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Thread: September 11

  1. #11
    Gemby!'s Avatar Poster
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    i only heard about it at about 3.30 which was when i got home from school - we heard nothing about it in school .
    and at first i didnt realise how serious it was untill the next day when it showed more detail about what happened
    Single handedly destroying the NHS from the inside

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    Double Agent
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  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Another sad thing about the 9/11 atrocities was the fact that the authorities were given the names of the pilots and their targets in august 2001 by Mossad. Why Oh why was nothing done about it?
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
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    Although it will be the 2nd anniversary of this horrible and terrible day in a few days I still have vivid images and memories of the event in my mind.

    I feel as if I have moved on but everytime I see pictures of the WTC or hear reports about them on the news it saddens me.

    It makes me think about all the innocent people (from all different cultures) who were slaughtered by fundementalists who aimed to kill Americans to promote an unjust cause (one fueled by jealousy and ignorance) - and in actual truth probably killed other Muslims at the same time, which futher portrays how uncivilised and ignorant al-qaeda and other zealous fundementalists are.

    I will be paying my respects this Thursday and remembering those who lost their lives.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    When I saw those planes hit the tower it felt as if my heart has stopped beating. I was in New York 2 months before the incedent and actually took the tour up to the top of the towers. There was a gift shop up there and I remember meeting the lady and asking how much a certian item was. When I saw those planes hit and the callapsing of those towers I knew that they were now past on which really let a low deep feeling over me. It may be 2 years since the incedent happened but we still must remember the day that many civilens,firemen,police officers ect. lost there lives and even though I was'nt alive to see the death of JFK or Pearl Harbor or any other bad events, we all know about it but never actually expeirenced how it felt. Sept. 11 showed me that we are a nation that does not get let down by terroriest attack but rise up and remember. I hope that the reletives of the people that died that day are now passed on and that the pain is nolonger bad as it was on that day.


  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Having walked around the top of Tower 2 about a year before, I still to this day find it hard to believe they are not there anymore. Thankfully I have some incredible photographs of the view from there, that I will keep forever.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    chalice's Avatar ____________________
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    I was at home washing dishes in my kitchen when I heard the news on BBC Radio2. There was something urgent and bewildered in Steve Wright's voice and the abstract moment shook me so badly that a casorole dish slipped from my hands and shattered, a little too symbolically, to the floor. I didn't clean up the shards until much later in the evening.

    Such was the intensity of that afternoon that obvious sequiturs escaped me and instead of employing infant reason and walking two yards into the living room to turn on the tv I stood transfixed in the kitchen for two hours listening to the radio.

    When finally I saw the images, and what a spectacle to behold, I felt a strange, ungraspable disbelief, as if the radio had maternally shielded my eyes from a grotesque.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    Join Date
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    Cairns, Queensland.
    This isn't a flame either. I feel for those who lost friends and family.

    I just wonder how you feel about the 20-30,000 innocent Afghani men women and children who were slaughtered by coalition forces in retaliation??


  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    Originally posted by Billy_Dean@9 September 2003 - 12:29
    This isn't a flame either.  I feel for those who lost friends and family.

    I just wonder how you feel about the 20-30,000 innocent Afghani men women and children who were slaughtered by coalition forces in retaliation??

    I add them to the list of people killed by Bin Laden. A true martyr, a man of God, would have stepped forward to claim responsibility, knowing he was saving the lives of his Afghani comrades who had harbored him. He would have retired to a victorious after-life.

    Instead, like a mortal coward, he ran away and was assisted by the government of Afghanistan. He is a man interested in fame and power, not a resprestative of the Islamic faith. My Saudi friend here, tells me that Islam is about peace.

    We asked for the leaders to be turned over, they we not.

    After such an attack, I see no option for America. Attack with all the force available, follow all leads, kill the source. An example must be made, I think we were too soft. All those killed are on his shoulders. I consider the lives of those innocent, here and abroad, equal as humans. I do not see another option, however.

    Let the UN handle the matter, let there be diplomatic negotiations? I cannot invision any country with the means pursuing this route.

    That is what I think. He killed those he hated and he killed those who harboured him.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    A stupid act, an act of a coward, the hit in the twin towers

    I would also love to be here with all of you a year or two after and listen to other excuses about attacking North Korea, Syria, Iran (clearing up the place for Israel, you know...)

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