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Thread: Uploaders, Take Heed!

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Beck38 View Post
    3. Always re-post the nfo in plain-text, so that the major indexers can 'find' it and 'lead' folks to it's existence, without requiring folks to 'de-crypt' all the encrypted filenames out there.

    There are more, but that's about where I started last time. Again, ZERO takedowns over the past 13 years, ZERO back to 'zero day' of usenet, Aug08.
    I am new over here and have gone over a lot of your posts with great interest. I've been finding it increasingly hard to find stuff over the past year and am very intrigued by what you say here. I've found a few hard to find TV shows by sheer luck through stumbling upon posters who scramble names. Could you please give me a few tips about how I may get better at searching for things? You suggest searching NFO content in this post and I've since tried it but not with much luck. Would LOVE to get a list of good posters and a link to your posts! Thanks!

  2. Newsgroups   -   #22
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    Most 'tv shows' are posted pretty much 'in the clear', and the posters rely on 'quick grab' system for folks to get them before they get nailed.

    Then again, most tv fare is pretty lame. Even what starts out as 'top quality' (the recent 'True Detective' on HBO is a good example) end up after x episodes as pulling a 'Twin Peaks' (which is exactly what happened with 'True Detective').

    But I haven't seen any tv fare that uses any decent sort of obfuscation/encryption techniques, like I say they're mostly in it for the bucks and shove their content through pay-walled web sites or, like I said, through 'quick grab' systems, or both.

  3. Newsgroups   -   #23
    I've been looking for some of the better shows (True Detective being one of them and one which I unfortunately haven't been able to find) and, to be fair, there have been some pretty great ones over the last decade or so. Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire etc are typically hard to get but I've been able to find some of them after much effort. I'm also interested in movies. I asked you about posters, and your posts in particular, as you've made many references to how your posts continue to stay alive and I presume you know of others who've been able to stay ahead of the curve too. If you'd rather not divulge that here on the forum then would you mind sending me a PM about it? Maybe you could add the name under which you post along with a few other names if you'd like to keep your id secret! Thanks again and hope you will help me better navigate the world of NZBs.
    Last edited by hopefulhero; 07-10-2014 at 07:22 AM. Reason: Correction

  4. Newsgroups   -   #24
    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulhero View Post
    I asked you about posters, and your posts in particular, as you've made many references to how your posts continue to stay alive and I presume you know of others who've been able to stay ahead of the curve too. If you'd rather not divulge that here on the forum then would you mind sending me a PM about it? Maybe you could add the name under which you post along with a few other names if you'd like to keep your id secret!.
    Welcome to the site. Don't you think it's a little presumptuous to ask a senior member those kinds of questions on your very first day? Relax, you lack PM privileges at this time anyway.

    Why not tell us a little bit about yourself? Care to elaborate on your particular successes and failures on the subject? I'd love to hear your experiences.
    Last edited by piercerseth; 07-10-2014 at 07:50 AM.

  5. Newsgroups   -   #25
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by piercerseth View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulhero View Post
    I asked you about posters, and your posts in particular, as you've made many references to how your posts continue to stay alive and I presume you know of others who've been able to stay ahead of the curve too. If you'd rather not divulge that here on the forum then would you mind sending me a PM about it? Maybe you could add the name under which you post along with a few other names if you'd like to keep your id secret!.
    Welcome to the site. Don't you think it's a little presumptuous to ask a senior member those kinds of questions on your very first day?
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  6. Newsgroups   -   #26
    Quote Originally Posted by piercerseth View Post
    Welcome to the site. Don't you think it's a little presumptuous to ask a senior member those kinds of questions on your very first day? Relax, you lack PM privileges at this time anyway.

    Why not tell us a little bit about yourself? Care to elaborate on your particular successes and failures on the subject? I'd love to hear your experiences.
    Sorry if I jumped the gun! I've been using Usenet for 2 to 3 years now and everything worked fine till about a year and a bit ago (sometime after the demise of Newzbin if I remember correctly), when a lot of downloads started failing. I then switched over to Tweaknews as my provider and everything worked fine for a while. I now use NZBIndex to look for things and with the correct search options (minimum file size, keeping an eye out for posters I know are reliable etc) I can get most things with Tweaknews. However, unlike two years ago when almost everything downloaded without an issue, I now need to stay on top of releases and get them before they go down. Some shows that I had my eye on for a while like The Sopranos, Game of Thrones and The Wire were extremely difficult to find (especially if you are particular about the quality; I like to get 720p BluRay) but I was able to find them eventually by playing around with the naming convention and trying out different search options on NZBIndex. At the moment I'm looking for True Detective, Boardwalk Empire and Season 4 of Mad Men, and, in the larger scheme of things, adding to my list of reliable posters. That being said, a lot of the fun is in the hunt, isn't it? :-)

    Apologies for asking Beck38 to PM me. I misunderstood the PM privileges rule and was under the impression that n00bs couldn't send, but could receive, PMs.
    Last edited by hopefulhero; 07-10-2014 at 12:30 PM.

  7. Newsgroups   -   #27
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulhero View Post
    Some shows that I had my eye on for a while like The Sopranos, Game of Thrones and The Wire were extremely difficult to find (especially if you are particular about the quality; I like to get 720p BluRay) but I was able to find them eventually by playing around with the naming convention and trying out different search options on NZBIndex. At the moment I'm looking for True Detective, Boardwalk Empire and Season 4 of Mad Men, and, in the larger scheme of things, adding to my list of reliable posters.
    Have you thought about subscribing to HBO?
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  8. Newsgroups   -   #28
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    I might also add that these pay-tv offerings are all available in 'full-hd' (1080P, not the half-resolution/half-or poorer bitspace) by most for whatever reason, as opposed to simply getting the blurays off Netflix and processing them as you wish.

    Certainly less expensive than paying the cable snakes a lump sum every month, for a large portion of lame programming, just to get a handful of down-rez (both video and audio) 'choices'.

  9. Newsgroups   -   #29
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulhero View Post
    Some shows that I had my eye on for a while like The Sopranos, Game of Thrones and The Wire were extremely difficult to find (especially if you are particular about the quality; I like to get 720p BluRay) but I was able to find them eventually by playing around with the naming convention and trying out different search options on NZBIndex. At the moment I'm looking for True Detective, Boardwalk Empire and Season 4 of Mad Men, and, in the larger scheme of things, adding to my list of reliable posters.
    Have you thought about subscribing to HBO?
    Haha. Yeah! I have subscribed to HBO but in my part of the world they don't have the same lineup as the US. The shows that make it are often delayed by a few months and, worse, go through the censors and so often have bits missing. Also, subscribers here don't get HBO Go.

  10. Newsgroups   -   #30
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    Ah, okay, so you (your country, etc.) get all the benefits of living under the US nuclear umbrella without paying the cost (except perhaps the religious fanatics that really control it, an area in which the US is rapidly catching up in).

    So you're basically left with what you can get. I'd say that you need to simply wait a bit of time, and things will eventually become available, keep looking. The folks doing the quickie postings (from stream grabbers and such) may be quick, low-res, and get whacked, but those who concentrate on quality (full disc postings) may be slower and only when those are released to the dvd/blu market, but they'll get there.

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