Quote Originally Posted by manker View Post
Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
Wouldn't you prefer to be with someone who's literally willing to take your shit? There's really no better designed test than that.
Not really, home boi. That wouldn't work for me.
Insight time:

I can only shit in one designated crapper, I get to make a choice and then I have to stick to it.
If I go on holiday, it's like okay, that shitter there - that's it. That's the one for me and I'm going to use it. I then don't use any other til I go home.
At home is also weird, you may think that my designated toilet would be one of the ones at home, but no. I spend a lot of time in work so my designated shitter is obviously there, so I make sure I only shit in work. After hours obviously because if there's someone within earshot, I don't even try.

A few months ago my eldest made a WhatsApp group called 'does dad poop' and invited me and my wife to join it
True stories.
Ban incoming.

I'm pretty sure Shiba Inus are not allowed to post on the forum.