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Thread: ""FTN is my dream""

  1. #51
    xnugx's Avatar sup? BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by tknaught View Post
    Sometimes I wonder what happens to all these "FTN is my dream" guys once they actually get FTN.
    Stare at their monitors for 6 months and then "dreem" about whatever else FST says is a Level 8-10.

    I mean I would love in, but give me a break... I can't do anything except ask, I would never "dreeem omg" about it. All these dudes from eastern europe spam the threads so hard, make it tough for legitimate users. How are all those guys who can't even speak english going to even interact with the community? It's community based, not content, though it has good content.

    Least my thread can be bumped for the next invite round...

  2. BitTorrent   -   #52
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    simple fact is

    its FTN, its lvl 8 or 9 or something.

    price will be over $300 for one of them. maybe even $600

    and yes idiots pay it.

    but you cant blame the site for that, its the members, and the problem is, its (some) of the members that are in every tracker, and probably tell the "noobs" there is no chance to get in, raising the price even higher.

    why do you think most sites dont give invites. but then if they do that, they go up in the WTAW thread, so when they do give invites, the members get even more cash for them.

    its just a viscious circle.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #53
    xnugx's Avatar sup? BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    and probably tell the "noobs" there is no chance to get in, raising the price even higher.

    why do you think most sites dont give invites. but then if they do that, they go up in the WTAW thread, so when they do give invites, the members get even more cash for them.

    its just a viscious circle.
    It sucks. I would REALLY appreciate a little bit more positivity in this scene... It is a bit demoralizing to get bashed just for making a request. It's a bit unmotivating to make friends when everybody comes off like a dick. I personally take note when people are positive, it's so few and far between...
    Last edited by xnugx; 07-28-2008 at 02:47 AM.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #54
    deadalive1's Avatar VS ***** BT Rep: +2
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    I wouldn't be surprised if they go to a petition system , where the member has to petition to the staff a user he thinks would be an asset to the tracker/community. With these idiots that sell invites (and indeed they seem to be everywhere) doing this crap more often it seems lately, it may be the only solution to stop the nonsense from this point on. But with that you add extra work for an already taxed staff (on some trackers that is).
    Please do not randomly PM asking for invites as I have none to give out. Have a nice day.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #55
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirr3l View Post
    most who say "FTN is my dream" are not native Eng speaker, so maybe it got to do with language barrier or something.
    I doubt that. I think people that most people that post it's their dream just want the site for its rarity.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #56
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    well i know for a fact that as soon as we go with this referal system, they will appear immediately.

    but we are going to flood the market with them. every user gets 5 each , there are certain pre-requisits though.

    member 6 months, does not matter what class they are. Badge of Honour (they get that for no hit and runs) 25 completed torrents in their history, Actual ratio .7 or above.

    so hopefully the vast majority of those members will think, getting $2 for a referal, isnt worth either getting download added, if the referer screws up, or getting banned if they invite a few and they all cheat.

    I am not naive enough to think that some wont chance it, but then the risks are high it could damage their account.

    Another thing and this is a minority i would say, not the majority.

    trackers give higher classes invites. the higher classes have faster uploads, or seed boxes, so they pay more for those than a user will.

    as soon as they get an invite, its, well ive been using my SB on here for 6 months, might as well get some of the cash back.

    just because members are a higher class, doesnt mean they all will respect the rules and not sell the things.

    this is where the whole offering invites to higher classes fails imo.

    5 years ago it was very hard to get to PU and higher classes, most people were on not much better than dial up. these days, seed box for a few days and your there.

    But you cant increase it to much because the members that dont have a seedbox, can never get there.

    and believe it or not, those that have got 500 gig downloaded 450 gig uploaded, will probably treasure that account more than someone with 10 gig downloaded, 200 gig uploaded (if they done that in a couple of days with a Seedbox)

    I am not knocking SB members, far from it, but the promotions these days are just far to easy for them, and it doesnt make all of them good members.

    About the 5th edit of this post lol

    thats why if we hit them with a download penalty they may think twice as well.

    lets take an extreme member.

    10 gig downloaded, 100 gig uploaded 10 ratio, nice buffer.

    they invite a bad member, now depending on how bad, we may add 10 gig on his download, or even 40 gig on his download.

    add 40gig thats 100gig and 50 gig so a 2 ratio.

    but if he wants to get back to a 10 ratio, if we took it off his upload instead, he would just have to seed that 40 gig, this way if he wants a 10 ratio, he has to upload 400 gig. 500gig uploaded 50 downloaded.

    so it hits them a lot harder than just taking it off upload.
    Last edited by stoi; 07-28-2008 at 03:23 AM.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #57
    That was one long post. Anyways I'm happy with regular trackers that I have. For example SCC most likely offers the same content at a faster rate. But I wouldn't know anything about FTN's torrent pretimes

  8. BitTorrent   -   #58
    CPC464's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    Quote Originally Posted by diddymac6499 View Post
    I Have A Dream

    a song to sing
    To help me cope with anything
    If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
    You can take the future even if you fail
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I値l cross the stream - I have a dream

    I have a dream, a fantasy
    To help me through reality
    And my destination makes it worth the while
    Pushing through the darkness still another mile
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I値l cross the stream - I have a dream
    I値l cross the stream - I have a dream

    I have a dream, a song to sing
    To help me cope with anything
    If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
    You can take the future even if you fail
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I値l cross the stream - I have a dream
    I値l cross the stream - I have a dream

  9. BitTorrent   -   #59
    becomehokage's Avatar AAARGH! BT Rep: +1
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    Ill make a sugestion... Just close this damn thread!
    Im kay

  10. BitTorrent   -   #60
    CPC464's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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