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Thread: Ethnicity in the BT world

  1. #11
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    I think part of the problem, and i do not mean any disrepect to anyone, but in some cultures, it is rude not to haggle when you buy something, so they bring that into the torrent world with them.

    Trading = Haggling for the best site
    Cheating = Haggling for the best ratio (not really i suppose, but i cant see many sysops asking,)

    "OK, Where do you want the cut off point to be"
    "nah, how about 0.8",
    "0.7 take it or leave it".

    I do think most understand exactly what it going on, surely Cheating is wrong full stop, wherever in the world you are, and trading, surely someone has said something on their local forums that trading is bad (not that most take any notice, but then thats my point)
    I always thought that it was cultural more than anything.Certainly nothing to do with language .
    The problem becomes even harder to solve then because is you are trying to enforce your morality on people that just don't see things the same way as you do.(Tell a gypsy that it is wrong to steal or an Afghan that woman are equal and see how much understanding you get )
    Unfortunatelyno amount of arguing is going to change someone's actions if they are operating from the premise that what they are doing is rightfully how it's suppose to be done.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    Poster BT Rep: +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    It seems as if non-English speaking members of the community are more prone to trading, scamming, and ratio cheating.
    It also seems that all blacks like chicken, all asians are good in maths, and all whites party but needless to say that is false.

    Seriously, since whey did language, a mere mean of communication, effect on how people behave? I speak 3 different intl. languages, and half a dozen dialects (no kidding) and from what I notice they are pretty much the same. They all seem to have similar grammar , sentence structure, and stuff like. So i have no clue how it could have an impact on how people behave on the interwebz.

    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    Countries such as Israel, Egypt, Estonia, Romania, and several other middle eastern or eastern European countries are prime examples of this.
    Majority of the filesharing traffic comes from countries such as US, UK, and several other eastern countries and because filesharing is illegal in those countries i conclude they are all immoral, menthol law breakers lolwhat.

    Quote Originally Posted by stopher54 View Post
    Is it because people from these areas of the world are more likely to leave morals at the door when on the internet?
    What exactly is so called "morals"? Who defines it? So called "English speaking people" or "non-English speaking people"? Girls wearing miniskirts is porlly not immoral to you but there are severals that see it as one. Like wise, gay relationship, cousin marriage, untouchability and castism is prolly immoral to you but there is a whole world to whom it is not immoral.

    Similarly who gets to define trading is moral or immoral? The "English speaking" tracker i suppose.

    No offense like, but all i see in your post is this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear View Post
    When you take a closer look you'll see that countries from where the most online fraud originate
    i'm not so sure but that would be Chinease? Same Chinease that are vast minority in NASA and have a fair share of doctors in States.

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I always thought that it was cultural more than anything.Certainly nothing to do with language .
    The problem becomes even harder to solve then because is you are trying to enforce your morality on people that just don't see things the same way as you do.(Tell a gypsy that it is wrong to steal or an Afghan that woman are equal and see how much understanding you get )
    Unfortunatelyno amount of arguing is going to change someone's actions if they are operating from the premise that what they are doing is rightfully how it's suppose to be done.
    what she said.
    Last edited by squirr3l; 07-06-2009 at 11:34 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
    MODERATION BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    Good post squirr3l mate.
    Its quite funny saying that non-English speakers are more prone to trading/cheating, its like saying that all English speakers are fat bastards.
    I have loads to add to this thread but its a bit late and I got to wake early in the morning, so I m off to bed for now.

    And btw, OP, I m pretty sure you own a very bad tracker

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    in your sWaRm
    what morals are you talking about?have you thought of the fact that piracy too is a vice,did you know that in some circles we are put together on the same boat as scammers and phishers?AnYWHO....


    ~~~~~~I N F O M A T I O N ~~~~~~~

    REL.DATE.: 2005. 08.19 
    GENRE....: Drama /  Crime / Mystery 
     VIDEO....: XviD @  747  Kbps 
    AUDIO....: MP3  VBR  @ 105  Kbps  
    VIDEO RES: 2.35 :1  @ 576 x240 
    LANGUAGE.: English 
    SUBTITLE.: English 
    RUNTIME..: 113  Mins  
    RATING...: 8.6 /10(11 , 052  votes)  
    SIZE.....: CD1 50 x15 MB  
    URL... com/title/tt0375679

    "Crash" has no conclusion. The conclusion is to equate it to life. There will never be a direct conclusion when it comes to issues of racism,discrimination,bigotry or whatever you wanna call it.

