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Thread: Threat to BitTorrent

  1. #11
    I'm stupid? Yes, I am.
    Last edited by Juanto; 07-28-2008 at 04:18 PM.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    Nemrod's Avatar Buffering my life BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    None accusation must be taking in consideration if no proofs provided.
    I could say that you are a FBI agent, somebody moving by hate or even that you come from Mars. And I should get the same credibility than you.
    You say you have a background, a reputation, etc... bullshit, if you really know what you are talking about and you are motivated by fair reasons, then you have to decide between hiding behind an anonymous username and look like a hater or act like a honest person and tell what you have to tell being who you really are.
    Maybe you´re right, but I don´t care, until I have some real proof or argument, not an accusation made by Whothehellknowswhoandwhy.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
    and also, their total monthly server expenses due to using freely available site software and tracker solutions is less than $200, which makes this look even more like highway robbery.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    All donors get the Golden Tornado.

    Patron A person who is a customer, client, paying guest, or a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement.

    Noble A privileged peer, distinguished by rank or title, belonging to a class that is composed of those who exemplify special exalted character or excellent status or are otherwise famous; illustrious; or renowned for their ideals or conduct.

    $10 = 10GB & Automatic Patron for 30 days.
    $20 = 25GB & Automatic Patron for 90 days.
    $30 = 50GB & Automatic Patron for 180 days.
    $40 = 75GB & Automatic Patron for 240 days.
    $50 = 100GB & Permanent Patron Class.
    $75= 100GB & Nobel Class for 60 days.
    $100 = 250GB & Nobel Class for 120 days.
    $250 = 500GB & Permanent Nobility.

    If any total in any 365 days equals or exceeds the $250 mark, permanent Nobility is granted.

    Site and design © 2008 Vortex Network

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest24 View Post
    All donors get the Golden Tornado.

    Patron A person who is a customer, client, paying guest, or a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement.

    Noble A privileged peer, distinguished by rank or title, belonging to a class that is composed of those who exemplify special exalted character or excellent status or are otherwise famous; illustrious; or renowned for their ideals or conduct.

    $10 = 10GB & Automatic Patron for 30 days.
    $20 = 25GB & Automatic Patron for 90 days.
    $30 = 50GB & Automatic Patron for 180 days.
    $40 = 75GB & Automatic Patron for 240 days.
    $50 = 100GB & Permanent Patron Class.
    $75= 100GB & Nobel Class for 60 days.
    $100 = 250GB & Nobel Class for 120 days.
    $250 = 500GB & Permanent Nobility.

    If any total in any 365 days equals or exceeds the $250 mark, permanent Nobility is granted.

    Site and design © 2008 Vortex Network

    seems like an extreme p2l to me...i mean look at those numbers. That just shows that most of the money is going straight into the owner's pocket

  6. BitTorrent   -   #16
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    Lots of trackers are like that, and sometimes its the only way for new trackers to keep their head above water (even we did it when we first started out, then we seen the light).

    It wont be the first and it definately wont be the last.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #17
    Poster BT Rep: +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80
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    Last edited by squirr3l; 07-27-2008 at 05:27 PM. Reason: edit and edit and edit

  8. BitTorrent   -   #18
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    State of Grace
    So don't donate.Who cares if you are a patron or not?
    Although it is extreme no one is twisting anyone's arm here.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #19
    SgtMajor's Avatar Shut up u Lovely Boi BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    A $250 donation, I've never ever seen such a sum mentioned on a tracker before.

    The expectation that someone would actually consider that amount must be there for the figure to be quoted in the first place.

    However, it's up to members what they decide to do, not me or the OP bitching on a public forum, the members themselves will decide what is, and isn't, a fair donation for what they get.

    It's all checks & balances, and if a person wants to run an internet torrent site as a means of employment, so what, it takes a lot of time & effort in keeping something like that afloat, some will dislike it, some will embrace it, just leave it to their userbase to decide what is and isn't ethical.

    One man's wine is another man's vinegar, if you don't like something then either move on or fight it from within, not create a new account here and whine about it, sounds like sour grapes.
    Yes Sir, I'm Right On It!!

  10. BitTorrent   -   #20
    A discussion not a debate.

    That is what I shall be doing. In a debate, sides present their case and then some other party gets to decide.
    In a discussion, both sides can present their case and then that is that.
    They are each understood. But there is not the presumption that persuasion will occur.

    I know this “debate” has been around for longer than p2p. I know the roots run deep and no one post can
    persuade those whose minds are already made up.
    Thus, this is a discussion. Feel free to discuss for as long as you wish.
    Feel free to ‘debate’ if you wish. Know that I am not interested in debate.

    With that being said, let me make the brief introduction and outline the points I hope to present.
    There are many issues, and not all of them are even related, so keeping this as a discussion not a debate,
    allows the latitude to include all the points being raised even if some are not germane.

    The list of points:

    P2L is bad, impure, and somehow against the spirit of something greater. It makes others (those who pay not seed)
    who are for this reason not as good as others (those who see seeding as the ultimate sign) equal.

