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Thread: devloid becoming a pay site????

  1. #1
    hi, i been having problems with keeping a ratio on deviloid since its return from the break. i have just been on the forum with "TYAN" the big boss, trying to get to the bottom of this. never had a problem before there or anywhere else keeping healthy ratios...until now with devloid ONLY. according to tyan, seeding wont increase your ratio???? haha, it works everywhere else!! i tried uploading, that failed, couldnt even get the torrent on there! i know for SURE its nothing im doing wrong, if i can do it on other sites, seems to point to a fault at devloid. of course, "Tyan" wont admit that! his final suggestion, (which i now see is the whole point!) was to "donate" bitcoins, LOL, the penny drops, dollar signs in his eyes, steering towards a pay site, shame, its been a very good site, up until now. im afraid i told him exactly what i thought of THAT idea, and got banned! if thats his direction, he just saved me the effort of deleting my account. ho hum, another site bites the dust!

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Link to the thread.

    I had a quick check and saw this from an hour ago:
    "just keep seeding everything, at some point the other will stop and if you keep seeding you'll be only with a few seeders. When a torrent is uploaded everyone is jumping on it and most of them have seedbox. You can't beat a seedbox with your home connexion. just keep seeding everything until your ratio is ok.
    The best way is to upload some torrents, internet is big enough to find things not uploaded here.

    And it's not with a 74MB torrents that you'll build a ratio..."

    Pretty standard stuff: seedbox wins, long term seeding is best for home connections. I think you might be a tad harsh from what I see written. They do have donate, like almost all sites, but you could spend the money on a seedbox for more far upload so you are not forced to donate. They have freeleech torrents so you can whore upload/ratio on them. On the other hand, since the post before the one mentioned above was thirty weeks ago it does look like some creative forum editing was done.

    What is a dodgy is "Uploaders receive bitcoin for your torrents".

    What was the size of the .torrent file you tried to upload?
    LSS #1

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    Are you saying that the tracker is bugged and you're not getting your stats reported correctly, or that it's just really hard for you to seed?

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    i really dont know why i couldnt seed, only happened on deviloid, dont have a problem anywhere else and it only started when Tyan decided to re open the site. all was fine before that.the .torrent i tried to upload was 1.5gb but never managed to even get it on the site, again, a mystery. when i asked for help, i just got reffered to previous comments, which, of course i had already read and tried. lol, so much for Tyan and his "helpful" advice. a tad harsh? i was under the impression that help forums are there for that very help, after all, torrenting is all about sharing, and that, was what i was trying to do! the bitcoin thing is recent on deviloid and i really do see things heading into the pay to play area. sorta defeats the object in my opinion, may as well use itunes, netflix or just buy the origional dvd's if thats the way its going.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Telling you that seedbox or long term seeding or donating will help is actually standard advice for most trackers. It is not bad advice. Linking you to previous solutions is easiest and you say they did that.

    Donations, lots of people donate and it is what keeps trackers alive so you cant blame them for offering you that option. I logged on there for the first time in maybe a year to see if I could see any more info about about your post here and you know what makes me think that you are wrong about them being some sort of pay site? Not one single PM begging for donations, that is not bad at all.

    On the uploading of a .torrent, what error message? Could be size of .torrent being too large, use larger piece size or have less files. Could be an error you made in the upload form? Could be you dont have upload rights. You dont really give any details at all so it is pretty hard to say.

    Downloaded and am seeding a torrent there: had jumped on it instantly, stats reporting correctly, upload amount is low (0.17 from home) but is there and hopefully will slowly increase as more leechers arrive. Their tracker is working fine for me.

    Still cannot see your thread and you never gave a link so dont really want to comment more except to say that on the evidence you give they are blameless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rart View Post
    Are you saying that the tracker is bugged and you're not getting your stats reported correctly, or that it's just really hard for you to seed?
    More likely to be op using a bugged uTorrent (you using uTorrent 3.2 or higher?), but theirs is not the easiest to seed on. Lots of whore seedboxes and long term seeders, not a large number of leechers and limited use bonus points make it tricky there.
    LSS #1

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcewa11 View Post
    Telling you that seedbox or long term seeding or donating will help is actually standard advice for most trackers. It is not bad advice.
    Suggesting you dole out money for free stuff is not only bad advice,it's ludicrous.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    im on linux mint 17, i use ktorrent, always works just fine on every other site apart from deviloid, i have uploaded successfully to other sites, just cant get anything onto always used to work fine, i had a good ratio, until recently when i have watched it go down and down. i leave everything to seed but nothing does anymore there.the "help" i recieved was being told that i hadnt read or understood anything, quite insulting really. the first thing i do when i have a problem is to consult the forum, upon finding nothing to solve this problem for me, i quite naturally figured that asking Tyan..the boss, was a good next move...WRONG! was told in a roundabout way that im stupid and understand nothing, then the suggestion was made to "donate". so basically, my ratio was unfixable, but would be "just fine" .....for money....BAD FORM. as previously mentioned, i told him exactly what i thought about that, and got banned, not a problem as i was about to delete my account anyway. what sticks in my craw is if hes gonna make it a paysite then be damn open about it, instead of this underhand method hes using here!

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    oh, by the way, checking the thread at devliod wont help, im told by a friend that hes edited out most of it now!! now i wonder why he did that eh?

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Now I'm not saying that you're right and I'm not saying that you're wrong but you created an anonymous internet identity solely to bash something so basically at thing point your credibility is zero.

    Btw are you sure that a "friend' told you and not a cousin?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    you created an anonymous internet identity solely to bash something
    What a total asshole.

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