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Thread: Oh look, a shoe

  1. #1
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Let us ponder, for a moment, what a forum is. The Roman Forum was centered in the city of Rome, where many public congregations would be held and events would take place. It did not have a single specific purpose, for it was just a defined area where social interaction was made possible on a larger scale. Internet forums (fora) reflect their namesake on a much more inane level, but they can still fulfill a pocket of what we have been programmed to desire.

    There is a hodgepodge of subfora here on FST, just like any other, but what was special about this place? It used to really adhere to the principles of uncensored discussion. Disabled privileges, post edits, and post deletions would usually follow objective necessity (spam and promotional activities). I believe all conversations should be free of censorship if we are to assign any meaning to them. I also understand that this particular forum hosts a largely idiotic membership of leechers. I don't mean it in the peer-to-peer sense, but in the general sense: individuals who continuously sidestep contribution in favor of their focus, their next selfish gain.

    Sure, sometimes a meaningful and purely stoic discussion could take place regarding some aspect of network technology, and those could either be permitted to drown in their own dull juices of information or an interesting interjection could be made to breathe some life into it. Most inquiry threads, however, are made to fulfill a post minimum. An uncensored forum like this has managed to retain some capable minds, but with the exception of anon, that capability has completely vanished among the moderation team.

    I perceived a shift in the attitude. To simplify it, this site aims to make money. The mass of leechers here somehow generate income, and they are not happy with criticism. Now that the simpletons, who too easily assign themselves an aura of worth or importance, seem to have unfettered reign over policies (whether collusion takes place or not), I have cause to withdraw. I really do not see the point in taking up a justifiable stance or effort for such a worthless corner of the internet.

    Given that I no longer need to maintain a sense of diplomacy, which only exists because I really don't take pleasure in being a direct, confrontational ass (it's more personally productive to let my real thoughts inspire a more absurd approach), I'll go ahead and share what I really think. Rart and skiz, you are two of the dullest fucking morons I have ever encountered. I have to constantly manage how I deal with idiots, for it's a necessary practice to maintain my existence among the willfully ignorant, but my tolerance is periodically tested. The new policy, and its utterly flawed attempt at logic, is something I just cannot handle. Control is the tool of the mentally feeble, and I guess you can only revel in it since you lack the ability to comprehend your own failures, i.e., it's your unsurprising victory. I'd only feel sorrow if something worthwhile was at stake.

    So, that's it. I'm out.
    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Control is the tool of the mentally feeble, and I guess you can only revel in it since you lack the ability to comprehend your own failures
    Says the man who thought that having his mate misuse the mod powers of this board for his entertainment was amusing, a man who proved he is every bit the twat that he declared his forbear to be, a man who thinks that he and his mates are entitled to stalk peoples real lives for fun.

    Do us, and all of humanity, a favour Mary, go step in front of a bus...

    Oooopppppsssss sorry mods, I must remember that I am not allowed to behave in a reciprocal way towards utter cunts like him, mustn't I.

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Mr. Mulder's Avatar pepper your angus BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    I'm just sick of all the fascists and propaganda and other terms I have a vague understanding of. In fact, if all the propaganda and global warming doesn't leave the forum by midnight tonight I will release a photo of my balls on the hour, every hour!

    Free Watergate!!! Down with whale oil! Just the right amount of guns in school, like 7 MAX!! Burkas for everyone!!!!

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Let us ponder, for a moment, what a forum is. The Roman Forum was centered in the city of Rome, where many public congregations would be held and events would take place. It did not have a single specific purpose, for it was just a defined area where social interaction was made possible on a larger scale. Internet forums (fora) reflect their namesake on a much more inane level, but they can still fulfill a pocket of what we have been programmed to desire.

