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Thread: Paysite future confirmed by new management

  1. #1
    Broken's Avatar Obama Supporter
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    1,904 Paysite future confirmed by new management

    July 17th, 2009

    Put away your eye patches and peg legs, set your parrots free and take down the Jolly Roger, my fellow buccaneers: The Pirate Bay is going to become a pay-to-play site. Before it was just a horrible rumor, but the new owner of The Pirate Bay, Global Gaming Factory, has confirmed that users will now have to fork it over. In other news, the Pirate Bay is now dead.

    According to Lifehacker, the exact cost of the monthly fee users will be charged has yet to be determined, but P.B. executive Wayne Rosso says “the more files people share, the lower it will be.” When he spoke to CNet, Rosso said, “The more of your computer resources you contribute to the network, the less you pay down to zero. The user is in control.” As Techradar put it, “In essence – if you offer up some of your hard drive space to the Pirate Bay network, you could be in for a discount.”

    I say that’s a load of crap, especially since it looks like there aren’t going to be a whole lot of users to share their files.

    From what I can gather from the buzz online, it’s not looking promising. According to Mashable, “In the end, The Pirate Bay might end up trying to sell traffic they don’t have, harnessed from content they also don’t have, to ISPs that are reluctant to buy it. It’s not a very promising future for the pirates, I’m afraid.” I have to say, I agree. There’s nothing to keep this ship from going down.

    Link to original article
    Last edited by Hairbautt; 07-19-2009 at 03:26 PM. Reason: added image.

  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Yeah, I had mentioned this awhile back when were talking about the buying of the site, I think most of us new this was coming, I guess get your silly torrents before they die. Hopefully Demonoid can cope with all the new traffic, I would say it will be the next TPB....maybe, who knows torrents just might die with TPB.

  3. News (Archive)   -   #3
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    it has definitely sunk.

  4. News (Archive)   -   #4
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    So how is this "The New Pirate Bay" going to be any different from all the other P2P organizations that shut down illicit filesharing and became Pay-sites.

    Won't this be a rerun of "the New iMesh" ?

  5. News (Archive)   -   #5
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    I dont understand why they needed to buy TPB to do this, what was it $7.8mil, that could get you a server farm and bw for 20 years+.

    Server farm lets say is 1000 servers (it will be a lot more than that though), cluster them together, put a tracker on, even just a public one, which by the sounds of it, the new TPB is not going to be anyway, and buy a new domain for $10.

    Because lets face it when this gets put into practice on TPB they are going to have no members and no torrents anyway, so its a complete waste of $7.8mil dollers for the name, and the tracker software.

    Honestly the old TPB staff must be laughing there heads off, they basically sold 0, and if they wanted, they could just make a new one anyway.

    Does not make sense to me at all.
    Last edited by stoi; 07-20-2009 at 01:36 AM.

  6. News (Archive)   -   #6
    mbucari1's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoi View Post
    I dont understand why they needed to buy TPB to do this, what was it $7.8mil, that could get you a server farm and bw for 20 years+.

    Server farm lets say is 1000 servers (it will be a lot more than that though), cluster them together, put a tracker on, even just a public one, which by the sounds of it, the new TPB is not going to be anyway, and buy a new domain for $10.

    Because lets face it when this gets put into practice on TPB they are going to have no members and no torrents anyway, so its a complete waste of $7.8mil dollers for the name, and the tracker software.

    Honestly the old TPB staff must be laughing there heads off, they basically sold 0, and if they wanted, they could just make a new one anyway.

    Does not make sense to me at all.
    Yeah, I'm sure laughing is exactly what they're doing right now

  7. News (Archive)   -   #7
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    well they are not in jail are they, i know it may just be a certain amount of time, but come on, go to jail for a year, come out 7.8mil richer, i am sure jail isnt that bad lol

    Thing is if they were in the UK, the Police would take it all off them with the Proceeds from crime law lol so they would have jail and wouldnt get a penny.

    and come on, even after the verdict, there was a youtube vid of 1 of them with an IOU note and laughing his head of.

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    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    There is no economically viable model for turning a free p2p site into a for-profit entity. We all know that, but corporate investors (the kind of guys who have access to $8Million in funding) do not know that yet. That is what makes this funny!

    Unfortunately, we have lost TPB guys and their anti-corporate, anti-copyright antics. That won't ever be the same. I am sure that the "fines" will be paid to the record companies (pricks!)- and that makes me upset.

    The good news is that file sharing has never been stronger. New (and some very good) sites are literally springing up all over the globe daily. I think it is only a matter of time before we see a vast change in corporate extortion schemes and a surrender from them. I do not believe that they have profited by sending teams of lawyers to force teenagers and homemakers into paying them $1000 apiece. It is costing them more to fight file sharing than it is bringing in.

    Regardless of TPB selling the site name and turning their fame into some money they really did serve the file sharing community well.

    Things are really going well in the community. My only hope is that tPB will fight to receive a fair verdict in their retrial and squash the precedent that the "case" may have set in terms of money being "owed" in "fines". the verdict was BS and the judge was biased/bought. That needs to be changed before this all ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

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    turin's Avatar Turambar BT Rep: +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40BT Rep +40
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    A grim day for pirates :-(

  10. News (Archive)   -   #10
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    They have to get $$$ somehow
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"


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