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Thread: NaQ's Complete Setup Guide for Linux Seedboxes (Fedora Core/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu)

  1. #211
    walkman79's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Nov 2007
    Wow, this is by far the best guide to set up a seedbox, this guide contains all the knowledge about seedboxes which I have gained through experience in installing seedboxes for about 6 months and even more. If I had read this guide before it would have saved me a lot of time lol. This is superb and brilliant and I've noticed this is also a compilation made by the original poster. Well, I want to thank you and want to give some humble suggestions:

    In the part where you install webui, wouldn't it better if you download the file to the server directly instead of using Open WinSCP:


    mv .wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/pirate/Application\ Data/uTorrent/

    For people who prefer a full desktop with a menu and shortcuts instead of fluxbox I would suggest xfce, this is a light desktop:
    aptitude install xfce-desktop
    aptitude install xfonts-base
    then edit this file:
    nano /home/username/.vnc/xstartup
    by adding this line:
    startxfce4 &
    Btw, I'm using wine-1.1.1 on Debian Etch with utorrent 1.8.1 and I haven't gotten any error yet. I think the combination works pretty fine.

    NX is an alternative to VNC, it looks nicer and it even responds faster to the mouse movements and clicks, VNC loads faster and consume less resources though.

    Well, I have to insist your guide is tremendous and it is actually great as it is but I hope you put my suggestions


  2. Guides and Tutorials   -   #212
    Bunny Hopper BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Thanks for the comments. You're right about the webui part. It was that way because originally, you'd have to extract the out from a rar file. I'll update it to your suggestion.

  3. Guides and Tutorials   -   #213
    Mr. UKTV BT Rep: +1
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    United Kingdom
    Grrrrrr.......I fought this would be semi-easy. Not so. Im following this guide to the word, yet it still says locked then asks me am I root? Im guessing so, im logged in as the root!

    Going to with Fedora know. My 9th reinstall today!
    Last edited by kareemamir; 10-23-2008 at 10:26 PM.

  4. Guides and Tutorials   -   #214
    walkman79's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +2
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    If you don't know anything about Linux it will be difficult to set up a seedbox, this guide has been thoroughly written though.

    Well, some updates:
    I've tried CentOS today and I have found something, I followed the guide step by step and when I tried to install wine it gave me an error:
    No package wine available
    Solution: You have to enable EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repo and install the packages:

    If you list the new repo you must see epel listed:
    # yum repolist
    # yum install wine
    and everything works fine now

    Btw, I've tried fluxbox and I insist XFCE looks nicer IMO. Besides, after I minimize utorrent on fluxbox it doesn't come up again, that is, maximizing and minimizing is not working with fluxbox. Is there any solution for this ? I've just unchecked minimize to tray.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Guides and Tutorials   -   #215
    clouseau66's Avatar Member
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    uTorrent keeps dropping peer connections ("Peer error: error 10022")This problem is due to a bug in wine from version 0.9.40 up to 1.1.15. The latest version is 1.1.16, which fixed this issue. As of 10/16, if you follow this guide, the version of wine you should have is (after updating to the latest):
    Debian: 1.1.1
    Ubuntu: 1.1.16
    FC/CentOS: 0.9.x

    Yes I'm running CentOS and my wine version is 1.0 and utorrent is dropping connections. You mentioned if anyone needed help resolving this issue to drop a reply and I need your help! Thanks in advance! regards clouseau66

  6. Guides and Tutorials   -   #216
    LRm's Avatar -Aimer- BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    112 wine working with centos, or no>?

    # yum install wine
    Loading "installonlyn" plugin
    Setting up Install Process
    Setting up repositories
    Reading repository metadata in from local files
    Excluding Packages in global exclude list
    Parsing package install arguments
    Nothing to do

    wine utorrent.exe
    -bash: wine: command not found

    yes is working

    @ putty

    yum groupinstall "X Window System"

    At any prompts, just answer yes by typing "y" and pressing enter.

    WINE needs X to run, so now that you have X up and running you're free to install WINE.
    By default, CentOS 5.2 doesn't have the proper repositories to download WINE. To fix this, simply issue the following command:
    rpm -Uvh This will download and setup your yum to use the EPEL repository, which WINE is on.

    Now you can install WINE:
    yum install wine At any prompts, just answer yes by typing "y" and pressing enter.
    Last edited by LRm; 10-27-2008 at 11:37 AM.

  7. Guides and Tutorials   -   #217
    I've got a few questions:

    1) I just finished installing uTorrent and I've got my WebUI working - however, now I'm trying to setup the FTP, but the line

    # openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /root/vsftpd.pem -out /root/vsftpd.pem
    Gives me this error:

    bash: openssl: command not found
    2) Is it possible to create new torrents using uTorrent WebUI (not uTorrent over VNC)

    3) Is there any way of deleting the files downloaded through a web interface, or is FTP/VNC my only option?

    4) Is it possible to run both Torrentflux-b4rt and WebUI on the same server? The reason for getting a seedbox is that my university blocks bittorrent traffic, and it also blocks ports - so I can't access things that are like I'd like to use WebUI while at home because it's a great interface, but I'm guessing TFlux is my only option at school.

    Oh, and finally, I ran a couple test torrents which I'd like to delete now - I've deleted the torrents off uTorrent but I have no idea where to find the files - any idea? I didn't have a set save directory configured at that point and now I'm baffled >.>

    Hopefully it's not too much hassle to answer these questions.


    Last edited by DJDaveX; 10-27-2008 at 07:15 PM.

  8. Guides and Tutorials   -   #218
    Bunny Hopper BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    AFAIK, The dag repo I had setup for CentOS should still be working. I won't change it to EPEL until I know for sure dag isn't working anymore.

    It's quite annoying to maintain this guide for CentOS/Fedora atm due to the wine bug, since these OS don't update wine very fast.

    I tried looking for an older wine rpm package, but couldn't. The best way I think is to change your OS to Debian/Ubuntu if you can. If not, you'll have to compile wine from the latest source, which is not easily done. You'll have to remove wine, install git and the development packages, then compile it. PM me if you want help with this.

    1. openssl isn't installed. Type this to install:
    # apt-get install openssl
    # yum install openssl

    (I'll add this to the guide later, since this happens too often)

    2. No

    3. Right click on a torrent, Remove Torrent + Data

    4. Yes, just need to configure separate ports for them.

    5. Check uTorrent Preferences for the default download folder. If you don't know how to delete from the command line, you can use FTP

  9. Guides and Tutorials   -   #219
    clouseau66's Avatar Member
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    Thanks naq for the reply, I think I'll reinstall CentOS and start over with your suggestion on compiling wine or use the EPEL to do it. I have been screwing around for a couple of days now trying to get wine working, might as well start fresh (no biggie!), but if I do decide to compile it I may be PM'ing you for some advice. Thanks and for the other folks for thier posts as well. Much appreciated.....


    Last edited by clouseau66; 10-29-2008 at 09:42 AM.

  10. Guides and Tutorials   -   #220
    walkman79's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Nov 2007
    AFAIK, The dag repo I had setup for CentOS should still be working. I won't change it to EPEL until I know for sure dag isn't working anymore.
    It seems that dag repo is not working anymore, but it's good to see you check the info before making any changes. You are doing a great job, take your time


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