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Thread: PassThePopcorn or PassTheChildPorn

  1. #131
    Tv Controls you's Avatar Resistance is Futile BT Rep: +2
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    This being said, I hope that the community can move past this incident, and that PTP will continue to flourish; despite my lack of involvement. I would like to also remind PTP staff, that your lack of trust in me, and not asking me first about the incident before posting in a public forum disheartens me greatly.
    This is a load of BULL SHIT.

    You posted those links to confirm their was child porn on a website....
    Come on you sorry ass son of a bitch.
    Last edited by Tv Controls you; 04-03-2010 at 05:41 PM.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #132
    yea LOL... I even starting giggling while reading Spektormax's post at how ridiculous the lie he came up with is... I may have actually believed a "my brother/roommate was on the computer using my Skype" rather than the pathetic far fetched lie that had no previous mention whatsoever by Z/jerrcs/jeremy or ExodusSquared. How stupid do you think people are, Spektormax?

    Quote Originally Posted by spektormax View Post
    A immediately stop all of the 'mud slinging against PTP', regardless of my former association with the tracker, this incident was between a few friends, and does not have ANYTHING to do with PTP.
    These group of "friends" are all staff at PTP, you said yourself that the Skype convo was for discussing PTP and migrating to Gazelle RC2. PTP-staff irc channel and forums are for discussing site related matter, how do we not know that child porn links are being shared there too?

    Quote Originally Posted by spektormax View Post
    B, I would like to make sure that everyone understand that I do not want the internet community to turn around and go after Azazel for down right lieing; the more the situation is spoken of, the worse it becomes.
    How did he lie? all of his claims were verified with screenshots... They were even verified by z/jerrcs/jeremy and ExodusSquared. You guys keep trying to turn this around against the OP... I don't understand why PTP staff keep doing this, it doesn't help with your situation at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by spektormax View Post
    C, the actions that occurred do not violated US Federal law, as distribution must be of the material, and not the link. If it was against the law to simply link to child pornography, then google would have been in jail years ago. Thus while perhaps the links should not have been posted, not even in private; this action does not violate any laws.
    LOL. you really are misinformed. Not surprised hearing that from a pedophile such as yourself. You have WILLINGLY posted direct links to child porn images (knowing what they are). That is re-distribution of child porn material. Whether you have done this on forums/message boards/MSN/Skype/etc... Having produced the material itself or hosted it is irrelevant to the fact that act of re-distributing it is strictly illegal. Also keep in mind that Google does not have direct links to child porn images, Also, even if Google did index a website that contains illegal material, it was not done so willingly (the process is automated) and they continuously remove such websites from their index. Both of these situations cannot be compared.

    In other words, if PTP staff would step up and release your details to the authorities, you will receive a knock on the door. However PTP staff have decided to protect this pedophile; that tells us a lot about them...

    The more PTP staff try to comment on the situation, the worse they make it for themselves and their site. They're only adding fuel to the fire... their reactions and how they're dealing with this matter is extremely downright wrong, and quite frankly, a bit hilarious!
    Last edited by glados; 04-03-2010 at 06:26 PM.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #133
    Hombre's Avatar Finish Him !!!! BT Rep: +1
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    omg, this news is all over the places.
    even some friends of mine that almost never pay attention to bt sites knew there was a site with sth with popcorn on the title that is run by paedophiles!
    OMG, the site sux and is probably the lowest rep site on all over the net of bittorrent.
    I have stopped using my acc there forever.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #134
    The humour in this eludes me.

    It really annoys me that the staff of PTP think that their sites reputation is more important than exposing a potential pedophile.

    Their failure to angrily condemn child porn really makes me wonder how many other staff are also perverts and whether sharing CP is a common thing at PTP.


  5. BitTorrent   -   #135
    bonkers's Avatar forever learning
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    If this guy is a pedo, he isnt your friend unless you are a pedo too!!

    well said that person

  6. BitTorrent   -   #136
    Just, wow.

    I've been a member at PTP for a while (just over 10 months to be exact) and in my time there I've talk on IRC regularly and read the forums. I've spent time talking to Azazel, DAQ, z/jerrcs and plenty of other staff there, and in my time spent with them I never ONCE received anything about child porn. Not even a mention of it. In my 10 months there, I've never even seen SpekTorMax speak on irc (that I can remember).

