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Thread: what does the Spit means?

  1. #261
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Could someone summarize the world views of empty bro so that I can at least somewhat follow this narrative?
    He posts a lot, but hasn't managed to communicate anything to anyone. However, he seems to think he's "winning".
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  2. Lounge   -   #262
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Could someone summarize the world views of empty bro so that I can at least somewhat follow this narrative?
    He posts a lot, but hasn't managed to communicate anything to anyone. However, he seems to think he's "winning".
    You'd think with all those words, someone could generate a single piece of content.
    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

  3. Lounge   -   #263
    What are all you blocked pussies mumbling about NOW?
    Can you Block THIS BITCHES???
    MJackme: why do I have to remind you indolent bystanders when NO-ONE is speaking to you! you may not get what's going on just say daddy abuse me too please? cuz that is all your hoping for aren't you?
    IdleIdiot: Can you hear me now PUNK ass, what you gonna do NOW peek through your fingers at your pc to "block" your weak constitution from daddys punishment? LOL you can run like a bitch but you can't hide LOL
    Megablowjob: (undercover mother earth) why don't you put your REAL picture back up so we can all see how you looked when you were injecting your estrogen transforming from tranny to womanhood; you know just before they did that operation to attach your twat & tits?
    It's SO much more gayer & funnier than Gayzoo! LOL

    Now what my bitches? NOW WHAT? LOL
    Last edited by anthonybrian; 06-25-2013 at 05:32 AM.

  4. Lounge   -   #264
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post

    He posts a lot, but hasn't managed to communicate anything to anyone. However, he seems to think he's "winning".
    You'd think with all those words, someone could generate a single piece of content.
    We'll have to go with the Million Monkey theory on this one. Since he's a lone simian, we'll have to be patient. If you lack the patience so many of us have had with the garble, simply 'ignore' until he becomes sentient.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. Lounge   -   #265
    Yeah, that's right megamonkeyshine a million of you monkeys STILL can't do jack shit but pick eachothers fleas & crabs, lick eachothers wounds like good monkeys should maybe throw in some words that make you appear to be smarter than the average chimp (but we all know if you were actually THAT intelligent you wouldn't have over 9,000 posts in the barrel full of monkeys) until King of the jungle comes and make a megamonkey breakfast out of all yous!!...OBVIOUSLY I am NOT alone when your megamonkeymouth keeps a yappin responses fool! LOL
    Now watch your flying sister monkeys swing down squealing more ape-onics!!! ..LONE? I don't think so Megamonkeybusiness!
    Last edited by anthonybrian; 06-25-2013 at 11:42 AM.

  6. Lounge   -   #266
    DngrMs's Avatar Super Rodent
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Could someone summarize the world views of empty bro so that I can at least somewhat follow this narrative?
    I'm dismayed nobody provided you with a link to the auspicious "reboot" of this thread.

    Essentially the 'man with two names' dredged up this thread to eloquently enlighten us on the art of 'the spit', it's been a source of much humor and critical insight since. I think he spits at gheys but I'm not entirely sure.

    Note that the reply was some 2.5 years after the OP.

