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Thread: Filelist shutting down soon

  1. #1
    Last edited by whodunnit; 10-16-2023 at 06:46 AM. Reason: credit

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    It's alright, I think I should have made a separate thread to begin with. Cross-posting a comment I wrote on another forum here.

    Very surprising and sad news, especially considering just last month they were celebrating their 16th anniversary at full throttle A friendly hand willing to take over management could show up, but that seems unlikely: if someone so trustworthy and capable existed, they'd have been found before making the announcement.

    One thin silver lining is that the shutdown process is being handled in the best possible way. New Year 2024 is enough time to download bookmarked torrents, archive exclusive ones, and use your profile link as proof for joining other trackers. Those who were active in the community get to say their farewells and coordinate efforts to create a new meeting place. Existing funds will be used until they run out, so no one can accuse staff of doing a cash grab (not that they were pay2win or ever sent PMs begging for donations).

    I am on a few mid-tier trackers like BLU, MTV, GGN, CG, etc but FL always felt like home to me.
    Same. I've been a member way before they went international, and it's always been among my Top 3 most used accounts, despite having "better" ones like ScT and SCC. I think the combination of good layout, good content and not having to spend lots of time building a buffer before you could enjoy them did the trick for me. For a clone of a (now long-defunct) international tracker started by a Romanian guy, they sure got places and made history.

    Alternatives include TL, IPT, AR and SpeedApp. TL is known to open signups whenever something like this occurs, as recently as with RARBG last June, and will probably do so either now or when the shutdown is finalized.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Update, although it basically reaffirms the decision.

    Spoiler: Show

    TL has opened signups as expected (and appreciated) of them, use invite code FLREFUGEE to register.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    That was a quick turnaround... Now they aren't closing!?!?

    We were overwhelmed by your wishes and messages!

    You know that over the years, I've always said that the community has a significant voice. Your words have always mattered, and we've never been indifferent to them. Your voice has been heard, even now.

    I am delighted to announce that the website will not be shutting down!
    Donations are now reactivated, so everything is returning back to normal.

    One of the founders of the website, God , is back and will take over the technical aspect to ensure the site continues to thrive. He is trustworthy, loyal, and things will certainly go well from this point of view.
    However, we also needed someone to take care of the other aspects of the work. From now on, Oana will handle everything related to the staff, server payments, and all the internal matters that a SysOp does. She will get promoted to the SysOp class. She is more than capable and competent to maintain control and ensure that everything runs smooth internally. Congratulations!

    Together, they will continue the necessary work to keep this website alive.

    That being said, this announcement will be my last. I, Ebola , am permanently retiring from the community.
    I want to personally thank you all for all the private messages and wishes you've sent me. There have been so many, and I genuinely appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. You are all wonderful, and I appreciate each and every one of you!
    I am and have been honored that I could contribute to your well-being! To all of you. Farewell and take care! :love:

    So let's wish Oana and God best of luck!

    With love and appreciation,

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    I for one am grateful They're celebrating with a two-week global freeleech!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."


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