    This movie is really interesting as it focuses on the lives of different characters and each character links to one another in some way.
    The main theme is that of racism but extends to other forms of prejudice.

    A few characters in the movie, like Sandra Bullock's and Matt Dillon's are racist. They do not trust Black people or Latinos.

    Sandra Bullock and her husband, played by Brendan Fraser get robbed by 2 black men. She gets angry and believes that her all along fear for black people was indeed justified after all.

    She then also gets adamant that his husband change the locks in their house for the second time come morning after new ones just got placed because the previous locks were fixed by a Latino man a race she has her own reservations for.

    Matt Dillon's cop character pulls over terrence howard(profiles him) then molests his wife infront of him because he was angry at another black woman who denied his father the required operation for his prostate problem. But if you look at it,Matt Dillon had always been very rude to that lady and had often angered her with his racist remarks. However later on, Matt Dillon ends up saving the very same black woman that he molested in that car crash.

    The lady molested by Matt Dillon of course gets angry with her husband for not standing up for her.Its one of the most embarrassing moments as terrence howard just stands there feeling powerless being as this cop mishandles his wife and i also remember asking myself what would i have done if i were him and i honestly don't know.I mean this cop is a racist and he has a gun.Him he chose to keep on apologizing for whatever reasons and you really felt sorry for him.Anyways its one of those moments that weak tear ducts should keep away from.

    Another part of the movie worth remembering was when Terence Howard tells Ludacris (stole Sandra Bullock's car) that he embarrassed all black men by his activities. "You embarrassed me. You embarrassed yourself."

    What one black man does, indirectly makes other people stereotype other black men:racism...but sadly it happens.Like when some white suburban women cling to their purses whenever they pass by black men(there is a very funny scene about this by the way involving luda and larenz tate,its right before they hijack sandra's ride).

    Another part was when Ryan Phillippe shot another black man. He was convinced (because of stereotype again) that that guy was pulling out a gun, when in fact, he was just pulling out a jesus piece if I'm not mistaken.

    and there were a whole host of other similar scenarios if you can get teh flick but i think you get the point.
    Last edited by sez; 07-07-2009 at 03:37 AM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    New Member BT Rep: +1
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    Squirr3l -

    I should make a distinction here. My main point and emphasis was on the fact that there are a larger number of traders and scammers coming from that region of the world than anywhere else. All of your arguments are very off-topic, but I'll digress and give them credence.

    Majority of the filesharing traffic comes from countries such as US, UK, and several other eastern countries and because filesharing is illegal in those countries i conclude they are all immoral, menthol law breakers lolwhat.
    Thats true, but reread the topic. I only say that there are a large number of traders, scammers, etc coming out of these regions.

    What exactly is so called "morals"? Who defines it? So called "English speaking people" or "non-English speaking people"? Girls wearing miniskirts is porlly not immoral to you but there are severals that see it as one. Like wise, gay relationship, cousin marriage, untouchability and castism is prolly immoral to you but there is a whole world to whom it is not immoral.

    Similarly who gets to define trading is moral or immoral? The "English speaking" tracker i suppose.
    Thats just semantics. You never address what this topic is about.

    i'm not so sure but that would be Chinease? Same Chinease that are vast minority in NASA and have a fair share of doctors in States.
    The Chinese and Russians are indeed big cyber-crime wise, but a lot of the lower level crime (spam, web vandalism, hacking for fame) come from the countries I mentioned.

    what she said.
    She is supporting my viewpoint by saying its a cultural thing.

    And Ovisan, lets keep this discussion on-topic. I did not mean to offend anyone if I did.

