετά BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    THOUSANDS of internet users using the moniker "Anonymous" protested outside Church of Scientology buildings across the US and Europe today after protests in Australia yesterday.
    The Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientology Tried To Suppress:

    You have to watch this video. It shows Tom Cruise, with all the wide-eyed fervor that he brings to the promotion of a movie, making the argument for Scientology, the bizarre 20th-century religion. Making the argument is an understatement. The Hollywood actor, star of movies such as Mission Impossible, is a complete fanatic. "When you're a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one who can really help... We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures." There's much much more. Let me put it this way: if Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch was an 8 on the scale of scary, this is a 10.
    Last edited by Alien5; 02-11-2008 at 09:33 PM.

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    MediaSlayer's Avatar slowly going deaf
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    ur anus
    no worries, rip.

    i reckon everyone thought that thread i started was more about the microsoft thing than the scientology thing. wrong. i know that leah remini letter is long, so i'll sum it up-

    she rambles incoherently, her speech littered with scientology lingo, about some fellow scientologists not showing up for some lame party/event she threw. her attempt to be condescending was eclipsed by the inevitable "WTF?" that occurs when reading it.

    we americans are not used to seeing her like that, she's not a huge star like Tom Cruise but plenty of people here have seen her show "King of Queens". it's quite a normal show, and her character is not weird or mental at all.

    Overall, this shit is scary and getting way scarier.
    Last edited by MediaSlayer; 02-11-2008 at 09:36 PM.

    sending fiery missiles in manker's japan's general direction.

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizo View Post
    I must have missed something... What's this all about?
    [This post is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International]
    It's a long story. All the information is here:

    But if you want the short version, here:
    1. Scientology is nothing more than a dangerous cult, where you have to pay thousands of dollars to participate. There have been a bunch of deaths due to Scientology, most famous one is the death of Lisa McPherson.

    2. A video produced by the Church of Scientology featuring an interview with Tom Cruise was leaked to the Internet and uploaded to YouTube. During the video, Tom Cruise talks like some idiot about how great Scientology is. How Scientologists are the only people who can help after a car accident, and that Scientologists are the authority on getting addicts off drugs. He just runs his mouth over and over.

    3. The Church of Scientology makes YouTube remove the video. The video had by then been uploaded to a million websites, and almost every one you would click on would say the same thing, "video removed." I think still has the video, the church told them to remove it, but Gawker told them to fuck off.

    4. Basically, Scientology will sue/destroy/get rid of anyone who badmouths it. It's like they are censoring the internet.

    5. A group of online hackers was formed, called Anonymous. They declared war on the Church of Scientology. They started DDoSing all their websites, and took them all down.

    6. Anonymous posted a bunch of statements, uploading videos all over Youtube and Digg and everywhere else.

    7. The next step began, actual real life protests. A shitload of people all wearing masks protest outside the church in a bunch of different cities.

    Basically, its the war...

    Anonymous vs Church of Scientology.

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    I know about scientology, but hadn't even given enough of a shit to watch the Cruise video.

    Watching it right now though, and.... :scary:

    The article put it nicely: "Let me put it this way: if Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch was an 8 on the scale of scary, this is a 10."


  5. Lounge   -   #15
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Yeah, it is scary. He's obsessed. It's like he's been brainwashed or something.

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    It's no surprise that Cruise vid was suppressed for so long, like.

    He comes off as a fucking loony.

    Which is nice.

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    Just for the purposes of this thread and for the sake of argument...

    What is Scientology, as an established religion, doing that other religions haven't done in the past or are continuing to do as we speak?

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post
    Just for the purposes of this thread and for the sake of argument...

    What is Scientology, as an established religion, doing that other religions haven't done in the past or are continuing to do as we speak?
    Lack of compassion for its members, arrogance, attack on free speech, harassment of its critics, lack of concern for families, neglect and abuse of children, censorship of the internet, etc.

    Let's try and avoid argument though, kthx.

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Rip The Jacker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chalice View Post
    Just for the purposes of this thread and for the sake of argument...

    What is Scientology, as an established religion, doing that other religions haven't done in the past or are continuing to do as we speak?
    Lack of compassion for its members, arrogance, attack on free speech, harassment of its critics, lack of concern for families, neglect and abuse of children, censorship of the internet, etc.

    Let's try and avoid argument though, kthx.
    so...... different to other religions, how?

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    Alien5's Avatar μετά BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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