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Thread: Bitme help

  1. #31
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Dec 2008
    in your sWaRm
    What i think:

    -bitme isn't a drug tracker.

    -if you are that desperate,be pathetic,google staff nicks and join the forums u find the nicks on then pm them from there.

    -or if u r shy and hate authority.why cant u just pre write your story with everything and then pm the whole thing to a staff(possibly one who is away atm such that when they come back they will find your pm waiting)leave the channel.come back later after checking your email,bangbros etc and if She didn't Z:line you yet,maybe u got given the B of doubt.Use it!

    -Stupid is joining the help channel then you start airing your problems to everyone,probably its the reason they kick u.use the /msg command u have a better chance of getting assisted so long as you are not asking for invites(if u find a sysOP the better,if its admins go for the girls coz they will always be girls no matter the scripts at hand lol).

    -Lastly,get a different in their irc,chat and have fun life is too short man and am sure after sometime you will be able to tell the morons from the reasonable ones and possibly know if you have any chances of getting the account back..

    -Lastly lastly your story is ridiculous,no matter how you put it..what do u mean you invited yourself on behalf of your friend?in simple language thats a dupe account..again pre write your story if thats really your storyline.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #32
    Not being able to talk on the IRC Channel?

    I have never experienced this, but download a copy of mIRC and you can join, if you find you can't connect to it. That you have been g-lined for some reason, that is one thing. However if you are able to connect to the IRC channel, you need to type /join IF you find you cannot you, need to register your nick.

    Once your nick is registered, join the help channel. Explain your problem, be concise and one of the staff will help you.

    If you say they will kick you immediately then that is that. Unfortunately bitme and bmtv staff would have loved to help but unfortunately FST staff banned them all from FST because bitme and bmtv staff were honest about what was tolerated on their site and what was not. This appears to be frowned upon here, as it goes against the ideals of FST.

    So get off your ass, get on IRC and they will help you out, or don't, but either way don't whine here. It doesn't accomplish anything, but pissing the users off, and getting us all to guess.

    Bitme operates a policy of no second chances, if you cheated or did something wrong and it was intentional, you won't be allowed back. If it was an honest mistake, and you're HONEST about it, they will likely give you a second chance. Lie to them once, and you've had it mate.

    If you invited your friend, and he cheated, they will let you back, but don't expect to be given any invites, cause I have been a user there for four years, and I invited an idiot once and I don't get them.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #33
    BlackKnight's Avatar In the wake of Gods BT Rep: +1
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    Sep 2008
    ok I can only tell you to join TPS and ask for help because there is a bitme staff there. But you should act nicely, don't just go there and ask for your account problems right after you join but make an introduce first.
    Into the chaos!

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