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Thread: Hoi Artemis

  1. #71
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by manker View Post
    I'm up for it.
    You're britney and you may call me bloodninja.
    My original reply was going to be "both references are lost on me". However, google has shown me that they are one in the same reference
    I'm going to give it a quick read and see if it was worth using on your part. You're being graded now.
    You seriously can't be an internet stalker, satirist, sodomite or rhinoceros without knowing who Bloodninja is. So whoever you must be, please give Mary her account back.
    Ellipses go here.

  2. Lounge   -   #72
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by manker View Post
    I think he was possibly the first evar cyber-satirist.
    Maybe I over-estimated you cus recent events have shown me that you aren't as good at the internets as I first assumed.
    I don't really know what ever gave you the impression that I'm good particularly with the internet memes. I've only recently discovered ones that occurred 10 years ago. During high school I really spent most of my time trying to cyber up some girls on AOL, and I continued it through college, and that's when I wasn't trying to hunt down porn or using it as a resourceful tool. I think porn is so easy now, it gives me time to do other things like post on forums and expose myself to memes.

    Speaking of cybering, I have this HTM file of an AIM convo from like 2004. It's between myself and another girl I would pseudo-cyber with that I knew from my high school days and we would just kind of keep in touch afterwards. It's one of those documents that I have no idea why I still have it, but since it's persisted through so many hard drive and computers, I just feel like it would be wrong to delete it. It might reveal a lot about me, maybe too much, but you know what... fuck it. I assume it should long enough and probably boring enough that most won't even bother.

    Warning, this spoiler will span the length of 15 desktops, and since vB doesn't allow us to collapse spoilers, will permanently ruin this page temporarily.

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    Last edited by mjmacky; 03-29-2012 at 11:53 AM. Reason: forgot to change quote tags to spoiler
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  3. Lounge   -   #73
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    I wear an Even Steven wit

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    I'll keep it for ron.
    Response later
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  4. Lounge   -   #74
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    ron... ron... what's ron?
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  5. Lounge   -   #75
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    So many things to say, so little time, so I'll get the obvious out of the way:

    What makes you think holding on to a conversation from 2006 is special? I've held on to chat logs from the 90's.

    Next, you have just given me way more material to work with locating you in the vast lands of the American barrens.

    Now, I'm intrigued with your and Ivana's relationship. At first I found it completely dull and uninteresting, boy meets girl, boy thinks he might get some propositional tail, boy admits him and girl aren't him and girl, boy says him and girl live together. I found it intellectually impossible to live with an Ex, so I knew she couldn't be that, but to find out that you would explicitly state you drifted away, after saying you're in an open relationship to so many people, leaves me with two conclusions. One, you think none of us are smart enough to parse through the things you say: how insulting. Two, you were always telling the truth. And that interests me. Go on, moar personal stuffs.

    Almost finally, on what fucking planet is C=C flexible? Here, let me help you. Try having sex starting off in the C=C position and see how many positions you can end up experiencing. I win.

    Second-to-final finally, I really do hope "Moody" didn't put out for you, or if she gave you the opportunity, you never took it up. She sounds hollow beyond her meninges.

    Finally, I singled out this part because it had me in tears. You gave me such a gigantic morning laugh, I'm not sure I can now look forward to anything else for the rest of my day:

    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
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    Ellipses go here.

