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Thread: Best Mirc Experience

  1. #51
    respawn40's Avatar Phoenix Wright :D BT Rep: +2
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    The person who's account was traded away most likely got invited for a specific reason. They may have been invited because they can be trusted greatly. When that account is given to someone else, you've let someone get access to a site where they may not belong. They may not want you there; they intended for the original owner to have it, not someone that the staff/invitee do not know. It's a security risk as well.

    And yes, 4chan would be an excellent place for you.

    I am a exsellent speller and I use grammer very good.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #52
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    ok, this is he way i see it with trading.

    99 times out of 100 the trader will keep a low profile and not get involved at all in the site.

    so if everyone is trading to get accounts, then every tracker is going to die eventually.

    also 99% of the time, you will find that traders are impatient, greedy bastards, why do you think most trade for buffered accounts, so they can rape the buffer on the site, and download what they want when they want without any repurcussions.

    we would much rather have members that have patience (which is hard to find i must admit) and that acctually care about the account because its in your name, not the attitude of.

    "well i got in their once with trading, im in others with trading, i will just rape the tracker dry with this buffer or cheat on the account, change my IP and get back in again with trading and do the same thing again, and again and again."

    thats obviously not what we want as staff, we want members that care about their accounts, the tracker they are on, just as much as we the staff do.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #53
    deadalive1's Avatar VS ***** BT Rep: +2
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    Best thing to do is shut up, or start your own tracker and see how much fun it is when dealing with people who trade YOUR accounts. Trading not only is just stupid (most people can invited to whatever site..if they are responsible) but it also brings security and integrity issues for the site/owners as well. You obviously don't care about that aspect when you trade (you meaning.. you and those that also trade).
    Please do not randomly PM asking for invites as I have none to give out. Have a nice day.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #54
    respawn40's Avatar Phoenix Wright :D BT Rep: +2
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    IRC ------------> Account Trading

    I am a exsellent speller and I use grammer very good.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #55
    BANNED BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    ok, this is he way i see it with trading.

    99 times out of 100 the trader will keep a low profile and not get involved at all in the site.

    so if everyone is trading to get accounts, then every tracker is going to die eventually.

    also 99% of the time, you will find that traders are impatient, greedy bastards, why do you think most trade for buffered accounts, so they can rape the buffer on the site, and download what they want when they want without any repurcussions.

    we would much rather have members that have patience (which is hard to find i must admit) and that acctually care about the account because its in your name, not the attitude of.

    "well i got in their once with trading, im in others with trading, i will just rape the tracker dry with this buffer or cheat on the account, change my IP and get back in again with trading and do the same thing again, and again and again."

    thats obviously not what we want as staff, we want members that care about their accounts, the tracker they are on, just as much as we the staff do.
    I get you Stoi. You are one of the few, i really admire here. After that, i get what you are saying. I wouldnt want site to die either since i am also a leecher. And if there is anything i can help with, i would be more than glad to help site out. Also, if i am to give my account to someone, i wouldnt give it to someone who doesnt deserve it. It would be most likely someone who i got to know in time. If my buffer is 400 gb in a site, i would like to give my account to someone who would make it 500 600. But sometimes this may not be the case, if he cant keep it up, at least i would want him to give what he takes back. I may not be the ideal torrenter here. But there are always exceptions. At least, let us talk to you about trading an account, have an open mind so that we will be able to come and talk to you honestly, we are into this filesharing together. Site is also ours, if there is anything wrong with the site, we guyz get upset too. Let me give you an example of a trader, i have a friend who trades, and gives invites to here and so forth. Recently he got 10 invites to bitmtv from someone else, and he is very careful about those invites, he obviously is afraid to betray someoneelses trust. My account on bitmtv got disabled, he gave me a new invite recently and said me not to use seedbox which might cause harm to the original inviter. I gave him back of course since i have no use for bittv. Anyway my point is, there are always good traders who feel ashamed of what they did, and among traders, there are people who help the site the way they can. Some with seedbox, some with uploads and some with fulfilling request, site design etc. Therefore, i dont wanna be a part of a community where as you said %1 is ignored.