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonybrian View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by worldpease View Post
    Ok through my life I'v always wondered what does it mean when people Spit in front of you?
    For example, I'm walking down a street and I pass by a couple of guys who are just standing there on the sidewalk doing nothing besides looking like a couple of loosers and then as I get close one of them just spits, I mean wtf?, or just a few minutes ago I went out to dust off my vacuum cleaner and across the street there is this older man working on his car so as soon as I steep out the door, he looks at me, then he spits .
    And I've seen this happen many times, men from all ages; mostly is people of 'lower education' or from a low social background, so I wonder,
    is it like some sort of inferiority complex they have?, do they feel threatened or intimidated?, or is it something like animals do, you know to mark their territory?
    or may be it could be they have a disease I don't know of that causes their moth to roth so they keep spiting.
    Finally, I suppose it could have very different meaning depending on were you live.
    Dear Man,
    Hi I'm Anthony I just searched the web for the exact same answer to the question you are asking here! First I want to say I am blessed to have found you bcuz your soul has experienced the exact same thing as mine & I want to help you say first and foremost: It is VERY hurtful! & I am not sure why but YES it hurts me whenever I have experienced what you speak of. I consider myself a non-threatening kind of guy! I don't present myself as someone any man should feel challenged by though I have to admit my facial features are somewhat "soft" I look in the mirror & I tend to see my mom much more than my dad & I tend to be of a thin frame & build, however I FEEL, EXPERIENCE & CARRY myself (very naturally) as 200% male! I love being a male, I don't wish I was female though I think it might be cool to for experiential sake but NOT for permanent trading places sake! again I am all male & I tend to feel my version of being male is NOT about LIMITING my expression whether it be of emotions, whether it be being eccentric in how I wear my clothes etc. I DON'T feel that any of that diminishes myself as ALL MALE! & again I tend to carry myself as such & masculine. So my guess is that old school "manhood" has a certain disdain for "newer school "manhood" as well I think RACE comes into play also. I seem to recall mostly Caucasian males doing the spit "thing" more than other races (I am Black) trust me I am no racial saint yet I have no remote desire to spit in the path of ANY RANDOM White male I see on the street no matter WHAT he looks like! So like you my friend I am at a loss of explanation for this form of assault & offense. Especially when I have never seen "you" don't know "you" & "you" don't know me! Additionally I am lead to believe that it is the spitter who truly has the problem as I am not going out of my way to offend this person with PERSONAL INTENT as I feel spitter does JUST that!
    The response you received from the angry dude is very indicative to the exact attitude BEHIND the spitter. Namely unbridled, unchecked, anonymous testosterone I guess? The thing is what did you say that made him attack YOU like that you didn't do anything to him you said nothing about him personally yet he felt you deserved to be raged at as opposed to empathizing with you and finding a purely human connection. Men are afraid of what they PERCIEVE as "weakness" yet it is the FEAR ITSELF that they fail to realize MAKES THEM WEAK is what I get as I write this to you now! Friend just think about it in grade school boys taunted other boys for sport but when that same taunted boy turned around & cold cocked the taunters magically the next few days they became the best of friends in many instances. So I can be your friend if you can overpower me BUT if you seem to be one who can be OVERPOWERED I do NOT want in ANY WAY to be associated with you as a matter of fact the cycle MAY repeat itself I bully you til you TKO me & AGAIN auto-magic FRIENDS!?! I don't know about you friend but I NEVER played this game I had no respect for the players either - Though even then I would not think to spit at or in their paths - I just thought I would not want to be someone friend just because they kicked my tail in MY book THAT was weakness. I thin I am more of the constitution of 'Even IF you can kick my tail this does NOT mean I "surrender" allegiance or bond with you!' I am your friend because I "FREELY" CHOOSE TO BE I want you to be my friend because you "FREELY" CHOOSE to be. I could never pander to bullying I'd rather go my own way ALONE than "weaken" my spirit. And this I believe is a major weakness of men in general this is why we have so many young men wearing the pants down etc. this is pier pressure at it's best "BE LIKE ME & I LEAVE YOU BE" sort of logic. ALL of this I think is the stuff of the "I spit on the ground where you walk!" mentality. Anyway we are still at odds on how to deal with the spitters I suppose perhaps spitting harder & louder than they do as a response may be the main in the moment passive aggressive for passive aggressive response buz it lets the spitter know just as "indirectly" and passive aggressively that YES it registered BUT I give it BACK to you!! Hey we can spit an ocean if that is what you're about Hey maybe it can a new language or maybe a martial art or some foolishness but what does it ultimately produce? well maybe the extreme pointlessness is the point! Nevertheless it IS ALWAYS initiated by the LESSOR CHARACTER of the two men! As it does seem to be a male to male emasculating thing Bottom line if THESE men had any respect for themselves they would not do this to other men as they likely wouldn't want another man to do that to them just common human dignity kind of thing! Be well my man! I KNOW your pain I am in the fight with you bro..TRULY we are already the winners in character we obviously have a minimum of respect for our fellow men! Hold your head up bro Peace!
    Just like the NSA, I'm compelled to copy everything I want to.

  7. Lounge   -   #267
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by DngrMs View Post
    I'm dismayed nobody provided you with a link to the auspicious "reboot" of this thread.
    Probably because it was also too long. It seems promising, I got in far enough to learn he's a black closet transsexual, and that already exceeds my expectations. I may come back for more research if I find a connecting inspiration.
    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

  8. Lounge   -   #268
    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DngrMs View Post
    I'm dismayed nobody provided you with a link to the auspicious "reboot" of this thread.
    Probably because it was also too long. It seems promising, I got in far enough to learn he's a black closet transsexual, and that already exceeds my expectations. I may come back for more research if I find a connecting inspiration.
    ...actually on re-read I have an edit: I am Black & I am NOT a tranny!
    But you can talk to megablowjob about all that sort of thing I think he is due for a pussy transplant soon!

    His last pussy didn't take, got infected & almost killed him dead. Megablow was overjoyed when he looked and saw blood all over his panties!
    That tranny tard actually thought he was having his first "period" had no CLUE it was more like a period (.) as in the END of his monkey-ass life!
    Unfortunatley the doctors were able to revive him..her or whateverthe f*ck IT is, but he has to walk around with a crotch as bereft as a Barbie Doll until they find him a brand new used pussy!
    They told him if he really can't wait take a stiff one they COULD concieveably suture on a make due she-monkey cootch for the time being.
    Last edited by anthonybrian; 06-26-2013 at 12:02 AM.

  9. Lounge   -   #269
    Yo bros I just want to say I find a new respect for yous with this "silence"

  10. Lounge   -   #270
    Last edited by anthonybrian; 07-02-2013 at 10:10 PM.

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