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Thread: Zomg ftn inv

  1. #41
    Well basiclly it's because ftn has an awesome ratio system, since i have a shitty upload and my computer is on 24/7 it fits perfectly + ftn has always been my dream tracker i dont really care if people say it's hyped cause i think its awesome

    Anyways that's the best i could come up with gonna go waterskiing now in the night with some pals

    Have a nice day

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #42
    cacha73's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90BT Rep +90
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    Entre Rios
    Ok, where can I start? Oh yes, can I have FTN invite please?
    I would like to be able to enter FTN basically because every day of my life, since I have heard of this site, I filled out the data in the signup as a fool and I could never signup. And now, if you support me, could fill these beautiful places with my data and enjoy this tracker, this beautiful tracker.
    I have always tried to help people in everything that has been my bestand I think this may be my opportunity to enter this tracker from the beginning that I wanted to participate. But if not today becomes my day, I will wait all the time have to wait and continue to help and contribute. I know I may someday come.
    Now speaking seriously, I hope that this invitation is the lead which it deserves more. You are a very good user to give this great opportunity for all, I am proud to be a member of FST. Good luck to all

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #43
    Disme's Avatar I'm Belgian BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Dec 2006
    Warning ... warning ... warning... this is one mighty long post ...
    To the OP ... please read it, because I believe a possible invitee should put some/a lot of effort in what he/she wants.

    To be honest, I don't like request-threads ... they sound to me like people begging to get something.
    I do like GA's where people have to show the OP how much they want something and how much effort they want to put into it.
    As you will see/read later on I am one of these people that put a lot of effort if they want something. So get ready for some extensive reading.

    I feel someone who wants to get invited into a tracker like FTN, should show their inviter they are willing to put some effort into it. That is why my 'application' is so lenghty. You might not know me, but after reading this you will at least have a better view of whom I am and what I can do for any tracker. Here i go:

    About myself, personally, I’ve been into Torrenting since quite some time now. I started out with e-mule and gradually evolved into using BT, since speeds were far better than e-mule’s speeds. The only drawback at that time was the retention of ‘older’ releases. And up till now sometimes I still have to use e-mule to get some things I can’t find on the BT-trackers that I’m a member off.

    I've been in BT for several years now. In addition to some well known trackers (TL,165 weeks, Demonoid, 110 weeks, RevTT, 57 weeks) I was/am a long time member at a few Dutch trackers (130 weeks old accounts and some +100 weeks old. Dutch, because I am Belgian and living in the Dutch speaking part of it. My kids have Dutch language as mothertongue and don’t understand or read English, so they can’t read subtitles in Dutch yet. That’s the reason I have been a member there; to get Disney- and other children’s movies since these are about the only places where DVD's with Dutch language are released.

    I'll be frank with you ... In the beginning (several years ago) I was a very active member on these Dutch Trackers, I spend a whole lot of time on their boards and on IRC. I also was a member at Elite Torrents at that time and pretty active there too. But than came the time Elite-torrents was shut down and at the same time a large number of my preferred Dutch trackers were also taken offline by MP** or RI** and dutch anti-piracy BREI*.
    I have to admit that it was a huge blow for my activity. I was very disappointed and disillusioned. I had contributed so much to those trackers in terms of time, effort and donations and it was all gone from one day to another. After that I admit that I was never again active on a forum or in IRC of any BT-tracker and was satisfied with my memberships at TL, Demonoid, The Pirate Bay, etc... but never became active in terms of participating to the ‘social’ part of any tracker.

    Some time ago, due to some dramatic events that happened in my personal life, I got a lot of free time and started to seek a community to participate like I had in the past. I got the urge to join some trackers and see if there would be any of them that had a community where I could, like before, make friends and contribute to.

    Some time ago, I got in touch with the sys-op from a very well known and super private tracker and got invited to join there. I will not mention the tracker here because bragging about higher level trackers is useless imho.

    I heard and read all these things about FTN, the hearty athmosphere, the nice staff, the tiny but tight community, I can’t help but wanting to join a community like that. The reason why? I have been a part of a community like that for about 8 weeks and I absolutely love it. Now, mind you, I do have a life, and it’s a pretty filled one. I have kids, have quite a stressy job and have a good social life. But I still have enough spare time left to be an active member of a community where I can discuss, debate, joke, laugh, and share my thoughts with others, like the tracker I now consider as my favourite.