    Yeah, it does exactly that. It says, just because you seed and do not donate, you are not better than someone who donates
    and does not seed as much as you. If you are offended by the equality of the two different ways in which status can be obtained,
    that is your personal feeling.
    But a feeling is not a fact. Choose to act upon a feeling and not a fact, and you act irrationally. That is also a fact.

    The fact is, we fully declare that there is no superiority between those who seed and those who donate. None.
    We are neutral, unbiased and blind to any such thought, rejecting totally and without repentance the notion that seeders are “better” than “donors”.

    That this is a point of contention for those who would like to think they are better than someone else – because their way is pure – is a very
    old elitist mentality which we fully intend to eradicate.
    In short such thinking is beyond bullshit, and the mark of juvenile thinking and weak egos who cannot bear the thought that they are not superior to someone else.

    This is why we do not have the titles as plain as other sites.

    Take the word user, or power user. What is a user? Someone who uses something or someone. This too has been rejected.
    You will never see the word user in any of our rules or guides. You, the people are not users. You are not using us, using each other,
    or using the community. You are members, each equal under the rules and given the same opportunity to succeed or fail in your own right.

    Now the other end. The VIPs. We do not have this term either. Rejected is the idea that someone is more important or very important
    beyond anyone else. All members are part of the same body. Any opinion from any member is received with the same hope, optimism and credibility as is any other.
    Each will be weighed on the merits of the idea, not on some favored status. You are all Very Important People.
    Words have meaning, and we have chosen the theme and the words for the titles with that care in mind.

    What are the other problems? The red herring. Server costs. Let us be very clear. Vortex Network is not a tracker. It has a tracker.
    True enough. And we come to existence from the ashes of a tracker. Also true. But this is not who we are, where we are going and what is to be the future.

    We are more than a tracker. We are more than 22,000 members. Not yet, not today, not this hour. But sooner than later.
    Sooner than many but a very small few who really understand what is going on, would dare to believe. So let us be clearer for all.

    We are a legal and legitimate Tax Exempt Corporation. Any other site taking money of any kind for any reasons and not filing with the
    authorities needs to face the facts that p2p may not have ever put anyone in prison, but tax evasion has done so to the best of mice and men.

    There are two schools of thought. One is old and is the conventional thinking. One is new and is the wisdom we present.

    The first school of thought says this: Our technology is forbidden by most authorities, we must be small, quiet, hidden and meek.
    If we get caught we must lie and erase our activities. We, by these actions admit our guilt and we believe ourselves to be criminals.
    Nothing, will or can change and we must act in this belief.

    We reject every element of that thought. We embrace a better future. We believe the statutes change. We believe public perception changes.
    We are students of the law, of history and we are agents of change.

    Like those before us who stood for the right of men to be free of slavery, like those before us whose suffrage was to bring the right of women to vote,
    and like those before us who have stood even for their most basic of human rights under much worse oppression and tyranny, we stand to bring the necessary changes
    to the use of p2p technology and to the common sense rights for intellectual property as well.

    We do not hide. We are not criminals. Our behavior will not be that of cowards, criminals or those who are ashamed to speak out truth in this, a darkened night.

    Your donation is not for access to a tracker. That access is free.
    And as the seeder club has pointed out, a donation is not needed at all to seed or even to build a ratio, provided you are willing to wait long enough.

    Your donation will fund this change. It will provide us the opportunity to build a community far beyond 22,000 members, beyond 220,000 members.
    It will change the whole misunderstanding about what p2p technology is, does and who and why we are doing what we do.

    Our effort will be public, it will be open, it will be legal, and you will see exactly where your contributions are going.
    And we use the word contribution, because it is not just a donation of money, but of time and effort, which will be rewarded as well.

    This is just a single small step into a new world vision. This is but the tiniest spark of hope in a hopeless future.
    We are asking you to be part of that spark. To be keen to lighting the brush fire which then can never be extinguished!

    And to our dear friends who cannot. To those whom we still love and respect, we wish you the best in your efforts.
    We bear no ill will to those who, in their own belief cannot see, cannot hear and will not act.
    We ask only, that you let us do so. We ask this in friendship and sincerity.

    We know these are real differences and they are real points of objection. We understand the thinking of fear.
    Do not think we are deaf to it or ignorant of it.
    We know you are uncomfortable with our choice, and you feel safer in your isolation.
    That is the freedom we all share. The choice we all make.
    You can go in peace or stay and be peaceful.

    This is not a debate. This is a direction and a path. You are welcome to walk it with us, or stop and wait and watch, or run and hide as far as you may need to run.
    We will not hold it against you in any path you choose.

    And should providence shine a blessing upon us, we will never ask “Where were you?” We will embrace it together, welcoming you to this future as brothers/sisters, family.

    For those who understand, who see what could be and seek with us to pursue it, to embrace the future: You have reached the calm… the eye of the storm.

    Rachel Faith Anderson
    Last edited by Guest24; 07-28-2008 at 10:33 PM.

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