  6. Lounge   -   #76
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cicero View Post
    What makes you think holding on to a conversation from 2006 is special? I've held on to chat logs from the 90's.
    Umm it wasn't that I had the conversation, it's that I somehow still have that file even though I've had at least 2 catastrophic hard drive failures (without backup) solutions. Other than that, I have no other files from before 2007 or 08 I think. That particular one is from 04, it's a bit of an anomaly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Holmes
    Next, you have just given me way more material to work with locating you in the vast lands of the American barrens.
    You know you could just ask me, right? Couldn't you tell how candid I am, despite obvious blatant reservations? Obviously, anyone with interest would just need to do a little mining, I am really not that hard to find. Just don't come crying to me after you've read my dating profile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Homewrecker
    Now, I'm intrigued with your and Ivana's relationship. At first I found it completely dull and uninteresting, boy meets girl, boy thinks he might get some propositional tail, boy admits him and girl aren't him and girl, boy says him and girl live together. I found it intellectually impossible to live with an Ex, so I knew she couldn't be that, but to find out that you would explicitly state you drifted away, after saying you're in an open relationship to so many people, leaves me with two conclusions. One, you think none of us are smart enough to parse through the things you say: how insulting. Two, you were always telling the truth. And that interests me. Go on, moar personal stuffs.
    Lets put it this way, the story of my relationship with Ivana is ongoing (since like 97 or 98), but it won't have a happy ending. The romance is as alive as Dave's humor, but we get along pretty well as far as plutonic cohabitants, shared financing, interests and pretty much everything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Contextual
    Almost finally, on what fucking planet is C=C flexible? Here, let me help you. Try having sex starting off in the C=C position and see how many positions you can end up experiencing. I win.
    You've blindered yourself on this one, flexible not as in bending and stretching, but as in possibilities of interaction. I had to reread it to understand the context, but I could easily deduce why I used that analogy. You introduce other parties and the C-C remains. And you call yourself a researcher. Your month is almost up, consider the items on the macky existence bucket list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cockblock
    Second-to-final finally, I really do hope "Moody" didn't put out for you, or if she gave you the opportunity, you never took it up. She sounds hollow beyond her meninges.
    I've had many other "productive" conversations with her that were much more interesting and playful, I never saved them. We had also spoken many times on a more intellectual level, I was always tantalized by her wit during those. I honestly don't even know why I saved this one. One thing though, I wish she had put out. She was a prude beyond imagination. I was a christian when I met her, but an agnostic/atheist when I tried to get into her panties, and I never tried so hard to convince anybody the pointlessness in christian values than this girl, through subtlety of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Amused
    Finally, I singled out this part because it had me in tears. You gave me such a gigantic morning laugh, I'm not sure I can now look forward to anything else for the rest of my day:

