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Thread: Wolverine Expected to Make Up to $100M, Despite Flu and Torrents

  1. #1
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    X-Men Origins: Wolverine is premiering this weekend, and Hollywood insiders are even more infatuated with ticket sales than usual. The movie is expected to make anywhere from $75 million to $100 million, with early reports putting last night’s midnight earnings at $4.4 million, a number that Deadline Hollywood calls “amazing.”

    There will plenty to celebrate for 20th Century Fox if Wolverine becomes the box-office hit that some are predicting. For one thing, we’re in the midst of a global flu outbreak, complete with 24-hour news cycle panic and a vice president suggesting you should by all means avoid confined and crowded spaces. You know, like theaters. And then there’s the fact that Wolverine has been available online for a whole month now, which again raises the question: How much do these leaks really hurt box office sales?

    20th Century Fox went nuts when a number of unfinished work prints of X-Men Origins: Wolverine showed up on BitTorrent sites a month ago. The studio bitterly complained that the summer blockbuster wasn’t finished and that anyone downloading it was harming filmmakers, actors and the fan community. A writer at fellow News Corp. entity Fox News even lost his job after writing a column about having watched the leaked version. That didn’t stop BitTorrent users from downloading the movie more than a million times within the first week.

    In fact, Wolverine has remained one of the most downloaded movies on The Pirate Bay ever since. That’s kind of remarkable in and of itself, because the leaked version was said to lack proper special effects and a final score, though apparently had the same run time as the one debuting this weekend, despite Fox claiming otherwise. But maybe the raw quality made it even more interesting to fans that wanted to have an early look behind the curtain. Or, as one commenter on The Pirate Bay said: “I actually loved the half-done effects. Made it awesome!”

    The leak also provided new fuel to the debate on how to fight piracy and pre-release leaks. 20th Century Fox has been talking about FBI investigations and “significant criminal sentences” if the leaker is caught. Deadline Hollywood writer Nikki Finke echoed those sentiments by suggesting the studio should “punish him/her/them to the full extent of the law.” (Er, isn’t that the job of the courts?) Our own Jackson West, on the other hand, thinks studios should just make their employees stakeholders in the movies.

    Either way, it’s too late for Wolverine. The flick’s fate is now in the hands of the downloaders: Will they also flock to the theaters to see the finished product? The answer could determine whether Wolverine becomes a solid summer release or a breakout success like Iron Man, a movie that made around $100 million on the same weekend a year ago. Some commenters on torrent sites seem to suggest that the Wolverine leak only made them more curious about the big-screen experience, while others complain that the lack of distracting special effects made them realize how average the acting was.

    Leaks may especially hurt movies that aren’t all that great to begin with, of course. But if that $100 million in box-office sales fails to materialize for Wolverine, we can always blame the swine flu.

    Last edited by SonsOfLiberty; 05-02-2009 at 02:04 AM.

  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    It turned out to be a decent movie.

    Still can't see why anyone who enjoys unrestricted access to the internet would support industries that are trying to take away those freedoms.

  3. News (Archive)   -   #3
    djerholler69's Avatar Love Bytes! BT Rep: +3
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    So the workprint leak sort of stirred up interest on how different the real movie would turn out (with all the effects in).

    Great marketing strategy for once...

  4. News (Archive)   -   #4
    it was a good movie...

  5. News (Archive)   -   #5
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    X-Men Origins: Wolverine' grosses $35 million Friday night

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine is howling its way to the top of the box office with an opening day gross of $35 million. Bowing in 4,099 theaters, the film boasted a per-screen average of $8,539 on Friday. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (starring Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner) also scored a healthy opening-day number, with $5.8 million in 3,175 theaters. Wolverine's opening-day haul lags behind 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand's single-day opening gross of $45 million, according to's box office analyst Paul Dergarabedian. Whether the can make up the deficit in the next two days remains to be seen. If not, it's highly unlikely the Hugh Jackman flick will manage to match Iron Man's gross of $98.6 from this same weekend last year.

    More here, if your interested

  6. News (Archive)   -   #6
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    What Leak? “Wolverine” Rakes in $87 Million

    Proves piracy, and even swine flu for that matter, doesn’t hurt a good movie,

    Last month a workprint of “X-Menrigins: Wolverine” leaked to BitTorrent, and many in the movie industry worried that it would harm ticket sales, a fear compounded by the current economic downturn and the spread of swine flu.

    Those concerns were unwarranted with news that the movie raked in an estimated $87 million in ticket sales this past opening weekend.

    How it stacks up to other X-Men movies:
    X-Men (2000) - $54 million
    X2: X-Men United (2003) - $86 million
    X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - $102 million

    Many, myself included, watched the workprint copy, but knew its lack of special effects and visible tether lines would still make watching it in the theaters necessary to see the finished product 20th Century Fox insisted it wasn’t.

    “I started watching it online but didn’t finish because it didn’t have any of the special effects,” said theatergoer Jason Nguyen outside of the AMC Burbank 16 before a Friday show. “It seemed like something you would just watch on the DVD after seeing the real movie. I just didn’t think watching that would compare to watching the finished one with all the special effects.”

    Another point to be made is that many so-called pirates will still pay to see a good movie despite having illegally downloaded a copy. “The Dark Knight” was the most pirated movie of all time, yet still managed to rake in more than $1 billion worldwide.

    So much for all piracy doom and gloom the MPAA insists file-sharing is responsible for.

    MPAA and the like are so full of shit about losing money it's not even funny anymore.


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