    There is a hodgepodge of subfora here on FST, just like any other, but what was special about this place? It used to really adhere to the principles of uncensored discussion. Disabled privileges, post edits, and post deletions would usually follow objective necessity (spam and promotional activities). I believe all conversations should be free of censorship if we are to assign any meaning to them. I also understand that this particular forum hosts a largely idiotic membership of leechers. I don't mean it in the peer-to-peer sense, but in the general sense: individuals who continuously sidestep contribution in favor of their focus, their next selfish gain.

    Sure, sometimes a meaningful and purely stoic discussion could take place regarding some aspect of network technology, and those could either be permitted to drown in their own dull juices of information or an interesting interjection could be made to breathe some life into it. Most inquiry threads, however, are made to fulfill a post minimum. An uncensored forum like this has managed to retain some capable minds, but with the exception of anon, that capability has completely vanished among the moderation team.

    I perceived a shift in the attitude. To simplify it, this site aims to make money. The mass of leechers here somehow generate income, and they are not happy with criticism. Now that the simpletons, who too easily assign themselves an aura of worth or importance, seem to have unfettered reign over policies (whether collusion takes place or not), I have cause to withdraw. I really do not see the point in taking up a justifiable stance or effort for such a worthless corner of the internet.

    Given that I no longer need to maintain a sense of diplomacy, which only exists because I really don't take pleasure in being a direct, confrontational ass (it's more personally productive to let my real thoughts inspire a more absurd approach), I'll go ahead and share what I really think. Rart and skiz, you are two of the dullest fucking morons I have ever encountered. I have to constantly manage how I deal with idiots, for it's a necessary practice to maintain my existence among the willfully ignorant, but my tolerance is periodically tested. The new policy, and its utterly flawed attempt at logic, is something I just cannot handle. Control is the tool of the mentally feeble, and I guess you can only revel in it since you lack the ability to comprehend your own failures, i.e., it's your unsurprising victory. I'd only feel sorrow if something worthwhile was at stake.

    So, that's it. I'm out.
    This and not that other Facist crap should be stickied.

    The only other thing(s) that I can add is that the thought did also cross my mind that since the vast majority of income (ie forum"hits" ) comes from the voiceless NZBiners,then the administration will kowtow to their interests even to the point of the demise of the rest of the board.
    I actually do in fact see this happening as basically only at best maybe half a dozen people keep the forum side alive now.When you gag those voices what are you going to have left?Silence.

    It's funny/sad that a place with "talk" in the name and founded as a forum would ever come to this.Personally I blame the site owner,oh he of never show his face or the administration,that great mysterious law unto itself.
    I would also add that I don't share your contempt for Rart or to the same degree skiz but maybe I'm just being delusional and favouring Goebbels and Himmler over the Fuehrer.

    Away I think I will stick around long enough to see this thread is conveniently deleted and then I may be forced to join you.

    @ Anyone who stupidly uses the argument that this is done out of "hatred" for the board ,actually the reverse is true.More the pity that those in charge seem incapable of seeing that.

    PS please at lest have the balls to change the site name to NZBBuddy and make it a pay site.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    PS please at lest have the balls to change the site name to NZBBuddy and make it a pay site.
    What about the five and dimers?
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    This particular move wasn't a RealitY moneymaking scheme. Most of the things he's done to increase donations were not welcomed by us, but there's fuck-all we can do about it.

    With regards to me being the only sensible mod left...

    A proposal for the infamous sticky was presented by another staff member in the team chat. Having always respected the relaxed atmosphere here, I did not agree entirely, but I voted "yes" and that's because I've seen many threads where mundane things were met with too much unnecessary hostility. Not unwarranted, mind you, just unnecessary. For example, some idiot makes a thread to ask where something can be downloaded in the Movies & TV section instead of File Sharing. Really, that's hardly worth being worked up about. Just hit the report button and one of us will move it or trash it if it was five-post spam.

