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Thread: R.I.P.

  1. #151
    Tokeman's Avatar Ron Paul 2012 BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcewa11 View Post
    The xanax site is having open signups again for very short periods it seems. Hang out in their irc and you get notified.

    Not done this so cant confirm if it is true but it appears on reddit so still cant confirm if true.
    If only I weren't so lazy...

  2. BitTorrent   -   #152
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #153
    NotWhat.CD Week #One Update 5 hours and 46 mins ago
    "I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I'd do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action."

    Good day comrades and welcome to Week #One at NotWhat.CD

    What a wonderful time to be alive! Over 1,000 users and 5,000 torrents!

    First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of our community members and staff for their optimism, patience and dedication. This is your home as much as it is mine and we are making it a wonderful place with a tight-knit community. Before we delve into our site's updates and our site's future it will be best to clear up the disinformation going around.

    1. We are in no way, shape or form related to or involved with or
    2. Our staff members and userbase is comprised entirely of former members, elites, torrent masters, interviewers, beta team, staff and other tracker staff.
    3. We have absolutely no affiliation with 4chan, 8chan, or any other chan, forum or public website.
    4. NotWhat.CD uses CloudFlare as an endpoint for our reverse proxies just like nearly every other tracker which explains why our IP Block is similar to most other tracker sites (pth, apl, nos, etc). We are NOT hosted in the same facility as any one of these trackers.

    At NotWhat.CD we do not see other music trackers as competition. To the contrary we have been working with several other trackers in effort to unite the community on several fronts including development, security and new features.

    For example, our latest update integrating logchecker.php has been a combined effort between our staff and the staff at, a well known, respected tracker.
    I want to personally thank and their staff for providing the new age of music trackers source code for a well-tested logchecker.php.
    Without their help none of the new trackers would have a functional log checker and I think it's a disservice to the entire community to not give credit where credit is due.

    Site Updates:
    Week One Update#1. Functional Log Checker
    Our 'Perfect FLAC' stats will be updated every hour on the hour.
    Log Checker Issues:
    1a. Viewing log files on site has not been implemented yet.
    1b. Attaching missing log files to existing torrents has not been implemented yet.

    Week One Update#2. IRC Services
    We have implemented NickServ, ChanServ and our Gazelle Bot - Che.
    NickServ allows authentication with a X.509 certificate with the CERT Command.
    Users can gain access to member-only channels with "/msg che enter #notwhat site-user irckey".
    Please make sure your site password, NickServ password and IRCKey are all different.

    Week One Update#3. Proper SSL Tracker
    Many of you helped diagnose the issues with our reverse ssl proxy to the ocelot tracker.
    We have since debugged this issue and resolved it with the proper reverse proxy settings.
    We will continue to use the http tracker by default until further notice.

    Site Development:
    Week One Dev#1. Two-Factor Authentication
    We are working on an optional Two-Factor Authentication process for Gazelle whereby users will be sent a secondary code
    to their smartphone app such as google authenticate, authy or freeotp necessary to login to the site.

    Week One Dev#2. FLAC Automagic Uploader
    In beta testing we have a FLAC uploading tool that runs through your music directory and uploads them to NotWhat.CD through
    a command line interface. Currently this tool is linux only while we are working on a Windows version that will be released at the same time.

    Week One Dev#3. NotWhat.CD Secure Image Host

    Week One Dev#4. NotWhat.CD Android App

    At this time I would like to officially announce our staff team.
    1. Evilwalks, a well-known tracker celebrity is our first Site Administrator tasked with running the site day in and day out.
    2. Shax, a former Power Torrent Master is our first Forum Administrator tasked with managing our forums and community.
    3. MrHudson, a former Torrent Master who is our first Torrent Administrator tasked with overseeing the release information.
    4. Nussknacker, a talented developer and former tracker staff will lead our Community Dev Team undertaking some of our upcoming features.

    Participating in any music tracker is a daunting, time-consuming task and I would really like to thank these individuals for stepping up
    and taking on the ultimate task of rebuilding what was lost in positions of leadership that require dedication, love and faith in our endeavor

    Rules & Trumping:
    1. V0 will now trump V2 in most circumstances.
    2. Do NOT trump existing FLAC torrents without logs as we are working to add the logs retroactively.