    Quote Originally Posted by deadalive1 View Post
    Best thing to do is shut up, or start your own tracker and see how much fun it is when dealing with people who trade YOUR accounts. Trading not only is just stupid (most people can invited to whatever site..if they are responsible) but it also brings security and integrity issues for the site/owners as well. You obviously don't care about that aspect when you trade (you meaning.. you and those that also trade).
    There is a huge difference between trading for profit and trading or giving away to those who you trust to do good things for the community. I am in favour of the second one where the person you gave the account will use it for its own needs and contribute it. Well not everybody will be a gamer all the time, after a while you got bored of it, or not everybody will love the music all the time. This is why, i dont see anything harmful for someone who is interested in those to join the community on my behalf. Also you are not the only one who loves their sites trackers and so forth. I love them too, i revere their rules too, but being a good member isnt always about following the rules but sometimes it is also about suggesting modifications for the rules. Also Mods can prove it, i got a message from someone who told me to give him my blackcats since he was into it, in return, he offered me any high levels i required. I said him, i may help you but i shall talk to the admin first. The point is, even if i am a trader in my own sense, i wouldnt do anything to endanger the community i love since i am a leecher as well as a seeder. End of discussion...
    Last edited by bilkenter; 07-13-2008 at 07:52 PM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #56
    deadalive1's Avatar VS ***** BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    Also, if i am to give my account to someone, i wouldnt give it to someone who doesnt deserve it. It would be most likely someone who i got to know in time. If my buffer is 400 gb in a site, i would like to give my account to someone who would make it 500 600.
    You just don't get it do you? Trading is wrong, you can NOT rationalize this.
    Please do not randomly PM asking for invites as I have none to give out. Have a nice day.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #57
    BANNED BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    no offense, but dont use me as your ladder to ftn or fsc pls.

    Also you seem to follow the rules without any question in mind.

    One more thing, if you are to say trading is wrong, then tell it with arguments which cannot be defeated aside from security and so forth
    Last edited by bilkenter; 07-13-2008 at 07:56 PM.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #58
    deadalive1's Avatar VS ***** BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    Well not everybody will be a gamer all the time, after a while you got bored of it, or not everybody will love the music all the time.
    And then THEY trade that account? Are you sure they would use the same diligence in looking for someone who won't harm the site? Can you be positive of this? Stake a sites reputation and security on this?

    I'm tired of this, you are better off on RS, I surely don't want security issues on the sites I'm on as I'm sure no-one else here does as well.
    Please do not randomly PM asking for invites as I have none to give out. Have a nice day.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #59
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    but even that 1% is wrong, your trading behind the staffs back, i dont care if hes your best mate from 30 years (i have even known them to cheat) or someone you have just met on the net.

    and how do you suggest we differntiate between the 2, its impossible to do that, unless you come to the Staff first and ask them if its ok you give your account to your mate, and i know for a fact, 99.9999999%% of traders will not do that.

    Why do you think trackers close their doors.

    Some its for security, so they do not want just anyone getting in.

    Others its to stop the cheats, traders, sellers.

    I opened up for 11,000 members the other day, we got that in 2 days. the minute i shut to take stock, there was an account trade on here, and im pretty sure there are others on other forums.

    the memebr that joined, obviously didnt want the account, he just signed up as a bartering tool, do you think I like that, My site ONLY being used as a bartering tool to get into another site, FUCK NO!!

    thee was even an account for sale on ebay, When we were level 4 i seen them go for $60-$200 this one, he wanted $50, he sold it for $3 lol and this was just before i opened the doors wide, not after.

    But if you think about it, who has cash to burn to get into these sites if someone is selling them. or is daft enough to buy one. The powers that be of course.

    anyway going completely off topic and rambling again lol but if you do not want to be apart of BCG, just send a message to the staffbox and we will disable your account for you.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #60
    deadalive1's Avatar VS ***** BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    no offense, but dont use me as your ladder to ftn or fsc pls.

    Also you seem to follow the rules without any question in mind.

    One more thing, if you are to say trading is wrong, then tell it with arguments which cannot be defeated aside from security and so forth
    Dude I'm not using you for anything, you wanted to speak your mind and stand up for speaking your mind. But what, others aren't allowed to do this as well? You use a strawman argument to try and justify why YOU think trading accounts should be allowed. Yet when faced with opposition you accuse others of trying to stand on your shoulders to accomplish something else, please ...get a clue. Now I'm done.
    Please do not randomly PM asking for invites as I have none to give out. Have a nice day.

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