    And sez, I have seen Crash many times. And you're making the same point as Squirr3l, which is irrelevant to this topic. By "morals", I'm speaking relative to the BT world, where many people take the "moral" high ground by not trading/scamming/ratio cheating.
    Last edited by stopher54; 07-07-2009 at 03:20 AM.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #16
    sear's Avatar Feeling Clamy BT Rep: +3
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    @sez, that's a sad fucking movie...way to bring me down


    on topic I've always been of the view that a lot of cheaters come from these countries because they have shittier internet connections which makes surviving on private trackers that much harder though I'm sure that's not the only reason. It also has a lot to do with their local net scene. A while back Israelis got a reputation for cheating because a lot of their torrent boards had lots of cheaters on them telling everyone how good it is. When you're new to torrenting it's easy to get sidetracked into cheating/trading/scamming as you don't see the importance of doing the right thing. I'm just guessing but I think peer influence would have a bit to do with it.
    Last edited by sear; 07-07-2009 at 03:34 AM.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #17
    a lot of cheaters come from these countries because they have shittier internet connections which makes surviving on private trackers that much harder
    The temptation to cheat is greater when you have a 20 kbs upload speed.


  8. BitTorrent   -   #18
    n00bz0r's Avatar Say what? BT Rep: +5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TP635 View Post
    a lot of cheaters come from these countries because they have shittier internet connections which makes surviving on private trackers that much harder
    The temptation to cheat is greater when you have a 20 kbs upload speed.
    i have had speeds worse than that..
    and have a ratio better than most guys wid megabit connections on trackers like, which have complex cheat detection algos..
    anyway, getting back on topic..
    diversity has led to creation of huge libraries abd repositories of rare content on tracker like what and waffles, which survive on user contributed uploads.

    bbiab to continue wid this post..
    Last edited by n00bz0r; 07-07-2009 at 04:27 AM.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #19
    I agree with sear, most of the cheaters arise from these countries as their net speeds are very low and the trackers pressurises to maintain the ratio 1:1 (except very few trackers who dont have ratio, but very hard to get in there), as a result they resort to cheating cause they want to survive along with the guys who have stable and good connection and even when they ask any help from the guys who have a seedbox(do not mean all are same) to buffer and so maintain some ratio , their request(they request as their financial status wont be as good as other countries to afford for a vps spending $$, they hardly have enough money saved after paying all the bills) get denied many times as many people think "why should i help them, he hasnt done anything to me?"(not to be rude, but ill make my point, they might even think that those people are inferior to me) and finally they dont have any choice either to get disabled on the tracker or use some means to survive , all prefer to survive rather than dying in real life too so they resort to other means which can keep them alive on trackers.

    I dont have any comments on this, as this part of the BT is lame, it happens all cause of the levels made by us and all want those "high level" trackers just cause of their reputation, if they dont get it their way, they go to the "darkside" and try to get in especially the newbs as they will be in a hurry to get in that and this asap and "kick ass"
    My final conclusion is that cheating might be from the countries he mentioned cause of the net problems, but traders and scammers are equal in all countries irrespective of the language they speak

    PS:Even i have a bad connection , but i was lucky enough to get into ratioless trackers without any difficulty and have good friends who helped me a lot, patience is the virtue
    Last edited by D-U-D-E; 07-07-2009 at 04:52 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #20
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sear View Post
    I'm just guessing but I think peer influence would have a bit to do with it.
    That's true, combined with some specific country/zones tendences.
    as someone said, certain cultures are prone to bartering, haggling, trading, etc. it's even a way of life.
    I've been to a couple of those countries, and the "trade" is a ritual, it goes even with tea. It's fantastic, in a PoV of a western european like i am.
    so, it's very natural it has a splash effect on everything, and that includes the interwebz business.
    That's why you will find certain countries mentioned above, like Egypt, Israel, KSA, etc with a lot of traders. It's in their blood, and you can't take the culture out of the individual.

    then comes the cheating sub-culture.
    subverting the institutionalized rules and gaining some kind of advantage is always something the human nature procures.
    And when to this scenario you add the human laziness and the lack of conditions to easily achieve a decent standing in a tracker, ratio wise, then certain conditions are met for a new cheater to be born.
    Actually, last time i read, the biggest cheating community was german. So it kinda defeats some of the arguments i employed above, but emphasizes one of them: the human laziness.

    Luckily here in one year time, the installation of optic fibre will be finished, and many users will migrate to the 100/10, 50/4 and 30/3 dowload/upload plans, together with current ADSL and cable connections with 1mb or 2mb up, making life easier on the users.
    we can't complain around here

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