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Thread: Ethnicity in the BT world

  1. #31
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by sear View Post
    Typical bloody American trying to bring racism into everything. Can't a man denigrate the culture of another man in a completely non homosexual way without being accused of being racist?

    I just don't know what the world is coming to these days /me shakes head

    p.s. this thread is a piece of shite
    Its ok,i also don't like the idea of men making out with other men,i recall how grossed out i was when i saw this episode of brothers and sisters....even though they were acting it was still gross..but i hear we are supposed to hate the act not the fagism.In iran they get hanged and i think that's more than enough torture so i try to embrace them.You should too .

  2. BitTorrent   -   #32
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    You watched Brothers and Sisters?

  3. BitTorrent   -   #33
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    You watched Brothers and Sisters?

    he stopped after too fagedy so..but its a nice fam drama if you can stand it,i know a good number of people who can't wait for season 4 including you i suspect

  4. BitTorrent   -   #34
    sear's Avatar Feeling Clamy BT Rep: +3
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    Last edited by sear; 07-09-2009 at 01:14 AM. Reason: didn't want to be too mean...but it was funny

  5. BitTorrent   -   #35
    TheFoX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TP635 View Post
    Please note that there are only 5 English speaking countries in this world; USA Canada, GB, Aus. NZ. So the chance of cheat coming from 'others' is statistically more.
    Ironic that GB should be listed third, considering that this is where the language originated from. I should also point out that the other countries use English under license.

    I should also point out that in many parts of the US, the language has been basterdised so much that it is hardly recogniseable as English any more, often sounding more like French or Spanish, which is also used under license.

    (It's amazing that language isn't governed by Copyright Law. The RIAA would have a field day suing people)

  6. BitTorrent   -   #36
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFoX View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TP635 View Post
    Please note that there are only 5 English speaking countries in this world; USA Canada, GB, Aus. NZ. So the chance of cheat coming from 'others' is statistically more.
    Ironic that GB should be listed third, considering that this is where the language originated from. I should also point out that the other countries use English under license.

    I should also point out that in many parts of the US, the language has been basterdised so much that it is hardly recogniseable as English any more, often sounding more like French or Spanish, which is also used under license.

    (It's amazing that language isn't governed by Copyright Law. The RIAA would have a field day suing people)
    lulz english is german

  7. BitTorrent   -   #37
    patiesmiz's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirr3l View Post
    It also seems that all blacks like chicken, all asians are good in maths, and all whites party but needless to say that is false.

    Seriously, since whey did language, a mere mean of communication, effect on how people behave? I speak 3 different intl. languages, and half a dozen dialects (no kidding) and from what I notice they are pretty much the same. They all seem to have similar grammar , sentence structure, and stuff like. So i have no clue how it could have an impact on how people behave on the interwebz.

    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    Countries such as Israel, Egypt, Estonia, Romania, and several other middle eastern or eastern European countries are prime examples of this.
    Majority of the filesharing traffic comes from countries such as US, UK, and several other eastern countries and because filesharing is illegal in those countries i conclude they are all immoral, menthol law breakers lolwhat.

    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    Is it because people from these areas of the world are more likely to leave morals at the door when on the internet?
    What exactly is so called "morals"? Who defines it? So called "English speaking people" or "non-English speaking people"? Girls wearing miniskirts is porlly not immoral to you but there are severals that see it as one. Like wise, gay relationship, cousin marriage, untouchability and castism is prolly immoral to you but there is a whole world to whom it is not immoral.

    Similarly who gets to define trading is moral or immoral? The "English speaking" tracker i suppose.

    No offense like, but all i see in your post is this.
    "I couldn't agree more

  8. BitTorrent   -   #38
    Long John Silver
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    Quote Originally Posted by TP635 View Post
    Please note that there are only 5 English speaking countries in this world; USA Canada, GB, Aus. NZ. So the chance of cheat coming from 'others' is statistically more.
    ?! lmao