    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
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    I feign humility and politeness often. She knew it was pointless to try to shut me down. Old habits die hard.
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  7. Lounge   -   #77
    Quarterquack's Avatar sprclfrglstcxpldcs BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMS Queen Mary Janitor View Post
    You know you could just ask me, right? Couldn't you tell how candid I am, despite obvious blatant reservations? Obviously, anyone with interest would just need to do a little mining, I am really not that hard to find. Just don't come crying to me after you've read my dating profile.
    It's nothing but a game for me. My entire forumular activity is usually a veiled game. A game of deprecation, a game of guessing, a game of hunting, so on and so forth. Asking you removes the game part, which is the actual goal. Couldn't tell you how I annoyed I was when I threw my hands up in the air about Art. One day he's driving a horse, the next day he's talking about the FreeBSD stability, and the following some deep intriguing psychoanalysis of Dave. I'd never taken him for a genius, so he couldn't just be randomly reading this information to feed his thirst for knowledge. Therefore it had to be acquired as a job. Similarly, your self-lauding admission that you're a great researcher, working in a mass spectrometry position, contemplating teaching so on and so forth. It all connects in a weird way that has me interested. I'll let you know when and if I can articulate it any better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mary Magdalene View Post
    Lets put it this way, the story of my relationship with Ivana is ongoing (since like 97 or 98), but it won't have a happy ending. The romance is as alive as Dave's humor, but we get along pretty well as far as plutonic cohabitants, shared financing, interests and pretty much everything else.
    One day I'll ask you about this in more detail. I've always entertained the thought of open relationships, and thought them to be the best thing since sliced bread. Upon my highest of recommendations to a fundamental change to the relationship between me and my fiance, I was met with resounding refusal. We are yet to talk about it again since, but I always like to think that one day I will get the approval, regardless of how many wrinkles she thinks she owns on me at that time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mary Carbonara View Post
    You've blindered yourself on this one, flexible not as in bending and stretching, but as in possibilities of interaction. I had to reread it to understand the context, but I could easily deduce why I used that analogy. You introduce other parties and the C-C remains. And you call yourself a researcher. Your month is almost up, consider the items on the macky existence bucket list.
    As a researcher, I now think Chemists are out to set the world on fire. Reactivity, polarity, exclusivity, and compulsiveness are not the same as flexibility. The first three don't make you a great sexual partner. The last one, however, makes you a carbon copy of every great porn star.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mary Mother of Jesus View Post
    I've had many other "productive" conversations with her that were much more interesting and playful, I never saved them. We had also spoken many times on a more intellectual level, I was always tantalized by her wit during those. I honestly don't even know why I saved this one. One thing though, I wish she had put out. She was a prude beyond imagination. I was a christian when I met her, but an agnostic/atheist when I tried to get into her panties, and I never tried so hard to convince anybody the pointlessness in christian values than this girl, through subtlety of course.
    See, from the way she talks she reminds me of my high school fling (if you can call it that). Exactly the same kind of person, the same way of talking, the same prude, and the same confusing ideology. She'd call me while she's celebrating St. Patty's day with her then boyfriend and tell me she misses talking to me, but then she'd skip an entire class to avoid sitting next to me. She'd ask a good friend of mine out to Prom to cockblock me, then be okay with getting stood up as long as I don't dance with her out of pity. She'd give me roses on Valentine's and graduation "to remember her by", but then the only time she'd talk to me thereafter is my birthday (three months later). Finally, one day she decides to put out, she orchestrates festivities on a scale I've never witnessed before, has a friend give us a ride, convinces that friend's crush to sleep with him just so we could use his house, gets me into a room, slips under the sheets and invites me in. At that point, the only fuck I gave was when I was going to get to leave, so I decided to leave before I hopped into the bed. I'm not sure if there's any solace in this for you, Macky, but if you're anything like me, you probably wouldn't have enjoyed her company if it got any more complicated than AOL/LOL talk. You'd only think she was witty/interesting until you realize you're stuck with her. There's a certain allure to shoulder-length distance with bubbly girls.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Antoinette View Post
    I feign humility and politeness often. She knew it was pointless to try to shut me down. Old habits die hard.
    It wasn't that, it was her desperation to end the conversation, her multiple pleas to the gods for some relaxation after the multiple episodes of extraneous Macky, only to be met with yet another explanation. Had me in stitches, I tell you.

    Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.
    Ellipses go here.

  8. Lounge   -   #78
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cicero View Post
    Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.
    I see Darth Plagiarist makes a return, that's my patented multiquoted retort move right there, having done it more than twice now. I just was able to theme yours with a bit of context.

    As for everything else, I'm just going to give a listed reply
    -Maybe you need realer mysteries, I don't understand the hobby
    -I'm still for the idea of open relationships. However, the concept of honest people has escaped me and left me with a bit of a Catch 22 situation. It should work, but just doesn't. We're not a monogamous sort, just polygamist liars.
    -You're going to make me explain flexibility again. Flexbility---options should be the key idea here, did someone revoke your poetic license? How long is the suspension? Is it your first time, is there a 3 strikes law where you live?
    -There aren't that many girls who I yearned to bone beyond a fleeting thought, so letting that opportunity dissipate is not a satisfactory outcome.

    K I found a pic, the asiany one on the left. In fact, may be the very same pic to which I referred in the dialogue.

    Last edited by mjmacky; 03-29-2012 at 02:33 PM.
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  9. Lounge   -   #79
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cicero View Post
    Apparently, I have many personalities, now. Among them are Darth Cicero, Darth Holmes, Darth Homewrecker, Darth Contextual, Darth Cockblock, Darth Amused, and Ron. So I gave you some of your own.
    I miss Darth Insinuate. You're not him, are you. He was a quality Darth.

  10. Lounge   -   #80
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Hoi Artemis ,are you as disappointed as to how this thread turned out as I am?
    Respect my lack of authority.

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