    Points about so-called "off topic" posts usually being far more interesting than the initial discussion are valid, and I won't delete those unless they get completely out of hand, which was always my policy.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    ... because I've seen many threads where mundane things were met with too much unnecessary hostility. Not unwarranted, mind you, just unnecessary. For example, some idiot makes a thread to ask where something can be downloaded in the Movies & TV section instead of File Sharing. Really, that's hardly worth being worked up about. Just hit the report button and one of us will move it or trash it if it was five-post spam.
    If it's inconsequential enough to not warrant complaining about then isn't it doubly inconsequentially enough not to warrant reporting?

    Also I prefer to do my own dirty work instead of being sneaky and having someone else covertly do it for me.
    Is this honestly wrong or should I make it a point in the future to lie more?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Look,honestly I'd be delighted not to have to complain if you could just arrange so I am given no reason to.

    Also as I've said on more than one occasion in the past,I'll take other members concerns and feelings into account just as soon as they take my concerns and feelings into account.
    I'm pretty sure that history has proven that statement to be true.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    I just find it hilarious that every time topics concerning the administration of the board are brought up, the topic of money constantly appears, as if they are some money grubbing leeches only interested in making a quick buck.

    This board barely goes even. We're a group of people that are generally more technically literate than the general population, and are generally aware of the existence of Adblock. Thinking that this board is somehow a lucrative venture is laughable at best. I was taking your post with serious thought until you decided to mention money. Devolving your argument into a cliched argument of how the administration are money grubbing facists makes it incredibly difficult to seriously contemplate your argument.

    Regardless, this is how I see it: I don't know at what point this board "peaked" in activity, but at least since from when I had joined FST, it's pretty clear that recently the board has been declining in activity. I 100% wholeheartedly agree that censorship is counterproductive to the ideals of a forum (although I believe using the word censorship in this context is completely off base and a massive over dramatization of the situation, I am entertaining your thought process). In fact, that's the exact reason I joined the board in the first place when I discovered filesharing rather than some other cesspool of a place like TPS or torrentinvites or some other shit. I think I've pissed off my fair share of tracker staff since my stay here (some tool called fatcat comes to mind) and was never afraid to say whatever the fuck I want since I joined. That's why I joined this forum in the first place.

    However, there's another piece of puzzle to a successful forum that you haven't mentioned. And that's actually having a lively discussion. You can't have a lively discussion when all there is is the same 4 regulars rehashing the same things over and over. Forums thrive off having a large base of members talk, debate, and throw ideas off eachother, not 4-5 people talking amongst themselves in a thread. In my mind, you simply can't have a successful forum without an adequate userbase with which to circulate topics through. Non censorship is one part of the puzzle, having an adequate member base is the other part.

    And that brings me back to where I mentioned the declining activity of the board. It's pretty obvious the activity on the board has been declining recently, and I think that's large in part due to the nature of the board, and that's what we're trying to change. The constant, unnecessary harshing of new members is not needed and only serves to steer away potential contributing members. Yes, a large majority of posters are probably idiots posting to spam their way up to access a certain forum. But that's what the report button is for. Report the spam and move on. The sheer amount of harshing on the forums only serves to scare away potential new members that might actually contribute useful content, as they are afraid that their posts will be met with the same fate (whether or not they actually will). Not everybody produces Shakespeare on their first try and most of the new members here will not be quite as articulate to matters of filesharing as we are. Just as I don't think any of us were when we first joined this site. If you need to satisfy your itch for harshing people you don't know over the internet, keep it to the lounge. Let the newer members decide when they're more acquainted with the board and dive in to the lounge if they so choose.

    That's my opinion and (I believe) the general consensus of most of the staff here. I'm sorry if you don't agree with it. Regardless of our differences you do have a vast array of knowledge in various fields and can make some great posts when you put your mind to it, so I'm sorry if you decide to leave. Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
    Last edited by Rart; 07-09-2014 at 01:15 AM. Reason: Clarified word choice

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I would also add that I don't share your contempt for Rart
    Could we keep the gay on the down low? We don't want the entire world knowing.

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