    Anyway i agree a bit with what Polar Bear said earlier - the trend of cheating in certain non-english speaking countries tht is seen in BT world has mostlyto do with the fact that the users in these countries like Brasil, Romania, Egypt etc have a higher number of impoverished, lower-income folk (vs the not-banned countries), who most importantly have internet access. There are plenty other low-income groups/countries eg Sudan Haiti etc but the folk there have more serious issues than finding a PC and cheating to download movies nightly. The cheaters we know in cyberspace are so used to hustling in real life they carry it into cyberspace. I still don't really support country-banning myself though as good ppl suffer.
    Last edited by buggyfresh; 07-12-2009 at 08:31 PM.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #39
    QPD's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    You know, something has always bothered me. Having spent an entire year immersed in this community, as well as spending some time moderating and running my own site, there is one thing I cannot put my finger on. It seems as if non-English speaking members of the community are more prone to trading, scamming, and ratio cheating.

    Now, that is a broad statement, so let me refine it a bit. When I say non-English speakers, I mean people who may speak enough English to get by, but it clearly isn't their first language. Countries such as Israel, Egypt, Estonia, Romania, and several other middle eastern or eastern European countries are prime examples of this. Many of these countries have been IP banned from trackers altogether because of this generalization, so its an interesting thing to look at.

    Is it because people from these areas of the world are more likely to leave morals at the door when on the internet? Or have we just gotten a bad group of people from these countries (and no others)? Also, is it just a coincidence, or is there also a lot of cyber crime in these areas in general (phishing, scamming, spyware, spam)? Perhaps it is a little deeper than that, but I'd like to know what you guys think.
    First of all I want to congratulate you for starting this topic,I can easily realise that you are sincere in finding a more accurate answer(even if it is impossible to analyse and summarise everything in a single quote)
    This is not the first time I respond to a such question,this time I feel that somebody might even hear me.

    "Is it because people from these areas of the world are more likely to leave morals at the door when on the internet?"

    Usually people see the internet like Alice saw her Wondeland.They clame to be something they are not ( but they would like to be) .People lie on the internet no mather what language they speak.

    "Or have we just gotten a bad group of people from these countries (and no others)?"
    Speaking about Romania I can tell you that the majority people are poor.We are smart , and fast learning but cheating is like a disease.I was disappointed many times about my fellow romanians,but It was not my decision to be born here,instead it is my decision to be as good as I can be every day,and there are a lot of people like me here.Remember that if you don;t give us any chance..we won;t have any chance.Sooner or later we will rise the standards also, but it is easyer with some help from you guys.

    I met scum people in civilised countries who are not worthy enough to even untie my laces.I've been in a lot of countries.Bad and good are everywhere,but remember my words: It's easyer to be bad in a good country than beeing good in a bad country.You should help those who try to be good instead of slaughtering them with the others-that of course would require sacrifices form you,but what would you care about anything else but your own well?

    One more thing.I don;'t belive it's about barging: I was in Nepal a few months ago.Very poor country, where bargain is a national hobby, yet they do not steal,even form strangers.My sony vaio laptop was unatended for days and nobody took it.

    Quote Originally Posted by susiserken View Post
    Romanians are not only scums online they are also scum in real life!
    Did you meet all the romanians?Gipsyes are not romanians-remember that!!!
    I am a romanian and I bet you did't reach the knowledge i did.And i have more than perfect references.Be wise and do not blame an entire country otherwhise you are nto better than Hitler,or Pol Pot.It was not my call to be born here.I try to be as moral as a man can be everyday.It's a struggle in my society where everything is corrupt.Do you think you can do it better???I invite you over here.Then you can blame.

    Sorry for my english...

  10. BitTorrent   -   #40
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    One more thing.I don;'t belive it's about barging: I was in Nepal a few months ago.Very poor country, where bargain is a national hobby, yet they do not steal,even form strangers.My sony vaio laptop was unatended for days and nobody took it.
    What i meant was with the bartering side, was the trading that goes on.

    its part and parcel of getting something in some cultures.

    buy something, it says 10 on the label, you say 4, owner says 8 you say 6 he says done.

    its basically the same with trading for trackers. as in the same metality goes into it.

    it had nothing to do with stealing or cheating. thats just basically they hate seeding back and want everything for nothing, so cheat to get it.

    bottom line is though, every country trades and cheats, you just tend to see more of it from the countries that have been banned on trackers, whether thats because of culture, or the fact they are just not very good at it and get caught more is another thing.

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