    Thank you all again for a wonderful start, through out the next 24 hours we will be issuing freeleech for userpick and staffpicks.
    Stay tuned for more information as the day progresses!


  4. BitTorrent   -   #154
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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  5. BitTorrent   -   #155

    Update 8 49 mins ago Hide
    Hi everyone,

    Here's a quick update:
    We've reached 240,000 torrents, 82,000 perfect FLACs and 1,400,000 peers! That's more than 60,000 torrents and 30,000 perfect FLACs in 2 days. Incredible job everyone! you are continuing to amaze us We will be extending global freeleech and make another community challenge if we reach 100,000 perfect FLAC's by today's deadline (23:59 UTC). In addition, the top perfect FLAC uploaders will receive a special gift

    A few more site updates:
    Logchecker - You can now upload missing log files for your snatched torrents logchecker.php?action=snatched
    View Log - We have added a log viewer, you can now view log and score for torrents with log
    Bug fix - Filename limit error has been fixed
    Teams recruitment - We have received over 150 applications, thank you, everyone who applied, we will get back to you asap
    Donate - You can now donate to Apollo and help us pay the site's bills

    Thank you for your efforts and support!

    //Apollo Staff


    Maximum users: 40,000
    Enabled users: 25,681 Details
    Users active today: 12,606 (49.09%)
    Users active this week: 19,995 (77.86%)
    Users active this month: 25,576 (99.59%)
    Torrents: 240,241
    Releases: 119,189
    Artists: 114,296
    "Perfect" FLACs: 82,058
    Requests: 1,360 (42.28% filled)
    Snatches: 1,263,932
    Peers: 1,457,963
    Seeders: 1,377,393
    Leechers: 80,570
    Seeder/leecher ratio: 17.09

  6. BitTorrent   -   #156
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Since this is bt, do all the perfect FLACs spend much of their time looking down at all the FLACs who aren't perfect?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #157
    NotWhat.CD: "Over 1,000 users and 5,000 torrents!"

    Apollo: "We've reached 240,000 torrents"

    TSOL is right, NotWhat may have missed the train. However, they claim to delete IP logs regularly and that's a pretty good thing.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. BitTorrent   -   #158
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Since this is bt, do all the perfect FLACs spend much of their time looking down at all the FLACs who aren't perfect?

    Kind of how I look down upon you all.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #159
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    The elitism and paranoia of PTH reminds me of back in the day, and the openess and more practical and business-like structure of Apollo reflects much better. Ten years ago I have to admit I fell for the "its harder to get into waffles so it must be better" illusion, and it took me until pioneered Gazelle for me to understand the differences in their scopes and ambitions.

    As for Apollo and PTH; one of these two sites will surely pull ahead of the other, and leave it rival in the dust. Although it's still very early, I think Apollo is well positioned to win this "war", if you may call it that.

    Through gossip, I've heard reasons for PTH being closed is so that torrent masters can upload all their FLAC's without leechers (ie non album rippers) getting the credit. Their management is so retarded if that is actually a reason, and it's almost too ridiculous to believe. As devils advocate, the upside of remaining largely closed is that the upload process will be alot cleaner, and will require less moderation to fix up. However this also creates a huge disparity for all the new users that join a month of so after launch (lets call them 'plebs', or '2nd class members'), when PTH inevitably has to open its doors in order to stay competitive with Apollo. It will require much more effort for these users to get the uploads required to reach higher ranks, which is needed to be get sucked into being a driving force for their community. All the initial members who are already the paranoid screenshot-taking, seedbox using, FLAC ripping nutjobs, who would work to get the ranks regardless, have a huge leg up from all potential future power users. I just don't understand why you would want it to be like this from a management standpoint. It's illogical, the few benefits do not outweigh the damages.
    Last edited by 1000possibleclaws; 12-10-2016 at 10:26 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #160
    whatsup with the ultra elitiscm yo ? already ftw ....

    i was a member of oink ... great site ... then came what and waffles .. i was not a member a both ...usenet for music ftw .. no time to seed bro ... i am drunk ...

    good job appolo ftw <3

    i am not sure how many torrents in total had ?

    this is a challenging stuff , to overcome ...

    good job

    fuck you cops ...

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