    I can tell you I have never traded an account/invite. I don't need to; I have enough experience in BT to know trading or randomly inviting people (without any motivation) always turns out to be bad. If I look around here at FST I see so many threads where people just offer invites without any questioning, no motivation, just posting a speedtest and some ratio-proof that is basically telling you nothing about the person you invite. They can be cheaters, collectors, scammers, working for MP** or RI** for all you know. It is my conviction that when you invite someone to a community the least you should ask for is to give you an extensive motivation why they are ‘applying’ for that particular invite. They should put some effort into the application to convince you that it is 'safe' to let them in.
    But frankly ... the only giveaway that is ethically permitted is when you get to know someone better, interact with them for some time and get the feeling that you can trust them and just offer them an invite because you think he/she could be a valuable member to the community/tracker.

    Some time ago I was planning on starting to do giveaways, but I very quickly came to the conclusion that it was pointless to do it in public. That is also the reason I don’t show my BT-rep. Some members here believe the higher your BT-rep is, the better their chances to put their hands on some of those ‘precious’ invites. Anyway … after one GA I stopped and adopted a more suitable way to help people.
    I have helped people here on the FST-board but I do not intend to show off with it. I do it in private, and I am willing to give you the names of the members I helped before by PM. That is imho the only acceptable way to introduce new members to any community.
    That is also how I got into the trackers where I am a member at the moment.

    When looking at my post-history here you would also see a lot of sarcasm and I sometimes vent the frustrations I’m getting when reading some of the bulls*t that is posted here. I don’t like people that think others are stupid, that believe all things in life are free, flamers, immature people that believe they are on top of the world and so on …
    I am convinced that in life nothings free, and one should always go for it, no matter what you do, at your job, as a member of a board like FST or as a member of some tracker.
    It might cost me a lot of time and effort and I probably could do most of the things without that much effort but that’s part of my character.

    Off course that attitude doesn’t make me all that popular with a lot of the members here but that’s the least of my bussiness. Occasionally I get PM’s from members that agree with my point of view and praise me for writing about it in such an honest and open way, even if sometimes it sounds a bit harsh.

    About membership at any tracker that I value I can only say this: I seed what I get forever ... I can ask reputable people to vouch for that, but I cannot guarantee they will, and I don't want them to vouch for me. In any case I can only tell you I am a mature person, I like a nice and decent discussion, I like to laugh and make fun and when I dedicate myself to some(thing/tracker) I go for it all the way.

    Well…that’s about it, sorry if this is alittle long to read, but I believe nothing in life comes for free, so I did put some effort in it.

    Have a good night and if you have any more questions you would like to ask me, just shoot!

    Last edited by Disme; 07-25-2008 at 10:46 PM.
    Can you feel the LOVE

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #44
    hotshot6473's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Mar 2008
    I am going to be completely honest with you because I know that is what you are looking for when you give out this type of invite. I have good ratios on all my trackers and bla bla bla but that should be assumed from anybody even trying to get this invite. I give you my word that I will take care of this invite and really use it to the best of my ability and definitely not abuse it. I welcome the supervision that I will get with the invite because I know you are putting yourself out on a limb for this giveaway. I truly believe I can be a good member of this community and contribute in my own way and I just would like a chance and that is why I am applying.

    If you have any questions or concerns let me know and I will clear it up for you. Other than that I am an honest person and user and respect the rules of the site because after all they are the ones running the show.


    Ok so the FBI is having some interviews for new detectives and there are three blondes waiting to be interviewed. The first one is called in to the office and is given a set of instructions for the task at hand. She has to look at a picture and tell the guy what she observed and noticed about the person in the picture. Ok so she sees it and the officer asks her to explain what she saw. She says that the guy only had one eye. Well the officer said No shit the picture is of a criminals profile. So he tells her to take a hike and the next one comes in for the interview. She is given the same rules and she says that guy only has one ear. The officer was dumbfounded and just tells the bimbo to leave the office because she is an idiot. Lastly the third blonde comes in and tells the officer that the man in picture wears contacts. Well the officer thought she was crazy and decided to look it up in his profile. Sure enough the guy wears contacts. The officer asked her how the hell she knew that and she says well... It was easy because if the guy only has one eye and one ear then how the hell is he gonna wear glasses.

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    i want it not high level tracker i don care about levels
    i want it cause it awesome tracker and have good things on it
    why you should invite me ?
    cause i never cheat and i never trade
    i hope u give it to me

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #46
    10 HUT! BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Jul 2007
    I'm gonna close this really soon.

    Winner will be contacted after I've had time to think about it. Closed.

    I closed this early because I had someone in mind, then I remembered someone who I regard as a friend wanted FTN, so I PM'd him. If he doesn't respond, it'll go to the best person in this thread.
    Last edited by Kyl3KK; 07-26-2008 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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