    I don't know how I would go about handling if someone linked me to child porn, but I can tell you I would be repulsed by it because I've got children in my family and I certainly wouldn't do what Azazel did. A lot of people here are stating that SpekTorMax = PTP, when that just isn't the case. Obviously, as other staff have stated, he hasn't been a part of PTP for a while. That's kind of like stating the guy from the Dell commercials who got arrested for possession of a control substance (marijuana, I believe) was also selling marijuana for Dell along with their computers. It's just not a logical argument.

    The fact is, he gave the links to 3 people (total). Azazel gave the links to [potentially] thousands of people. Both should be reprimanded for it, in my opinion. I do understand peoples need to protect society from these predators, but really a forum site? or a lame blog run by someone who wasn't even involved in it? You're bringing more attention to PTP/PTP staff and yourself than you are the real issue, which is child porn. Which does make me think you're on some type of crusade and trying to get your name as some type of BitTorrent martyr against child porn.

    Azazel, you should be ashamed of yourself. Spreading around slander about PTP, making people think that all of PTP is a cover site for child porn. Immoral, at the very least. You should've talked to more than two people about it before going on a smear campaign against PTP and their staff. Your actions in this situation have really made me see your true colors. You'd rather alienate yourself from friends and ally yourself with law enforcement than attempt to find out what was actually going on. You jumped to conclusions, made assumptions, passed judgment, and became the prosecutor, judge, and jury. I get that you want to protect children, but you went about this the entirely wrong way. Furthermore, if you didn't have intentions of spreading around these links around, why would you screenshot and then proceed to save the links and post them everywhere you could? To me, it wouldn't make sense to screenshot something just to keep it on your computer. No matter what anyone at PTP done, I'm sure you had planned to "stir up shit" from the moment you clicked those links and found out what they really were. I hope you're happy being a martyr because that's all you're going to be doing in the private BitTorrent community. I wouldn't let someone like you within 100 miles of a site I had power over.

    SpekTorMax, I've never talked to you. So, I'm not gonna sit here and lecture you about what you did, or the reasons behind what you did. I actually believe your story about confirming that the links were cp. Admittedly, you thought it was child porn, and you should have to answer for that to someone. I don't agree that it should be done by "dropping your dox" for the masses to threaten you. I think more damage has been done to PTP than to your reputation, personally. Which is a sad thing, because PTP is an amazing site. It has gifted coders and staff who actually care about the users. I'm actually glad you're not a part of the site, and haven't been for quite some time from what I can tell.

    PassThePopcorn banned SpekTorMax, and Azazel, for their actions. The only thing anyone will get from this thread is more drama, and more finger pointing. Azazel made sure the damage done to PTP's reputation was significant, and there's no going back from that.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #137
    Tv Controls you's Avatar Resistance is Futile BT Rep: +2
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    I love how the majority of people defending this asshole are new members that joined this week.

    NOTHING would have been done to Spektormax if this wasn't brought to the public's attention.

    They continued to post 4chan links after the posting of his CP, like nothing happened... The staff still defend him till this day by trying to say its not illegal they way he distributed and where he lives.....

    Screw the law.... Its just morally fucking wrong (excuse my language, but the whole discussion over it being lawful or not is pointless)
    Last edited by Tv Controls you; 04-04-2010 at 12:08 AM.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #138
    cinephilia's Avatar I don't like you BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    behind you
    a torrentsite is made by its members, not by the puppets who run it; that means i won't stop using ptp for your false principles.
    whenever people agree with me, i always feel i must be wrong.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #139
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tv Controls you View Post
    NOTHING would have been done to Spektormax if this wasn't brought to the public's attention.
    The problem is, that Assal actually created a worse problem (by posting the actual links here) than he was protesting.

    Assal deserves no accolades for what he has done. None.

    pedoMax looked like a piece of shit before his post here, now he looks SERIOUSLY GUILTY with his stupid cover story.

    I have posted that there was little evidence to warrant a search. After reading the "back story", I'll change my argument.

    If anyone has specific info on pedoMax's "outside activities", they should come forward.

    I still don't know how much should be projected on PtP. They were slow to respond, but have done so. A lot of hard work has gone into that site and I believe there is still sufficient reason to give the staff there some lee-way. It really isn't feasible to report people to the cops every time they do something disgusting/stupid. Perhaps they have given pedoMax too much lee-way due to his founder status. It is however, stupid and unfair to call PtP a front for child porn.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #140
    Tv Controls you's Avatar Resistance is Futile BT Rep: +2
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    As a proud Pirate I do not want to be associated with a pedophile.
    Nor do I want anyone else to get the idea that the two are even slightly related.

    I don't care where he goes, as long as it isn't anywhere near filesharing protocols.
    Last edited by Tv Controls you; 04-04-2010 at 12:20 AM.

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