Originally posted by Aimless6@11 August 2003 - 12:27
Picture this:

Four inmates getting aired.

Inmate 1: What are you guys in for?
Inmate 2: Hey, Im innocent. The pigs framed me with some bank robery and my lawyer screwed up. So next time I get here it will be for murder .... on my piece of **** lawyer.
Inmate 3: I found my wife in bed with the mailman. They got me for mail theft .... and some other minor things. Like burrying the mail, and the mailman, in my back garden.
Inmate 1: Hey Inmate 4, what are you in for ?
Inmate 4: .... .... .... 300 counts of copyright violation.
Inmate 1: Oh, the rumor was your in for jaywalking or public spitting or somethin like that.
Hey that reminds me of a Metallica comic I once saw. Here it is: